August 2002
Dropping a (LP) needle on the matter
Sitting on my window-ledge dangling my feet outside a window on the 42nd floor
overlooking Central Park, I wondered if the unbearable temperature wasn't due to
the heat generated by the thousands of air-conditioners that line the tall cement
buildings covering every square inch of real estate on this tiny Island of Manhattan.
If there were a world outside New York, how hot would it be, I wondered?
The idea of there being a utopian world outside New York, of course, never really
crosses any New Yorker's mind, but in her generous cosmopolitanism, your Madame Bayaz
thought that the question was worthy of momentary contemplation and decided to attempt
contact with the other world. And that, only out of pity and for your sake. The
telephonic logic of contact with that other world, that archaic or future utopian
world, as Papa once pointed out in his Genealogy of Morals, has been disrupted in
our a-mythical time. But disruption only means that the break in contact is never
absolute. Like a cell phone connection, that contact can never be constant, but
nor is the break ever clean. The other world is always at hand, yet the line is
always somewhat scratchy. Your techno-attuned ear would recognize the connection
as cellular in that the tenor of the voice on the other end has the sound of a worn
out LP album.
Such shoddy connections to the other world are familiar to most Iranians and now
also somewhat familiar to New Yorkers who had the privilege, last month, to witness
three ta'ziyehs in the Muharram cycle in a white circus tent pitched on the lawn
adjacent to the Lincoln Center. Last month, Judgement Day, or rather our mortal
connection to it, was deferred by a week, when Imam Husayn's visa to the USA was
held up because of "W's" curse of Evil on the Imam's current land of residence.
The Imam arrived Wednesday late for a Sunday performance and his director, Mohammad
Ghaffari, hired a local Iranian-looking crew of American actors to reenact and mourn
his tragic beheading. Tragic indeed...
Madame Bayaz couldn't risk a connection that far removed in reading your sign this
month, so she decided to give in to the nature of the contact and place her bets
on the closest thing replicating the sound of the connection to the other world.
She dropped her needle on an LP which had your destiny written all over it.
Mme Bayaz
Farvardin: Aries
You have the sign of The World this month, Aries. This signifies achievement, reward,
well-earned recognition, peace, serenity and a sense of completion and success. Your
liberation is a liberation of the spirit, though, be warned. You are the beheaded
Husayn and this month, your head is on a spear encircling the globe. A tip -- perhaps
a needless one -- Mohammad Ghaffari is directing the whole ordeal.
Ordibehesht: Taurus
Your groove is The Ace of Rods, signifying spirituality. Unlike the return to the
archaic, found in Aries reading, yours is a utopian reading signifying new beginnings
in business or in such life ventures as marriage, births, journeys. This is the time
of renewal, of creative energies and of spiritual strengths. Me thinks you're in
the audience this month, for what's on stage is packing up and moving right along.
Your luck will stay a while.
Khordad: Gemini
The High Priestess has her heel dug in your chest and I wonder if behind that veil
of hers, there isn't some bushy, bearded man with a soft feminine voice. It is a
ta'zieyeh affair after all and girls don't get to play anymore (they did once, though
not publicly). None the less, the priestess signifies creativity, serenity, love
and understanding. Her groove is one that signals new beginnings in education, esoteric
teaching, intuition, and foresight. Imagine that! The heel that is putting a dent
on your chest might be somewhat uncomfortable, but you'll have to believe Madame
Bayaz when she says that the Priestess's return to your life signals a positive hidden,
feminine influence. Look out!
Tir: Cancer
This is the message from your higher powers, Cancer, so listen up! You're up
for a time of resolution. Madame Bayaz knows that life has put you through a lot:
Hardships, trials and tribulations. But alas, you're no Husayn, just one of his
groupies wanting to be in the limelight. Judgement day being upon us, at least on
tour, signifies the resolution of many hopes and desires on your part. You'll be
receiving good news this month. Maybe this time Yazid will let you go home free.
