Gedaa Ahani
The metal beggars of Tehran
By Farhad Radmehrian
February 6, 2002
The Iranian
They're on street corners, across from every park and in front of buildings on almost
every block. They're everywhere!
What I'm speaking about is Tehran's infamous "Gedaa Ahani" or "Metal
Beggar", which is exactly what these things are -- charity collection boxes
all over Tehran and other major cities.
With few exceptions, they look alike. Yellow and blue boxes made of steel standing
on a metal bar. They are owned and operated by an organization called "Imam's
Assistance Committee" (Komite-ye Emdad-e Emam), a charity founded by Ayatollah
Khomeini to assist the poor.
The "metal beggars" all have serial numbers and are routinely serviced
and emptied by a large organization of workers dedicated solely to this work. All
boxes feature one or more motivational slogans, emphasizing the importance of giving
to the poor. Most common slogans are "Charity cures 70 illnesses" or "Partner
with us in the happiness of orphaned children" or "Charity guarantees your
Besides the yellow and blue boxes, there are some off-color ones that are not
operated by the Imam committee. These collection boxes are usually located near a
local mosque or religious foundation, or a seminary school which collects money from
Here's a collection of photographs, originally posted on,
are from different sources, including
They give you an idea how many of these metal beggars are in Tehran. From now on,
they won't escape your attention. You will spot them almost immediately and ass you
begin to notice how many there are, you'll ask yourself, "Where does all the
money go?"
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