October 8, 2002
See this month's letters by
* It just does NOT add up
As an Iranian Jew, I must admit, looking at the pictures of Palestinian people
only makes me ashamed of those who are running my so called "promised land".
Maybe this is why the other Jews here in the US do not consider us Iranian Jews -
real Jews! Because we have learned to live peacefully with our other countrymen.
Sure, there were times that I hated my friends for making fun of me... for being
different or for my lack of knowledge of their religion... but at the end of the
day, we were all Iranians... we were just friends. My religion did not separate me
from other Iranians. It was the so-called Islamic Republic's repressive measures
that drove my entire family out of Iran, not the people.
I feel the Israeli people's frustration, but that does not justify what we are doing
to the Palestinians. How is this different from what Hitler did to us? When I talk
to other Jewish fellows here in California, I hear the lamest excuses "Israel
wouldn't be where it is today, if it was not being controlled by us", or "It
was only a desert until we moved in", to which I just keep silent.
I can't help but wonder, what if those Palestinians were just happy living in their
own desert with their own values and their own traditions. I mean if the American
Indians came and asked for their land back after 300 years, will USA just hand it
over to them? Maybe I'm still too naive... but it just does NOT add up.
Behzad, 24 y/o
Los Angeles
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* I really loved these pictures
Great pictures of "Old
Shiraz", I was impressed by the clearness of the pictures. Also there is
an Epic quality to these pictures, truly cinematic. I did not necessarily recognize
the Shiraz I knew as a kid, some pictures looked as if they came straight out
of a Western film like which I found particularily cruel.
It reminded me of the tales my Uncle used to tell me as a child about how life was
harsh in remote villages like Fasa where my Great Grandfather ( who was a John Wayne
like character ) used even to impose law and order on his lands, often chasing unwelcomed
visitors on horseback with his rifle. That was long before our family lost all lands
with the Shahs White Revolution and his policy of distributing lands to farmers.
Life was really tough in those days and quite Epic in respect to the Times my generation
knew in the years prior to the revolution.
I recall similar stories told by an old worker who along other workers worked on
building our house in Shiraz's "Gasre Dasht", or "Desert Palace"
was the name of the city outskirt. He claimed to belong to the "Deliraneh Tangestaan",
the Quashgai heroes who tried to oust the British from Fars during the Constitutional
On one occasion while my brother and I were playing with plastic Napoleonic era soldiers,
he looked at us curiously. When he found out that my brother was playing the British
and I the French, he simply Walked on my brothers English regiment and cried "Marg
Bar Engelestan" . My brother and I looked at each other in surprise and watched
the old man cheeringly dancing and singing on his way back to work.
When you look at these
pictures and compare them with those of America's West, they are strangely
similar. I mean life was just as harsh in the Iran as in the Wild Wild West.
Also similarities in the way both 19th century Iran and the Wild
West were modernized and urbanized. We also had our bootleggars
but of course not to the same extent as in America.
Religious presence seems to be very important, nearly as important as in Iran today.
Sad to see that in certain areas Iran has moved back to that remote time such as
for the condition of Woman before Reza Shah's decree banning women from wearing the
chador / hijab in public.
It is also interesting to see the gradual evolution of clothes from traditional to
the more "modern-westernized" Pahlavi imposed clothes especially
at school or in
public. The presence of both Mossadegh
as Shiraz Governer or Reza
Shah are ironically interesting and testify on Shiraz's important historical
What I found charmful was also pictures of Shiraz in the 60's. Probably because I
was born in the 60's but I really think It was one of the periods in Iranian history
and consenquently in Shiraz when people were certainly the happiest.
The oil crisis was not yet on everyones lips. People were discovering the advantages
of modernization and not yet confronted to its disadvantages. Clean
and straight streets were flourishing in the city.
Movie theaters showed films such as this Cary
Grant and Audrey Hepburn "Charade" which were dubbed in Farsi. Sellers
would sell "Shalgaam" in the streets. Siroos Qahremani, aka "Iranian
Hercules" was the towns attraction at the city Zoo, and not the future Bum,
after the revolution that everyone was to ignore.
I recall the flower clock in Zand
Street, no matter the season it was always working with precision. I always found
that the Toopkhaneh "canon" Square, was majestic. It reminded me of the
Middle Age Castles I would see in Robin Hood or Ivanhoe films. When the revolution
took place I used to wonder what took place behind those close doors. Was
it a dungeon or a War museum? I think and believe it was the latter. At least
I hope so.
Beyond bearing my name, I recall Dariush
Street for its wonderful shops. By the mid Seventies it was much more flourished
with cosmetic and jewellery shops held by Armenian and jewish buisiness'. I also
recall the Movie posters on the top of Cinemas in that street with the Stars of the
Time like Behrouzeh Vossoughi and Malek Mottei
Its funny to see some British
diplomats or functionaries sitting on the floor, or the military presence foreign or
show an interesting aspect on the cities history
On the whole I really loved these pictures from this book a copy of which was also
sent to me by a cousin. This book is a gem not only from a historical point of view
but also for any writer or movie maker who would want to make a film on different
periods of this eternal town. It is also great to see that the book edition in Iran
is reviving the history of our great City.
Darius Kadivar
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* Specially enjoyed Shiraz pix
I just visited iranian.com after a long time and specially enjoyed the "Beh
Yaade Shiraz" photo essay [Old
Shiraz]. Where can one find this book? I bet a Shirazi relative is snapped in
there somewhere.
Mariam Ispahani
Reply: Contact the compiler/publisher Mansour
Sane. -- Jahanshah Javid
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* Great pictures of old Shiraz
Thank you for giving people like me that have a deep love and fascination for
Iran's history the
opportunity to see what people of the time dressed and looked like. [Old
I wish more readers would share their pictures especially if they are from the southern
regions of Iran. I enjoyed looking at these pictures a great deal.
Azam Nemati
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* Did it ever occur to you?
Dear Kourosh khan,
Enjoyed your letter, "No
tears here", in the Iranian.com. Very well written and logical. You should
get a response from either Wahington Post or New York Times for an
editorial spot soon.
Did you ever hear the phrase "gooz beh shaghigeh cheh rabti daareh?" Did
it ever occur to you how giving visa to an international director whose movies are
frowned upon in Iran (some of them) could support the mullahs? Do you even know Kiarostami?
Have you ever watched the controversial movies of this director which convey the
message of freedom and reform?
Ba Tashakor,
Agha Sheitoon
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* Where do Turkmans come from?
