June 2006
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June 14
Bachehaa motshakereem!
On Iran's3-1 defeat to Mexico:
I just want to thank the Iranian national team for making it to the world cup, and the opportunity to watch them represent Iran.
Even though they lost to Mexico 3-1, I won't let myself belittle them or their effort in any way. This is because I realize I've done NOTHING for Iranian football or Iranian players. Therefeore, I expect nothing from them in return. However they play, it's more than we deserve.
Bachehaa motshakereem!
Brazialian youngsters got nothing better to do than kick a round ball all day
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty":
I'm tired of reading stupid articles like this! why don't the tired article writer get in his soccer gear and play for our team instead of writting stupid articles.
We must be proud that Iran has made it to the world cup among the 250 contries and has a player such as Ali Dai who has broked records. Any way the Marathon is won by skinny runners from 3rd world countries with anual income of less than $200 and USA the super power who has send men to the moon is still strugling to play.
So what if Brazil is the best team in the soccer world? That's because unemployment is high and younsters got nothing better to do than kick a round ball all day. Too bad Iran lost but if it ever makes it to the final, may be the Iranian guys would admit they are Iranians instead of saying they are freaking Italians.
Saeed Nia
You are not sexy
On Sarvenaz's "Sex, love, and football":
I rarely respond to any articles I read on iranian.com but yours was compelling enough to warrant a response. I find your story, ridiculous, desperate and in the end really just sad. I couldn't bear to read the others but I can safely assume they follow the same themes.
You are not sexy and eccentric, and I am not sure you'd even know how to get there. But I will tell you this much - you have the ability to write, so perhaps you should use it to deliver positive, hopeful messages to an audience that desperately needs it.
Faye Farhang
Are you a woman?
On Faye Farhang's "You are not sexy":
Dear Faye (as in Dunaway, the actress, who played the eccentric women in China Town and Bonnie and Clyde fame.),
So is it the audiance who is desperate? Or is it me? Or do you think the world is generally desperate which makes you, the pessimist asking me, the desperate, to provide something positive for a desperately-in-need-of-hope audiance?
Why not leave me to my own worries and ask someone not so desperate to provide a positive message to the desperately-hope-needing audiance that you are talking about. my audiance are the ones who watch football and wank off at work when they read the word "kos" in their mother tongue. I love them. I think they deserve good writing as much as the desperately hopeless whom you no doubt could provide with a more lofty syllabus than my erotic diaries. which you no doubt find unerotic. Also, I don't think I ever claimed to be sexy. Only eccentric, which I did not think would be taken as self-praise.
Anyway shame on you to call me unsexy at a time like this. Fifth columnist. Are you a woman? Don't you know that a few days before I meet my tall, blonde and beautiful rival the last thing I want to hear is the truth: that I am not sexy! Jesus. How heartless can you be. Talk about giving hope to the desperate. Darling I am the desperate and you are beating me in the head with a hammer calling me 'not sexy' at a time like this. You risk sending me to the fridge and having me finish off that tub of the kids Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream. You did say that I am a good writer. Oh, how I would sell that compliment for a flat stomach!
Anyway I am glad that I got a response out of a self-proclaimed unresponsive reader. Bon match.
Playing with words (such as "neo-con")
On Eskandar Sadeghi's "Democratic criticism":
Can't we stop all this un necessary opposition between monarchists and republican views of what the future democratic state of Iran should be ? Are we that different after all. Mr Dabashi's critics of Azar Nafisi seen as a pro neo con are totally unjustified and baseless. I do not see why an intellectual should not be allowed to express her views on CNN or VOA in trying to open some eyes as the the predicament of their compatriots.
The so called Shahi's or constitutional monarchists have never suggested a military attack on Iran be it on its nuclear sites. Nor have they encouraged the US administration of George W. Bush to Bomb Tehran.
I think that the democratic opposition to the Islamic Republic has greatly advanced in defining its opposition to the current theocracy and through peaceful means of civil dissobedience. I think that the democratic opposition is trying to still define itself on a common platform so as to be able to efficiently declare its opposition to the clerical regime without denying its national solidarity as far as the national and territorial integrity of Iran is concerned.
The Iranian exiled opposition is faced with the difficulty of finding the right balance between a firm opposition to the brutalities of the regime as the recent bullying of Iranian Women in Iran claiming for equal rights is concerned and at the same time keep the pressure on the henchmen of the Islamic Republic.
How else can an exiled opposition efficiently act if it is not even present inside the Iranian Parliament to express its views.
You name some of Iran's greatest film directors for which I have the utmost respect such as Makhmalbaf, Kiarostami or Panahi, but does it not appear to you that the Iranian Intellegensia has proved quite silent in the face of the current and dangerous ideological revisionisms of its Fascist President.
