Current and future break down of wealth in the U.S.
% of wealth owned in 2007 in 2011 in 2030*
Top 1% 34% 37% 52%
Next 5% 17% 19% 23%
Next 14% 28% 22% 17%
* Projections by various U.S. economists
If above projections are correct, in less than 2 decades the top 1% will own over half the wealth in the U.S. and the top 20% will own 92% of wealth.
No one can predict the future accurately. But even if the 2011 data is within 10% of reality, in 2011 the top 20% controlled 68% (78%-10%) of the wealth in America.
I for one believe this trend will not result in something we can look forward to.
In case you question validity of the above data, I recommend using google for verification.