I am an immigration attorney who currently has a Turkman Iraqi client who is
seeking asylum in the U.S. It is important that I find out where the Turkman/Turkuman
people come from.
A U.S. Customs official testified in court that they are originally from Turkmanistan
and are considered natives in Turkey. In doing research I came across your web site
and thought you might be able to provide some information on Turkuman people.
Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated.
Lisa D. Ramirez, Esq.
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* Good to see you looking happy again
I was overjoyed to see the picture of Farid,
his wife and daughter relaxing on the beach (Kish maybe? Or the Caspian Sea?)
I recall his photo essay "Cannot
forgive or forget". Like many it was not easy to share his bitter
views on Irakians, but I felt that it was his way of spilling out all the pain he
had felt because of the war. I think Farid's testimony is important. Many of us have
been lucky to have avoided the Army during the Iran Irak War, I had a friend who
came to France to study art and he had similar stories.
This war was totally ignored by the West and no one until quite recently acknowleged
the heavy price paid by Iranians in their War against Irak. The Same Irakians also
paid a heavy price because of their bloody leader. In anycase it was good to see
Farid looking happy again with his beautiful family.
Darius Kadivar
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* Tabrizis are Iranians
I read with interest the article "Who
are Azeris?" by a 26-year-old from Tabriz (hmm!). The author is surprised
that most readers were somewhat suspicious of her Iranianness and thought that she
(or he) may be working for the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since the start of war on
terrorism there is an increasing effort by some to create divisions amongst Iranians.
There is a recent
article in JTA for example that claims that Iranian Muslims beat up the Iranian
Jews in LA and gives a list of unIranian names ( Daoud Mohammed Mavid and Mohammed
Hassan Aref) as the culprits. When the leaders of both communities said that no animousity
existed, the article found a single college student that did not like Muslims and
spent a large part of the article dwelling on his musings. There is also a recent
article in the Guardian that reports increased American activities in Baluchestan
to boost cessationist movements. The challenge is to keep a balance; it is to
tolerate sensative debate on issues but not allow ourselves be manipulated like fools.
The fallacy of the central thesis of the article becomes obvious if the following
thought experiment is performed. I want the Persian speaking readers to close their
eyes and imagine Tabriz being looted and bombed by the Russians. Score your outrage
out of ten on a piece of paper. Knowing Iranians as I do, all manners of patriotic
fervor will course through your veins and your ghayrat will be provoked. Now imagine
the same happening to Dushanbeh in Tajikestan. Though you may feel sorry for those
innocents in Tajikestan nowhere near as much outrage will be generated by the latter
scenario. But wait a second the Tajiks are Persian-speaking unlike the Tabrizis.
Who cares? Tabrizis are Iranians.
The author then claims that Azeris are not even Iranians and that somehow Iranians
have created this myth to hang on to the Azeri people. Apparently the Azeris are
Oghuz. But the central Asian "Turks" are not a mythological race. In Chinese
Turkestan the original Altaic races are still very much extant.
They have high cheekbones and small palpebral fissures. They look like Chinese. The
Fin and the Hungarians were ruled by the Mongolian Huns who were not of caucasian
race. The fact that a non-Mongolian race speaks a Mongolian language is further proof
that Azeris are indeed Iranians who speak an Altaic tongue.
But how did Tabriz beome Turkish speaking and Isfahan did not. The answer is that
the Ghaznavid, Seljuk and Khwarazmshahis were already Persianised when they attacked
Iran. Many years later when the descendents of Teimur attacked India, they took the
Persian language to these new lands not Turkish. However Tabriz was occupied at the
time of its linguistic conversion by Aq qoyunlo and Qara qoyonlo Turkmen who had
little knowlege of Persian.
The relationship of Turkish to Mongolian is dismissed by the author by saying that
Turkish is not intelligable by Mongolians therefor it is not related. Well, Persian
is not intelligable by Indians or Europeans who do not speak the language. Does this
make it a non-IndoEuropean language?
Which brings us to the conclusion of her article:
The south Azerbaijanis are forced to live under an Islamic system in Iran while
their brothers in the Republic of Azerbaijan live under the principles of democracy.
Which Tabrizi refers to herself as south Azerbaijani. South Azerbaijan is a term
created during the Soviet era when the USSR had designs on the northern provinces
of Iran. The republic of Azerbaijan continues to use the same term. I know no Iranian
who refers to herself as a south Azerbaijani.
There are 30 million Azeris in Iran, almost as many as this mythical ethnic category
of "Persian". Who are these Persians. Does anyone in Iran refer to himself
as "Fars". Do Baluchis and Kurds therefor fall in the category of Fars?
Furthermore what if you are a Turk from Khorasan are you still an Azeri even though
your are not from Azerbaijan? I speak Persian but I am a Qovamloo does that make
me an Azeri or a Persian? Isn't Persian a name we give ourselves abroad so people
think of us as relating to Persia with its romantic associations rather than Iran
with all its troubles?
It is absurd for four million people with a history of little more than ten years
to have designs on territorial integrity of Iran. Let us not find reasons to hate
each other. Iran is for all Iranians and as one of your letter writers aptly put
it: There is only one prerequisite for being an Iranian and that is to love Iran
and Iranians.
Arash Salardini
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* Far removed from the truth
I have been reading with interest the letters following the articles "Heechee kam
nadaaran" by Mr. Jahanshah Javid and "Medieval
ignorance" by Mr. Iqbal Latif. Although the majority of the letters have
been in support of the question of when are we going to recognize the Bahais and
when the systematic persecution against the Bahais by the Iranian government will
stop, there has been a minority that have questioned the legitimacy of the Bahai
Faith and its follower. In a sense indicating Bahais deserve what they are going
through in Iran. My comments are addressed to them.
Although we should always make statements based on facts that we have independently
investigated and are 100% sure of, despite the fact that it does not justify it,
but I find it a bit more understandable when Iranians inside Iran are ignorant of
the Bahai Faith and are under the influence of false accusations. They have a very
difficult time finding facts about the Bahai Faith and have been misinformed, misguided
and mislead by the clergies, akhunds, for years/generations. There are no access
to any Bahai literature in any library or book stores, or any Bahai source.
But my question for my fellow countryman living outside Iran who are ignorant of
the Bahai' Faith is what is your excuse? For any Iranian living outside Iran who
wants to satisfy his/her curiosity about Bahai Faith which started in Iran, is the
second fastest growing religion and has followers throughout the world, there are
books in most if not all public libraries, book stores , there are Bahai telephone
numbers listed in the local telephone directories not to mention the Bahai Radio
in Persian accessible via Internet, bahairadio.org
and all the Bahai web sites such as bahai.com.