Why haven't any of these respected artists reacted publically to alert the public opinion on the irresponsible denials of the Holocaust ?
Apart from Akbar Ghanji or Jahanbegloo little frontal oppostition has been expressed by most Iranian Intellectuals and particularly dissapointing has been the position of Shirin Ebadi.
All these people are respectable but they have lacked pertinence or vision to date on what should be done to bring us out of the current international crisis whose unpredictable consenquences are quite terrifying.
I do not see today any contradiction between the views expressed by the democratic exiled opposition spearheaded by Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi and that of free thinking intellectuals like Ganji, Jahanbegloo or Mrs. Azar Nafisi.
We all are longing for a free and democratic society and in that the Western Democractic Institutions are a cultural and historical reference point for democratic societies in general. To want to establish a similar set of values is in my opinion nothing to be ashamed about or that has to be avoided. Why and how should such an attitude be considered as shameful as long as it is suggested through civil dissobedience and non violence ?
How can the neo cons who are in absolute contradiction with such an approach be absolutely associated to the Iranian democratic opposition ?
Your article and that of Mr. Dabashi seems to want to typcast the Iranian opposition into a kind of neocon melting pot.
Nothing to date can suggest such a comparison even if this opposition does flirt or should I say is flirted by some conservative elements like the Middle East expert Michael Leeden.
Should I remind you that Leeden was heavily critisized by the same opposition for his views of a Federal Iranian State when he suggested that most Iranians were not Persians? He had to immediately revise his extreme assessments by saying that he never supported a federalistic Iran.
Had the opposition not reacted so precisely and firmly the Washington neo cons would certainly gone further.
The recent riots in Baluchistan and Azerbaidjan have not been as dangerous to Iranian stability as one could have expected. There were a few sporadic calls for a Federalistic State but not a seperation of these provinces from Iran as one could have feared initially.
Today I humbly think that our nation has to consider the prospect of a democratic society and if in the long run it needs to be done through a referandum under international supervision, I am certain that the Iranian nation will make the right and best choice.
There are very little major differences in the political rhetoric of opposition groups outside Iran, other than with the MKO of Maryam Rajavi who do not believe in a peaceful or bloodless transition towards democracy in Iran.
The major difficulty is to bring that opposition or ideas within the Iranian society at large while maintaining an International pressure on Iran and at the same time clearly refusing the prospects of a military option against the country.
The rest is, in my opinion, playing with words and confusing rhetorics that lead to no real constructive approach to finding a solution not only out of the current nuclear crisis but also in finding a democratic alternative to the current theocracy which I am sure both you and Mr. Dabashi adhere too (The democratic alternative I mean) .
In a democratic society at worst the debate or contradictions you are refering too would lead to a bi polor society divided between right wing and left wing parties so common in democratic societies in the West including in Constitutional Monarchy's like Spain or Great Britian or in Republican societies.
Unfortunately today Iran is in neither category but rather living in under one of the most backward and inquisitory regimes that only has its equal in Europe at the time of the Crusades.
The Time is to turn the chapter of this regime and I am certain Iranians have come to this conclusion but their voice needs to be heard and brought to the ears of the International community.
Darius Kadivar
Kolahak va bekarat
On fatva on intimate relations between students "Laas khoshkeh ham halaal shod":
Haaj Agha,
Dar sharae moghadasse Islam aziz gofteh shode ast ka agar dokhool anjam shavad vali faghat ta sare kolahak beeshtar nabashed eshkali az nazar foghahaye Islam aziz neest; ba in tafsir aya ta be hal kasi be kos khahare shoma ta sare kolahak froo kardeh ast va agar chinin mebashad foghahaye aziz Islam nazareshan dar mored in ke kolahak kami kaj bashed che be toree ka kami az kamar alat vared shavad che nazari darand?
Ya Sahab Zaman ADRAKNI! Lotfan pasokh khod ra har che zood tar bedahid zira ka emshab shabe jomee ast va dezee pore dombe!
Mosy Doroodian
We're smarter, we rule
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
Dear Saeed,
I would like to suggest you full-blooded Iranian to read some history books before you write. First of all none of us Iranians are purely Aryans, you are forgetting the invasion of Greeks, Indians, Afghans, Arabs and so on. Therfore we are products of mixed races.
Secondly, if Turks (Azerbaijanies) have been ruling Iran it's because we should realize that they are smart, hard-working, competent and more business-minded than other nationalities so they should be praised for that not blamed. Farsis (not pure Aryans)
are lazy, bum-like and less smart people who did not have the competency to rule the country so we did it for them.