(Did I hear "W"? Never mind, the LP is scratchy.) That is only, of course,
if you're a kid or a woman, that is to his liking. Otherwise, my dear, you'll have
it all in the other world.
Mordad: Leo
The foundation of all matters this month, Leo, is strength, but notice that it is
upside down. I suppose that is kinda the right metaphor for the moment that ta'ziyeh
represents, its stage. Strength, wrong way around.? You, like Husayn's troop, are
confronted by hostility, weakness and the lack of courage. The other side has an
incurable sense of domination which, like Yazid in posterity, will lead to the loss
of reputation. Ultimately his reputation is out the door. You'll overturn it all
in due time. Patience is key and that is your strength.
Shahrivar: Virgo
You are passing through a period of doubt and fear. Anxieties are looming. Are you
Fatimih, impatiently waiting for your children's safe return? Your desire to retreat
is well taken ,but your sign, the seven of rods,this month, tells Madame Bayaz that
what you need more than retreat, is a decisive action. Courage is key. Go ring the
dinner bell, honey. Those bearded kids will come home... Bloody. But at least they'll
be with you.
Mehr: Libra
You're heading towards Judgement, but it is ill dignified. You'll be isolated, disillusioned,
worried, fearful, and there will be delays, many century's worth. You'll be lost
in your personal point of view, believing beyond hope, that the family of the Prophet
is the rightful heir to the Prophet's throne. Hence the sweaty battle on the plains
of Karbala and, of course, the stage in New York. If you don't take action for positive
change, you'll be unable to resolve any problems in your personal life. Fear not,
Judgement and Judgement Day will forever be on your side.
Aban: Scorpio
You see yourself in the figure of the Heirophant this month, Scorpio. But you
are a weakened sod, I tell you. The Heirophant appears to be up-rooted. Upside down.
Confused by the unorthodoxy of your own thoughts and your openness to the myriad
possibilities that are before you, you run hither and thither in circles. Like the
actors on the ta'ziyeh stage, you have everyone believing that you're changing locations.
But you're not. You're on a record player! Don't listen to any advice, this month.
You'll be misguided. And your inner voice is weak or is feeding you misinformation.
I say, turn back now before it is too late. You won't make it on that battlefield.
And anyway, chances are "W" will be withholding that precious visa.
Azar: Sagittarius
The Four of Rods places you in a beautiful spacious castle, staged between two
mountains. In front, against the backdrop of fountains and miles of green is an arrangement
of beautiful colorful flowers. This month, you're the receiver of a million spiritual
and emotional blessings. All your efforts, your love and devotion are finally rewarded.
And we all know how hard you've worked for that. Peace, prosperity, restful enjoyment
and a harmonious life at home create your environment. "Huh," Madame Bayaz
cocks her head, "You must have been away while the battle was going on. Or are
you one of the houris meeting the war torn warriors after the show?" You'll
know soon enough. You the beautiful, loveable creature that you are.
Dey: Capricorn
This, my dear, constitutes your greatest hopes and fears: TEMPERENCE. You lack
self control. You're impatient and confused. You lack balance and are in constant
conflict in your spiritual, personal and business life. You're afraid of the scattering
energies you embody. Yes, indeed. Those are real fears. You need to pick side, Hor.
You can't go with Yazid and worship Husayn simultaneously. Resolve that, and you'll
be dead anyway. But one choice and only one will have you lodged in remembrance
Bahman: Aquarius
You've lost your groove or are lost in it. But I care not. And oh, come to think
of it, nor does the LP needle. It skipped right on over you, honey.
Esfand: Pisces
The Ten of Swords, shows you face down on the ground with ten swords in your back.
But you're in luck, Pisces. The card comes up ill dignified. This is the end of your
suffering. A period of success which gives you a false sense of freedom from affliction
and a sense of security.. Oh, yes! You must be good ol' Yazid. (Did I hear "W"?)
To contact Madame Bayaz write to: mme_bayaz@yahoo.com