This is not to become a Bahai but to find and know the facts about this religion.
As a responsible individuals we owe it to ourselves and to the readers to express
opinion based on facts and doing the necessary research before making a statement.
Some of the comments/accusations made are either based on total ignorance, prejudice
or false accusations spread by the clergies in Iran. Mr William Collins has done
an excellent job in responding to the baseless accusations which there is no need
to repeat them.
But I found it disappointing to say the least to see comments presented as facts
and being so far removed from the truth by my fellow countrymen outside Iran. So
my friends, next time when you are making a statement about the Bahai Faith or any
subject matter you want to look into it first and make sure you have all the facts
rather then guessing, making things up, or repeating what you have heard that may
not have any truth in it.
And for those who wanted to know Bahai Faith's point of view on Iran, a book written
by Jamshid Fanaian, titled Iran-i-Ayanadeh, Prospects of Persia, is recommended.
With best regards,
Massoud Fanaieyan
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* Another misconception
Dear page editor
This is a letter for Hadi Khorsandi's ham vatan irani ha ham adam boodand and
his remarks about capitan Rogers.As you know Hadi's email address is still not accepting
Dear Hadi Jaan
Here's another misconception in your
critic/satire about Cap'n Rogers et al.
Following the mistake (which should be called just that, lacking hard evidence to
the contrary from either source) an offer for apology and monetary compensation,
was made by the US to the IR.for the loss of life and property. This was rejected,
off-hand, by the IR.
The islamic government saw fit to milk the event for its political value instead.I
remember the staged Ta'zia,all over Iran, in relation to the "Criminal Act of
The Great Satan in The Persian Gulf".
I do believe the question of compensation remains open (if it hasn't already been
resolved).My suspition is the IR is unwilling to persue this matter- perhaps they
fear becoming najess!. I'm glad, to read in your piece, that at least the survivers
of "foreigners" have been offered compensation and have wisely accepted
that from the US. (See Khorsandi's
Parviz Rastgaran
Arlington , Va.
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* My kind of story
I enjoyed this witty and very romantic, yet realistic, piece by Nazanin [Nazanin's
great leap]. It's my kind of story because you have a few days of great love
and then one of you departs. Now that is a love story.
She did not give us much information about Ali other than his love for Dallas Cowboys
(but taste because I hate Dallas Cowboys and so does everyone who likes football).
As readers we don't know enough about Ali to decide whether she should abandon everything
and follow him to California (provided he has asked her) or should she stay and accept
that this was her "Casablanca" moment. It is not as easy as in the romantic
stories or is it?
Azam Nemati
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* Wanted in Pakistan: Zam Zam Cola
We are interested to market Zam Zam Cola in Pakistan & request you to kindly
provide us with the Name, Address, Tel #, Fax # & e-mail address of the Manufacturer
so that we can contact with them. Waiting for your prompt response.
With best regards
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* Iranian officer must be punished
On behalf of the entire Baloch nation, I want to draw the attention of your rviewers,
Amnesty International, and other Global Human Rights Organisations to the awful incident
that took place at Village Sergan near Chabahar (Iranian Balochistan). A nine-year-old
Baloch girl was brutally raped by an Iranian Air Force officer. As a result of the
horrendous act, on the night of September 3, 2002, the minor girl died. [Aayaa
tajaavoz jensee hatk hormat ast?]
Despite evidence and eyewitness accounts and the fact that the alleged officer was
caught red-handed by the local people and was taken to the police station, he was
released without any charge. The Iranian government, instead of taking cognizance
of the act and providing justice to the family, has let loose the law enforcement
machinery on the people of the area. There are reports of several killings and arrests
of the local Baloch.
Incidentally, this is not the first incident of its kind. Because of sectarian differences,
the Iranian Baloch are considered second-class citizens. A s a Baloch nation we demand
that the government of Iran apologize to the people of the area; ensure swift trial
of the alleged person according to the Sharia Law of the country; rhe accused must
be punished publicly and the victim's family must be compensated. Otherwise we will
be constrained to bring this case to the notice of the International Tribunal through
Human Rights Organizations/Amnesty International.
Turbat, Balochistan
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* Parviz Nadimi
I am looking for an old friend, whose trace I lost about 20 years ago.His name
is Parviz Nadimi and he worked for Bank Markazie in Tehran, from where he retired
around 1978. Any advice concerning the whereabouts of Parviz Nadimi would be very
much appreciated.
Peter Amsinck
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* America has the right to declare war on terrorism
Mr. Sadri's eloquently written opinion regarding the fight against global terrorism
puts much blame on US policy and its failure to make its case [Who
lost the world?]. He cites that instead of eradicating the root causes of terrorism,
the Bush Administration is ineptly fighting a war without sympathy from the rest
of the Western world and alienating the Muslim world.
How come these countries need America's help to become literate, economically stable
and civilized ? These countries, which Mr. Sadri explains are not the "Axis
of Evil", have dictatorial regimes that undermine their own people, have no
room for religious tolerance or freedom of speech, are corrupt and do not offer their
people any benefits except harsh Islamic rhetoric to sacrifice themselves for religion
and then reap benefits once in "heaven".
In my opinion America has the right to declare war on terrorism; not only was America
the target on 9/11, rather fundamentalist regimes in the Middle East have targeted
Western civilization.
America is a country which freely discusses what it wants to do and has been in the
forefront of helping other countries in need whenever called upon. More important,
freedom to practice any religion in this country is a constitutional right, something
lacking in the Islamic countries targeted. After the 9/11 tragedies, President Bush
made it clear that he supported the people versus dictatorial fundamentalist zealots.
He made it clear that the targets are countries that slyly and covertly support terrorists.
If Mr. Sadri believes that America has lost its way, has lost support and is fighting
the wrong war, I don't think he (Mr. Sadri) has made his case.
S. Samii
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* What can the prince suggest to Aruba?
I saw yesterday an interview on CNN and i think i was impressed by the anwnsers
of the Prince Reza Pahlavi concerning the world economy. But, I have a question.
Since I follow the world crisis before September 11 and after, what suggestion does
he have for a better world?
I come from a small island by the name Aruba and we as a small nantion are also feeling
the economical tention. Can you be so kind to give a free, good suggestion? What
can we do as a touristic island to get a better economy?
Please respond to my letter if possible. The Prince himself. My name is Magali. I
come from a Royal Dutch country in the caribbean.
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* Rumi's poem?