Thirdly, I should remind something here, that if you or other Farsis think you are Aryans, you are making a huge mistake. Germans fooled Reza Shah to use Iran as a road to invade Russia. If Farsis are so naive as to believe this, it is their fault not Azerbaijanies.
Bozo encouraging separatism
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
Dear Sir,
The piece entitled "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan" is the ultimate in nal-leh varaneh ("backward horse-shoe" -- a term that denotes reverse psychology or embodies two counter-intuitively opposite propositions).
While a centered Iranian's impulse is to say no to territorial disintegration of Iran along ethnic lines, this bozo named Saeed comes along and encourages separatism as a means to make his notion of Iran (or Persia) ethnically a pure Persian or Aryan.
With a name like Saeed he might as well pack up and move across the very tiny borders of the Iran that will be left if all the "non-Persians" were to be subtracted from this Imperial amalgamate called Iranian nation. Azarbaijan is not all Tork and there are Torks in Fars, Kerman, Mazanadaran and Gilan and all over the Iran that this Nneanderthal thinks is Aryan.
Guive Mirfendereski
Stupid defensive strategy
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty":
Bravo Mr. Mirfenderski, The best commentary on the match that I have read so far. So true the efadeh. So true the stupid defensive strategy. I completely agree about the iranian coach theory. We will never amount to anything at this rate. Gharbzadegi has a damn good reason behind it. And you know what I would add: we are bad finishers. We build great buildings whose light switches don't work. We give up easy because we lack work ethic and any modicum of perfectionism: we are sare ham bands the lot of us.
Also the notion of sacrifice outside the regilious circles has no place in our collective psyche. These boys did not even break a sweat. Their soccer was like my mom's swimming when she does not want to ruin her hairdo! I will continue to root for Iran. Just like I give my lover a second and even third chance.
I will be an opitimist but too little introspection, too much macho attitude and as Mirfenderski calls it 'efadeh' mixed with genetic koon goshadeeyeh does not bring about change for the better. Here is a thought: if this team was made up of Iranian women we would have done better! Our women work harder and have more guts than our men. No doubt about it.
Poisoned outlook
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty":
Save It!
Dear Mr. Mirfendereski,
Your idiotic ramblings on the Iran-Mexico game (The cup that ran empty- Iranian.com, June 11, 2006) really rubbed me the wrong way. Such pompous "I-told-you-so" hindsight pundits as yourself who, despite no qualifications in the field, feel obligated to share such scornful and cynical opinions since they have access to a public forum are indeed more wretched and pathetic than the second-half performance of our National Team today.
How dare you convict the players for not singing along to the so-called National Anthem of the IRI? Do you believe that their sense of nationalistic pride is any less than yours? And you said you realized "this team is a joke" upon the teams exchanging greetings- amazing! You need to subcontract your psychic services to an institution that can reward you justly for such incredible talent!
And the part about the small rug presented to the Mexican team may qualify as "pose aly" in your book, but was indeed classy and generous on the part of our team. Had you have bothered to learn a couple of words of Spanish during your incredible educational journey, you would have realized that the Univision commentators were duly impressed. I have no idea why you are so bitter about this issue- but I bet you $200 and an hour on a psychoanalyst's cushy sofa will go a long ways towards unearthing it.
So the head coach (Branko Ivankovitch) was dressed like an "MBA" coach? Why? Because he was wearing a suit and no tie? Assuming that you got a degree and a League confused by merely mistyping on your keyboard (NBA vs MBA), you are unequivocally unqualified about what makes a good candidate for a coach! Please- if your opinion is not supported by irrefutable evidence, at least refrain from poking fun at the subject and simply allude to your thoughts.
I will spare other readers a critique of your incoherent and superfluous analysis of the match itself. I am sure my 7-year-old has a better and less poisoned outlook on the game of soccer, and no one I personally know would resort to cheap potshots at anything and everything to bolster their unfortunate platform.
We played an awful second half, our defense was a joke, the coach did not make the right substitutions and the better team won - simple as that! It was too bad you missed a day out in the sun with your weed whacker because you surely would have accomplished more by working in your yard. Please, next time stick to something that falls within the realms of your impressive educational alphabet soup of degrees.
Mahdad Salimi
Beautiful game -- for the first 70 minutes
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty":
i am so sorry that all the football players in my (not your) national team seem to be a bunch of stupid people to you . there is a principle in linguistics by Spears that states, people shape and name the phenomena of the outside world by the criteria of their own minds. if you had separted your mind off politics for 90 minutes and just focused on football you would see others as donkeys and stupids. it is so easy to sit across the world and judge iranian people by american standards which are not always good.
i am so sad that you do not like the present flag emblem in iran (i don't like that either) but it was the last thing a football fan would ever notice. please try to develop a little bit of appreciation for players who never had a proper warm up match. players that have been ignored by their own government and the world altogether. and of course a little bit of honesty will do too. iran played a beautiful game for the first 70 minutes of the game and because of the everpresent physical problems and mental distractions lost it.
by the way, there was nothing ludicrous in the tapestry offered to captain of the mexican team. it was a memento of friendship of the peace-loving people of iran which in fact was one of the most prominent traits of our cultural heritage, a carpet. i know that many iranian americans become a little bit snobbish when it comes to their own traditions. I have read some of your not-so-good and old fashioned political views too and i hope the rest of us, people who still live in iran, are not stupid enough to be governed by snobs like you or systems that you prescribe.
