Offending governments
must be held responsiblle for their
March 26, 2004
The United States vetoed a resolution brought by Algeria in which
it condemned Israel for assassinating the Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad
Yassin. But what does
that mean?
Should the U.N. Security Council (barring U.S. veto) condemn Israel
for the attacks, what will that do? Will there be sanctions against
Israel? Will Israel have to pay for such assassinations? What about
the daily deaths in Gaza? Who is held responsible for that?
no means am I defending Hamas. It is sickening to see innocent
people die by suicide bombers. And I do believe Israel has a
right to exist and defend itself. But the government of Israel
also needs
to realize that Palestinians deserve a homeland too. And by taking
away everything that these people have they have radicalized
the young Palestinians where they see their only option is as a
bomber. They have no rights, jobs, activities and are constantly
treated as second class citizens.
In a recent poll across the
Europe, Israel was ranked as the number one nation threat to
the world.
The Israeli parliament members called the poll anti-Semitic.
Yet when Rabin, Peres and Baruk were in charge in the same polls
was not even on the list. The poll finds Israel the greatest
threat when Sharon the current prime minister of Israel is in
charge. A man who by all accounts could be charged and convicted
against humanity for his acts as a general in Israeli army
in 1982 in in Lebanon.
I see daily news articles on how the United States, E.U., Russia
or China 'condem', the actions of tyrannical governments
across the world. We read these articles with the horrific acts
that are done by dictatorships
in charge that were put in that position at some time or other
with the support of these governments. Whether it is the death
of a journalist by the hands of government (Zahra Kazemi) or the
killings of students by the hands of the government hired thugs.
The next day the governments across the world condemn these actions.
It is brought up in the news for a few days and then it dies down.
The governments proceed with their financial businesses as if nothing
has happened. The hard line members of the Iranian government disqualify
anyone who is opposed to them and then hold elections. The head
of the European Union then 'condemn' the government
of Iran for these 'illegal' elections. Yet at the
same time they want to boost economic ties and develop the oil
fields of Iran.
So who will answer the family members who have lost their
loved ones? Who will explain to their children why their father,
brother or sister will not be coming home tonight? When will this
madness end? We have madmen terrorists that are killing innocent
bystanders (NY, Madrid, and Bali) that were trained by the CIA.
Who answers for that? Once Osama Bin Laden was discovered as the
man behind 9/11 the U.S. suddenly turned its attention to Afghanistan
and Taliban.
Years of human rights abuses by the Taliban against
their women was always 'condemned' by the governments
across the world but nothing was done. Had the Taliban handed
over Bin Laden the U.S. government would not have invaded Afghanistan
or over throw Taliban. Saddam Hussein was put in charge of Iraq
and then supported by the US government. While in charge he not
only waged two bloody wars against his neighbors but used chemical
weapons even on his own people.
While at war with Iran; US, Britain, France, Germany and Russia
sold millions of dollars worth of weapons (including chemical)
to him. Donald Rumsfeld the man who urged President Bush to go
after Iraq as soon as he was assigned the Secretary of Defense
was in Baghdad shaking Saddam's hand in 1982. Last year
Rumsfeld standing over at his podium looking at the museums of
Iraq being looted laughed and made a joke wondering how a country
could have so many artifacts?
Perhaps someone should educate him about what it means when people
have lived in a region for more than 5,000 years. With the country
of Iraq devastated and the U.S. firms financially benefiting from
this war, who answers to the Iraqi people who are dying every day?
Chinese government has taken control of Tibet which is a peaceful
nation, yet no one objects to their occupation. China who executes
10,000 prisoners (political and criminal) a year (according to
Amnesty International) has not been sanctioned against because
of their economic power.
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are staunch U.S. allies yet there are
no sanctions against them for all the human rights violations.
Nineteen of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi born men, yet Saudi
Arabia was not publicly vilified.
I get frustrated reading in the newspapers about the government
representatives attacking each other with mere words. There is
no action behind it. People die every day and nothing gets done.
If you are an ally of the United States you have a free pass to
do anything you want. If you are put in charge by the United States
you may do anything you want, as long as they benefit from your
I don't think military action is the answer to
everything and there are other ways of dealing with these situations.
But something should be done so that these offending governments
realize that their actions have consequences.
In short I wish the children of our world a better tomorrow.
I wish a safe tomorrow where we are not killing each other for
different beliefs but rather we celebrate these differences.
Here is to the day that peace reigns across the world, that we
all die of old age, that the color of our skins and our religious
beliefs do not divide us but make us stronger. Here is to the day
women are not treated as second class citizens and we have no such
things as nuclear and chemical weapons.
God Bless. .................... Spam?! Khalaas!