I am looking for the famous statement by Iranian philosopher "Jalal Al-din
Rumi" regarding the dialogue between human being. I believe it star by "Beyond
the field of right and wrong, there is a space, I would like to meet you???"
Can you kindly assist me with the exact text?
Farshad Fakhari
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* Enough is enough, yes!
Thanks for your article in the Iranian.com [International
Enough Day]. Enough is enough, yes! It is more than enough! But as long as humanity
exists (more lethally now, I am afraid, than a hundred years ago), there will be
greed, prejudice, superstitions, dogmas, and atrocities.
The concerned citizen of today should go beyond a naive concept of peace, love, and
unity, and be alert in fighting injustice and taking out, if needed, Hitlers, Stalins,
Idi Amins, Melosoviches. Saddam Hosseins, Mulla Omars, and Osama Bin Ladens of this
world as soon, and not as late, as possible.
A simple holding of hands, singing songs, reading poems, and drawing paintings (as
good and necessary as they are) would not simply do it. We must promote peace and
peaceful thoughts - but not at the price of protecting terrorists and dictators who
cause havoc around the globe. To preserve liberty, we should also be willing to sacrifice
pleasures, personal tranquility, and even life itself for a higher cause which is
freedom itself.
I count my blessings for living in this great land of freedom where I can think,
I can talk, I can dissent, I can write in a civil and reasoned manner without the
fear of being persecuted and executed similar to what happens in Iran, Iraq, Sudan,
Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Ruwanda, Brundi, Congo, and other brutalized
regions of the globe.
We owe it to the framers of this great Constitution as well as the great men such
as Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Emerson, and Thoreau. We, with dual culture, also
owe it to Khyyam, Rumi, Saadi, and Hafiz who can help us maneuver through life and
difficulties. Let us maneuver through life with awareness and not simplemindedness.
Roger K. Doost
Professor School of Accountancy & Legal Studies
Clemson University
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* Why didn't you talk to people are making a difference?
Reaction to ABC television's special news feature on Iran on October 12:
I've lived in Iran for the last 5 years and I am quite aware of the situation there
and the people's dissatisfaction. But to show a rich, priviledged girl and her friends
complain about life in Iran is not a fair representation of the reality in Iran.
Why didn't you talk to the reformists, and people who are trying to resolve the problems
within the means available to them, but who are making a difference? Why don't you
talk about the reformists who received more than 70% of the votes and who are active
in the Majlis?
Is your answer to Iran's problems the same as the lady in the bazaar, that the US
should attack Iran, like they did in Afghanistan? If you believe in democracy, why
don't you let your viewers understand that the best way to for Iran to change is
to have the international support to persuade it to move faster towards reforms?
The way Europe has been supporting that trend.
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* Hardly enlightening
Mr. Chmosky's views are interesting, but hardly enlightening in as much as he
introduces much distortion in the picture he paints of attitudes toward U.S. policies.
the swamp]
For example, he suggests that policies such as the current backing of Musharraf in
Pakistan is somehow standing in the way of a return to democratic institutions in
that nation.
Ever since the advent of Zia-al-Haq, the democratic tradition has been absent and
those who advocate individual choice are living in exile for the most part. The same
factions that brought Zia to power are today the leading, or at least, the most violent
opposition to Mr. Musharraf.
One must ask whether the Pakistanis have a better chance to return to some sort of
respresentative government under another viable political faction in the country.
The answer is not clear.
However, there are many more points to question in Mr. Chomsky's thesis. He states,
"Much of the world regards the U.S. as a terrorist regime." Pretty vague,
isn't it. The U.S., he adds, is seen as "the rogue superpower."
This he claims is substantiated by survey research. First of all, the U.S. is generally
regarded, I suppose, as the only superpower, and therefore, to be regarded suspiciously
by any cautious person or government. Rogue is a word thrown in to sway the reader
to Mr. Chomsky's point of view.
Second, the use of survey research is tricky enough in the Western world, but in
South America and the Middle East, it is extremely difficult to obtain accurate results.
The art of sampling is in its infancy in less developed countries, and simply put,
people lie in interview situations far more frequently than one expects among survey
respondents in the West, where we are used to being questioned by marketers, political
pollsters, etc.
The one very interesting example Mr. Chomsky brings up is his reference to the former
Israeli chief of military intelligence, Mr. Harkabi, who believes the Palestinian
question could have been solved by respectful treatment of them and their settlements
by the Israelis. I don't doubt this, but unfortunately, Palestinians have not been
treated respectfully by Arabs either.
Furthermore, while solving the human condition of Palestinians in Israel might help
quell terrorism in that country, it would not necessarily stem future attacks against
the U.S. and other Western and Asian nations.
The Palestinian question was not mentioned by Osama bin Laden, for example until
very recently. His major gripe was against U.S. intrusion into his homeland and his
desire to get them out. This desire is certainly shared by Saddam Hussein and radical
groups in the Philippines and Indonesia.
Similarly the French, Germans and Russians have adversaries who would not be influenced
by an end to strife between the Israelis and Palestinians. Let us not kid ourselves.
Of course one hopes for a peaceful solution in Israel and Palestine, but regardless,
we can expect plenty of hot spots around the world for many years.
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* Civilized arrogance
In your letter [Will
there ever be an end to this madness?] you wrote: What can and what should the
civilized world do about terrorists and terrorist nations?"
Dear Professor Doost,
To "stop this madness" PLEASE, for the sake of our VERY FRAGILE PLANET,
look at "YOUR" evil too. Your "civilized" sentence above, in
its apparent total blindness to what WE (Americans) are doing to the planet, indirectly
causes 9/11s to happen.
I am just a poet. PLEASE look at the "Evin" prison (where I have had several
relatives before and after the revolution) within your own soul. Could it be that
your "civilized" arrogance may also be a factor in contributing to suffering?
-- to 9/11s around this planet?
For the sake of "your holy God" -- not mine (I am a Sufi), since you are
an accountancy professor, please take into account the fact that over 65% of the
planet's population lives under $2 per day in per capita income.
In order to prevent more 9/11s, don't you think "civilized" people like
you should do something about this? In light of this "insignificant" fact
I rephrase your question: What can and what should the civilized world do
about... the terror of arrogance and indifference to suffering?
Moji Agha
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* Debunking Khatami's deceptive rhetoric
Thank you Mr Bayegan for your article "Fanciful
presidential flight" and for debunking khatami's deceptive rhetoric. I am
sure that the United Nations also is aware of the nature of khatami's lip service
to democracy and the so called dialogue among civilizations.
I know first hand from my own experience that there are forces within the United
Nations believing that by their policy of appeasement they can help the forces of
reform and moderation to prevail within the Iranian government.
The policy of appeasement however in my opinion only helps to muddy the water and
will make it more difficult and confusing for the Iranian people to unburden themselves
from their undemocratic government.
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* Afghan king
Thank you for this editorial "Citizen
Pahlavi". This bit -- "The Afghans have been miserable since the fall
of their king. Is there any chance of him coming back to power? It's not going to
happen." -- seems to answer this bit: "Why even suggest the monarchy as
a possible future form of government when most people have no desire for it?"
Thank you, Thak you :-)
Amir Khosrow Sheibany
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* Don't agree with Bush? You're a terrorist
Although I agree with most of the issues addressed in President George W. Bush's
speeches, I must confess that there is one remark that troubles me every time I hear
it. I hear in his speeches repeatedly statements to the general public and the world
at large that whoever does not agree with him is against him and is with the enemy,
the terrorist.
This notion of labeling people and, in a sense, threatening them that if they dare
to think differently is not acceptable, genuinely concerns me. The concern is not
about my agreeing or disagreeing, rather it is about the danger of these kinds of
This great country was founded on the virtue of Freedom, so Mr. President should
allow people to think. Doesn't he see that these kinds of statements discourage one
from exercising his or her ability to see clearly and to think clearly.
After all, 9/11 was not only an American tragedy, rather it was a human tragedy ,
a Universal Tragedy, the loss of many, many innocent people. I, personally feel that
as a member of the world society, I lost many of my relatives and friends on that
tragic day.
Of course, we as Humanity as a whole, must continue working toward a world of love
and compassion, and above all toward a just world society. Let's hope and work toward
World Peace! God Bless! Proud to Be! It is the circle that unites us all!
Bahereh Khodadoost
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* Traveling to Iran on a U.S. passport
My uncle is a retired army officer (pre-revolution). He has been a US resident
for many years.
He has traveled to Iran many times in the past 10 years & collected his pension.
Recently he has had an American passport & is worried about traveling to Iran
even with an Iranian passport as he will need to tell the authorities about the US
passport. (When collecting his pension and leaving Iran ).
Has anyone experienced similar circumstances? Please let me know if you have had
a good or bad experience & how long ago.
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* What have the Black people done against humanity?
In reply to "Disgusting",
do we still wonder why there's prejudice towards us Iranians? Do you wonder why they
can't see the difference between us and the ones who actually hit the WTC? At least
there could be a reason (no matter how stupid and illogical it is) to hate us. What
have the Black people -- all over the world not just so-called African-Americans
-- done against humanity?
It's so sad to see that there are people who can only find hatred in their hearts
and are not able to wish happiness for others. So sad to see those beautiful smiles
and bright eyes and still, all you can see is the surface which is as beautiful as
the smiles and the sparkles in those eyes and just happens to be different.
We, too, are different.
Sheila Dadvar
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* Not much room left for laughter
That would make a great premise for a funny Iranian movie. [My
big fat Persian culture] But everytime I go to Iran, this is not what's on everyone's
mind, it's the regime, the traffic, the poverty, the revolution that ruined the lives
or atleast dramtically changed the lives of all Iranians, etc. etc. that is underneath
the skin of people.
It is a sad state that Iran is in, and every day it gets worse, and even if you have
the money to have a good life in Iran, you cannot escape the government, the inability
to get an ambulance if you need one, the absence of medications for ailments such
as diabetes. So maybe there isn't much room left for laughter, even though this is
all that may me left to keep Iranians alive anymore - a little bit of fun and joy.
It makes me sad to contemplate this, but maybe this is why all the films and music,
is intense, sad and dramatic.
Lobat Asadi
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* Info on best snowslopes in the world
I am looking for information about snowbaording in DIZIN, SHEMSHAK and DHARBAND SAR.
Can you help me with that, because it is really difficult to find any first hand
We, 5 Belgian snowboarders, who want to ride one of the best snowslopes in the world,
Thanks for you help,
Peter Soons
To top
* Iranian producer wouldn't touch it with a 9 foot pole
In response to your essay and the question you pose [My
big fat Persian culture], one explanation is that Iranians are not secure enough
within themselves to have foreigners laugh at them.
So, they will only make serious movies which would portray them as 'deep thinking'.
Something as frivolous as a wedding would give the 'foreigners' too much ammo for
laughter and despite the potential revenue, an Iranian producer wouldn't touch it
with a 9 foot pole.
To top
* I like your features
Dear Mr. Kadivar,
Thanks for sharing this song with us [Oh
Champs Elysees]. I enjoyed it very much :)
It's beautiful just like Champs Elysees itself. And thanks for all your other contributions
as well. I like your features,
pictures, etc. a lot.
To top
* What is the good professor smoking?
Having come back to The Iranian after a while I am amazed that nothing
has changed . [Vote
him out] The American-Iranians seem to prefer in drown in the sea of ignorance
in America rather than face facts about the struggle between Arab and American hegemony.
What is the good professor smoking? What rose coloured glasses is he wearing (ie
what class A drugs is he consuming)?
Please read LA Weekly's interview
with Gore Vidal to see what those Americans with access to the world media and
are not brain washed, have to say about the new empire.
Rostam Beglie Beigie
To top
* Az daste roozgar
SALAM doustan va azizan man kasra solati hastam va az bulgarestan mail mizanam
va naam zibay sait shoma keh be iran va iranian miandishad man ra baar in dashet
ta darde deli ba shoma azizan dashteh basham. man pass az 1.5 sal tahamol zendan
dar inja chand roozi ast keh be neamat azadi dast peyda kardam va albateh azizan
man khalaf kar nistam va faghat be khater khorooj gheyr ghanooni va etehamati keh
ghachaghchi ma be man nesbat dad majboor be tahamol in modat zendan sakhet shodam.
azizan dard man in nist va in gozashet ama pass az 1.5 sal khanevadeham ra az dast
dadam va hamsaram keh be ghoman man be entezar man bood be tour ghiyabi ba estefadeh
az ghanoon inja az man talagh gerefteh va man ra az didan tanha kodak man ba estefadeh
az moghiyat shohar jadid khod keh az vaziyat khoob mali bar khordar ast va az arabhay
moghim inja ast mahroom kardeh.
be onvan yek mard kheyli khajolam keh in masel ra begoyam ama delam shekasteh va
tab in hameh kheyanat va in hameh entezar keh dar zendan baray didan rooy jegar gosheham
keshidam ra nadaram nemidanam cheh bayad kard cheh mitavan kard pass az azadi az
zendan hich jayi baray zendegi nadaram va roozha ast keh dar rah ahan in shar mikhabam
va gorosnegi va nadashtan mahali baray zendegi baes shodeh keh ghiyafehi ajib peyda
ama doustan man geda nistam va dast roozgar va sar neveshet siyah man ra be in rooz
andakheteh va ba in sar va roo khejalat mikesham be didan dokhtaram beravam albateh
har rooz az dour ou ra mibinam va engar keh ghalb man ra tekeh tekeh mikonand ama
chegoneh mitavanam ba in sar vaze be ou begoyam keh baz amadam. dousatan va hamvatanan
dast yari be rouy shoma azizan daram va har komaki az shoma baes mishavad keh pass
az 1.5 sal aziz khodam ra bebinam va hamchenin rahi baray gereftan ou peyda konam
omid keh be in nimehi az mardanegi keh dar vojodam mandeh komak va yari beresanid.
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* Arrogance
this woman represents EVERY LAST THING that is wrong with iranian culture. [I am the undisputed
queen] she is FULL of hatred and spite and feels an instinctive urge to denigrate
and put down other iranians with whom she disagrees just to make herself feel better
or superior.
she is under the erroneous impression that she's better than everyone else because
she has a masters degree (big fuckin' deal; there are thousands of iranian women
with PhDs), is cultured, intelligent, and supposedly beautiful (that's what they
all say).. not to mention a poet of renowned stature.
let me tell ya somethin' honey, when it comes to how men view women, it's all about
attitude and respect. everything else is secondary, and those two things are most
definitely not in YOUR repertoire. arrogance and ziadi-goh-khordan are HUGE turn-offs
in a woman. and before you can dismiss me as a "simpleton" like you do
with everyone else, i'm a 3rd year medical student (beats a master's, doesn't it?).
and frankly i wouldn't even give someone like you the time of day.
To top
* Film should never just be about art
Allow me to stand up and shout a vociferous "HALLELUJAH" to this article
for nailing it right on the head [So
boring, so pointless]. iranian films are nothing but BULLSHIT. i am so sick and
tired of seeing these excruciatingly boring, plotless, so-called "art-house"
films that i'm ready to beat up the directors. these iranian directors sole aim is
to make films for film festivals, that is all. as soon as they're done making a film,
you see their ugly faces pop up at the next available film festival.
it's a circuit, and they do them all. no one in iran goes to see these nonsense shit
films, for obvious reasons, and then you read an article in The New York Times about
the "shocking" disinterest of iranians in their own "award-winning"
cinema. i had the misfortune of seeing "Baran" recently. the climactic
point of the film is a scene at the end where the film's lead female character gazes
into the eyes of this guy who's been pursuing her for the entire film and cracks
(barely) a smile. no words or anything, just a faint smile. imagine how backward
a society has to be that this passes for an expression of affection and love.
the point is, film should never just be about art and philosophy and teaching us
all a lesson. it is also about entertainment. 'Life is Beautiful' did all of the
former but still managed to be a very funny, entertaining film. all these so-called
film festival awards notwithstanding, these iranian directors need to go back to
film school and learn how to direct a proper film.
To top
* This country is called a melting pot
To Mr. Shams, the sicko racist who made the comment about the Iranian girl and
the African American guy, [Disgusting]
This country is called a melting pot. If you don't like it, either get on the plane
and go back, or keep your ignorant and insulting comments to yourself. Genetically
speaking, we're all practically black anyway. Have a little respect and dignity for
yourself. A real man doesn't feel threatened like you do.
To top
* Artists are our only voice
Mr. Kourosh Ferisian, [No
tears here]
With all due respect, I would like to say that you are as we say "part az maajeraa"....There
is no denying that there are numerous governments dealing with the IRI which obviously
is the cause of suffrage among our nation, however, Mr. Kiarostami is one of the
many talented individuals who has been given a platform to showcase some of the suffrage
that is brought onto the people of our beautiful country.
At the very least, Mr. Kiarostami, and other active directors, writers, producers,
and artists are the only voices that can convey the frustration, and suffering at
the hands of this regime. But please, please, I beg you not to be as ignorant as
you sound in your letter, and actually give kudos to the U.S. who is the leading
sponsor of terrorism around the globe.
You do not need to go that far back in history-as a matter of fact, you do not need
to go back at all in order to educate yourself on the support that U.S. lends to
some of the most oppresive regimes when there is self-interest involved. I could
go on and give you examples, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and hope
that you no longer fall victim to the brain-washing news reported on CNN, FOX..etc...and
try to use more factual, unbiased sources to inform yourself on the dynamics of today's
world politics!!!
Navid Pirouzi
To top
* Economic pressure?!
Dear observer,
I have rad you article about Iranians
in japan... according to you and I quote, "I would
like to remind everyone that those who have gotten involved with illegal activities
have done do because of economic pressures."
Well,, you are wrong, how on earth you come up with a piece of crap like that?? Economic
pressure?????!!! What??? Come on,,they can't find a job so for that reason you have
to kill people or sell drug, or do other illegal crime????
I think that what would you do if you go into the same situation... but please at
least separate yourself and the rest of those animal from the rest of other good
iranian...who would not lower their life or believes for just money...
I have lot to tell you,, but if that how you think or how your Brian works tell you
that you are wrong. I have been in the situation where I couldn't find a job or didn't
have a job,,,but never in my life thought of doing some crime to get myself even
or getting out of that situation. I worked hard and never thought of crime.
Those animal who living in japan,,,don't have family education or the mind of hard
working,,for them no work means doing other things to get money,,,anything for them
is fine as long as bring them bunch of money...
so don't tell that crap that they are doing that because of economic pressure,,,,
you are making me sick in my stomach... if those animal who do the crime in japan,,had
a guts or working hard,,and if they were of good type,,then we wouldn't have so much
bad reputation in japan.
Open your eyes....
and don't try to cover their Shiite by just saying such a bloody ridicules things.
What you are saying is,, all Iranian are alike and would act in the same manner as
those pathetic low level uneducated,whom for money do anything and kill anyone, if
they can't find a job....
you are trying to justify their animal behaviour,,, and that is the worth thing to
do by saying that... because intentionally or unintentionally you are adding the
rest of other good Iranian in the same level as those greedy empty headed Iranian
who are living in japan.
I am not living there, but certainly I dislike what they are doing there and bring
shame on me.
So I suggest that you correct your wording and please do not try to cover it up by
saying such a ridicules things..
i tell you,the japanese goverment should punish all those animal in the hardes was
it can,,,to give a lesson to the other animal that , they should chang or get back
to thier own nest
have a good day.
To top
* Teshneye Demis
har koja hasti dastat ra miboosam keh ahanghaye demis
roussos ro ferestadi. modatha bood teshneh shenidane yek paragraf az sedaye demis
Ali-Mohamad Taleie
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* Fragrance of jasmine
Dear Azam,
Read your latest poem on "The Iranian". [Bigaaneh
parast] One could sense the fragrance of jasmine in the air while you were reading
this to your "beloved" amidst the cool morning breeze , lying in the soft
green grass by the tricking stream, as the sun is rising, while your "beloved"
sat spellbound , not realizing he is unawares of the depth of your feelings or the
potential for his happiness ...
Thank you for sharing it with us , mortals :)
To top
* Spelling queen
Madame, [I
am the undisputed queen]
You sound suspiciously like a troll out to ruffle feathers for no other reason but
becasue you have access to a computer.
Next time do us a favour and run your epistles through a spell check before submitting
to Iranian.com. I should think as beautiful and educated a queen as you may be, you
cannot be above proper grammar and diction.
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* Prison diaries

Baran Publishers
To top
* Not the last
Dear Mr. Javid,
I would like to thank you for a wonderful night [Forough
Farrokhzad documentary in Berkeley]. I and my family truly enjoyed the sincere
atmosphere created by you and your team. This was my first time coming to one of
your events, it certainly will not be the last one.
Thanks form providing a night of culture, life and love.
With the warmest regards for you and all your team members,
Esfandiar (Essie) Naddaf
To top
* Chera ma irooniha hamishe aghab hastim
DAyi Hamid, [Harf-e
Maghale jalebi bood vali bi parde nabood:) jalebi mozoo in bood ke hame oon chizhayee
ke too kale hame pessar iroonihast ghaleb shode, keshidi biparde ya ba parde biroon
va neshoon midi ke chera ma irooniha hamishe aghab hastim.....
I had fun with your article.. biparde ya ba parde
To top
* Brazil: World Cup
What a great picture! [Surrounded
by joy]
Diana Hahn
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* Remind us that the human life is precious
Dear Shappi, [How
about 'God Bless the Whole World'?]
Thank YOU so much for writing this. I really appreciate it to remind us that the
human life is precious regardless of borders, nationality or how it was taken.
Mehrdad Mehranpour
To top
* Spent way too much time in trendy restaurants
Ms. Shappi [How
about 'God Bless the Whole World'?], You have spent way too much time in trendy
restaurants and shopping malls I think. Step back to the real world! You can not
get rid of Taliban, Al-Qada, Sadam hussein, Islamic Republic, hamas and the rest
of these backward savages, whose hands are soaked in blood of tens of thousands of
people, by just singing koonbaya, pray, yoga, dialogue of civilization and half ass
none sense like that!
War is some times necessary and unavoidable. Collateral damage is the price you pay
for it. Even if three thousand people did die in Afghanistan, it was well worthed.
Taliban killed thousands, and would have continued with their killing spree, just
as their cousins have been doing in Iran for the past 24 years.
I didn't hear you wining about the people who got killed by taliban? Did you observe
a minute of silence for those people? Did you observe a minute of silence for 5000
Kurds who died in chemical attack by saddam Hussein?s regime? And finally, Did you
observe a minutes of silence for all he Iranians who were massacred by the Islamic
regime in 1979, 1983 and 1987?
Mr. Irani
To top
* You probably don't care, but...
First of all, if you're the man behind the iranian.com happenings, then I send
you immense blessings from the Lunar Mansion. All the prophets from Moses to Mohammad
are applauding in their silent clamor. This is the one and only Iranian site with
fluid heart and good madness. I'm happy there's still a few that know whats up in
this convoluted diversion.
Second, I had a comment about the "infallible imam" as it reads in some
dream section [Time
to reappear]. I dont know who wrote this but the idea of infallibility and imams
or prohets is Christian, not Islamic. You probably dont care but if you do, in Islam
any human whether temporally connected to divinity or not, is never infallible. at
least thats what I've read in many places- best wishes. I admire what you're doing
Keep it goin,
Bobak out East
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* 60's friends
Shafizadeh brothers are eager to contact
lost friends of the years 1960's. Thanks.
To top
* Stop all the killing
How good it was to read Shappi honoring the Afghans who died faceless as we remember
those who died with names [How
about 'God Bless the Whole World'?]. Let's stop all the killing.
Khristopher Kolumbus (KRISKO)
To top
* Natural to grieve for ones' own
Ms. Khorsandi,
I am writing in response to your article "How
about 'God Bless the Whole World'?". You make a number of valid points.
It is certainly true that the life of an American is intrinsically no more important
than the life of anyone else in the world.
Personally, I hate the term "collateral damage." The people who are "collateral
damage" are not "damaged," they are dead. If a military action is
justified, one should not need to euphemize the resultant deaths in this way. I believe
that Americans do sometimes see their own lives as being more important than the
lives of others, but this is not a uniquely American flaw--it is a human flaw.
It is the height of insensitivity and obtuseness, however, to blame America for paying
special tribute to the victims of 9/11. Every nation feels special grief when its
own people are victims of a horrific terrorist attack or any comparable tragedy.
It is completely human and natural to grieve for ones' own people in a way one wouldn't
for others. To argue otherwise is like telling someone who is mourning a murdered
family member, "Why are you only mourning your relative? Many other people are
murdered every day, and their lives were just as important as that of your relative
who was killed."
Moreover, it is just and appropriate to pay a special tribute to the victims of 9/11
on the anniversary of 9/11. To do so does not preclude equal recognition of
those who have died in Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere else, it merely recognizes
the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in the same way that celebrating a holiday
recognizes a joyous event of the past.
Lee Howard Hodges
To top
* Bush - Saddam duel
Dear Kazem,
I am not so certain that Mr. Bush intends to start a war on Iraq [Vote
him out]. He has used the free coverage of his saber rattling to draw the media
attention away from all the democratic congressmen trying to run for re-election
on domestic issues.
It is a time honored tradition for leaders to draw the focus of their subjects away
from domestic issues when there is a bad economy by threatening or starting wars
abroad. Bush's media campaign may have worked since Saddam has now agreed to let
in UN inspectors which may have accomplished Bush's goals without the expense of
an actual war.
Of course at the risk of sounding cynical Saddam is a stooge of the USA anyway since
both he and his predecessor Kaseem were both CIA appointees. The former was finally
assassinated by the CIA after 8 years of attempts by the CIA for having become a
leftist sympathizer.
It must be very confusing for poor old Saddam Hossein since he is the stepchild of
the CIA and was given arms and encouraged to bomb Iran by the USA during the "Silent
War". In fact one of the reasons he attacked Kuwait was that he mistook former
US Ambassador April Glass's comments for encouragement to go ahead and attack Kuwait
after having been so encouraged and abetted in attacking Iran.
What indeed makes you think that the Bush administration has any interest in pursuing
the spread of democracy abroad? The USA has a "hard on" against Iran for
having been kicked out of there by the revolutionaries thus losing big $$$$ contracts
not only for oil but telephone technology, helicopters and other military hardware,
and many, many other lucrative pursuits none of which were particularly helpful to
the majority of the Iranian people. It is reminiscent of the "Boxer Rebellion"
when the Chinese nationalists rose up in the 1920's and kicked the American businessmen
and all the other foreigners out of China.
I am not proud of US foreign policy which has been mostly determined by the CIA rather
than by the US Foreign Service. It seems that this Bush Saddam thing has the earmarks
of a personal vendetta to avenge Bush's daddy just like Osama has a personal vendetta
against the Saudi Royal family for having been kicked out and having his Saudi citizenship
Rather than spilling much blood and ending the lives of our conscripted youth and
getting a whole lot of innocent or victimized people killed, I wish these personal
vendettas could be settled in duels just like several centuries ago when people proudly
sported fencing scars since these people are acting like we're back in the stone
age anyway. If these hot heads want to fight so much let them have at it but just
leave the rest of us the hell out of it!
Brian Appleton
To top
* Iranian version of "The necklace"
Dear Azin,
Loved your story [The
necklace]. It is like an Iranian version of "The necklace" by Guy De
Maupassant written in the 19th century where a lady borrows a diamond necklace from
a friend, loses it and spends the rest of her life paying off a loan she used to
buy a replacement for it unbeknownst to her friend whom decades later reveals in
a conversation that the original necklace was glass.
Brian Appleton
To top
* From hate to love
A message to all Iranians interested in a REAL CHANGE . The real change is To
Change the inner qualities from Hate to Love. Emotions are the
basis of our actions, so when hate turns into love, then there is a hope, otherwise
this vicious cycle goes on & on.
And this can only happen with awareness or consciousness, which Osho is an OCEAN
of. He talks about almost anything and directs us toward self-realization, silence,
peace, love and laughter.
My personal experience with this ocean, has been & is a wonderful phenomenon
& am glad to announce to you that the following books from Him are translated
& available for use. Those who want to read samples, may contact me.
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am, when I am wit
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they
don't love you with all they have.
4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't
have them.
6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love
with your smile.
7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on
9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so
that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
10. Don't cry, because it is over, smile: because it happened.
11. There's always going to be people that hurt you. so what you have to do, is keep
on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are, before you
try and know someone else, and expect them to know you.
13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Mohsen Khatami
To top
* Horrible pictures
The most horrible set of pictures [This
is London]. Someone just learned how to click on adobe photo shop and got over
Pirouz Moin
To top
* Glad u're back
just wanted to say i'm glad u're back, cuz your diary [Nazanin's
great leap] was the only thing i ever read online -- u know, among the articles
they write and what not -- and intrestingly enough i was just thinkg what did ever
happen to nazanin and as i was scrolling down the page i was rather suprised to see
your article there. i guess i'm starting to sound a little cheezy, so take care,
i follow up to see what happens w/ you.
To top
* The ugliness of bigotry
Yes, I too felt insulted when I read the Editorial
in the Washington Post (Thank you Iranian.com for posting it on your web).
How dare this Falwell guy, I thought to myself ! Why isn't the White-House condemn
this arrogant and ignorant man ! Why .... But then, after a few moments of refection,
I paused to read the quote from the Council on American-Islamic relations posted
on BBC : "On the issue of bigotry, silence equals consent". WOW :) yah,
good job ....
But then intellect (yes, that uncomfortable voice, called "reason") begged
a few moments of my attention : have not the majority of Muslim Clerics (the ones
I have seen and heard myself) been "denouncing" Christians as "Infidels"
for as long as I can remember ? Have they not called "Jews" , as a group,
whether they live in Israel, or New York, the "Zionist pigs" ? Have the
same not been calling "Bahais" as "Dogs" , "Buddhists"
as "Pagans" and etc. etc. ?
And of course, insulting their religious leaders by all kinds of colorful names which
are not appropriate for public eyes ... so where was the "Council on American-Islamic
Relations", and if they believe their own words, can we then assume that the
"Silence" of the Muslim world about the musings of this hatred-filled group
would then "equal consent" ? If so, then isn't the "kettle calling
the pot .. black " ?. It seems to me that the Muslim world has tolerated (ie,
been quiet) in the face of many Thousands of BIGOTS, but now that we are getting
a taste of our own medicine, we are asking for "condemnations" ?
Perhaps the best that can come out of the musings of Falwell and his likes, is the
recognition of the ugliness of bigotry, and GOD KNOWS that there is a lot of that
among us, the Muslims. So may I suggest that for all of us that felt "insulted",
we should channel this feeling into making sure that we no longer tolerate "Bigotry"
in Mosques, and from our "Clerics", or fellow Muslims. Then , and only
then, can we morally be justified to ask the world to condemn the same bigotry when
directed towards us.
To top
* Disgusting
I was seeing the pictures of iranian of the day wich was everthing was good execpt
for one picture that made me upset! I am talking about "Newly
weds: Maryam and Daryl". You should take that picture off the sight.
It's disgusting! As a Persian guy I hate an Iranian girl having anything to do with
the stupid Negroes! Please don't reply to my email thank you!!
Farshad Shams
To top
* Beh gheyratemoon bar nakhoreh!
In reply to "Muslim
extremist gay terrorist Iranian",
I think there is a misunderstanding here... the movie "Labyrinth of Passion"
or "Laberinto de Pasiones" (1982) by Pedro Almodovar -- which was Antonio
Banderas' first movie -- was REALLY about a Muslim extremist gay terrorist from Iran
who was ordered to kill someone from the Pahlavi family.
The whole movie was about that...and many other strange stories... So I don't think
either Banderas, or the host of that show on Bravo meant anything subliminal when
they had that conversation.
I think we should do our homework before inghadr be gheyratemoon bar bokhoreh! :)
Behzad K.
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