Don't be fickle fans!
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty" and Kianosh Saadati "I accuse: Iran sucks":
Gentleman, true it was a disappointing game, but have you considered that the opponents were also a worthy adversary? Why are you so hard on the Iranian players and ready to dismiss them right away, don't be fickle fans!
I was also struck as well with the "Deer caught in Headlights look" of the Iranian team, during the national anthem... what the heck is the Iranian national anthem nowadays, was not aware we had one? .. by the looks of the team neither did they!
Shayla A.
Manifestation of "sambalization"
On Jahanshah Javid's "Bravo!":
I am so sick and tired of reading and hearing people put the blame on the coach (Ivankovic) every time we lose. When will we stop this pathetic whinning and learn to accept some responsibility?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did not Mexico have something close to 21 matches in preparation for the World Cup (with teams like France, The Netherlands, ...)? And here we have our team that played only against Costa Rica, Croatia, and Bosnia. And the last two were probably because of Ivankovic and his contacts in Croatia and Bosnia.
How the hell were we expecting to pull off a good result against 4th seeded Mexico whose preparations for the World Cup were "second to none"? (See here) What were we thinking?
And was not Ivankovic recorded as being satisfied with his team's performance in the first half for being offensive, saying:
"At half-time, I insisted that they start playing ***more offensively*** and I was happy with the way they did that."
I also shed tears after the humiliating game, but not for the game loss, since it was obvious that our preparations were lackluster at best, as we always are, no matter who the coach is. Rather, I felt pain and sorrow for seeing those tearful looks on the faces of those kids and teenagers in front of the screens in Iran.
A win, or even an honorable loss would do much to restore a glimmer, just a tiny glimmer, of hope and joy to the millions of young men and women who have no future in the dysfunctional posht-e-konkoori system that can't even take care of its own population. An acceptable performance would go long ways to warm the hearts of millions of our older and senior folks that are now seeing their lives having been wasted defending a system that considers Felesteen more important than itself, and instead offers them nothing but propaganda, sho'ar, and korkori khoondan.
It wasnt Rahman Rezai's fault.
It wasnt Mirzapour's fault.
And nor was it because of a bad or untimely switch in the second half by the coach.
It was poor preparations that led to such situations. I dont know. Maybe it's the "sambalization" gene in us that keeps manifesting itself in everything we do.
But more likely, this devastating loss is yet another result of a system that is so inefficient and disorganized that it relies on Tavakkol be Agha Emam e Zaman to win its games (and everything else we do), instead of months and months of meticulous calculated planing and hard work, like all other first tier teams.
The Mexicans simply earned this victory. Sombreros off to them.
Let us accept the responsibility of defeat, and WORK toward another tomorrow. One that will bring tears of joy to the eyes of those kids in Tehran, instead of tears of sorrow.
Nima Kasraie
Win or lose, dood dooroo doo!
On Jahanshah Javid's "Bravo!":
Loved the photo journal Jahanshah...
Your build-up; step by step commentary, capturing the beautiful images on the way, nicely laid out sofreh, TV set-up, and crowd anticipation pictures were all to familiar for many of us on this momentous day. We had a hard day like yours during Iran's opener in '06 World Cup, just opener, right?
Equally telling is the lack of commentary after the first goal, it was deadly silent after the 2-1 count where we got together, dead thereafter.
Almost as though, we were so expecting to win, or at least tie again MEXICO, that no body planned for 90 minutes with the number 5 team in the world.
The Karimi substitution was very telling, a shift in strategy to play to tie, nice timing on the picture, a shift to defensive play which always seems to back fire. The Mexican couch gets the bravo! In my humble opinion. He made the difference, he adjusted his game plan, managed the team, and the players were able to execute.
With these great expectations, I believe Team Melli learned a great deal about playing in the World Cup, and we, as Iranian-Americans, with all-too-common heavy dose of humility, will need to be ready (will try by Saturday) to get together, feast and watch our players again, win or lose, dood dooroo doo!
Reza Amani
Proud as ever (even if others are not)
On Guive Mirfendereski's "The cup that ran empty":
Along with many Iranians around the world, I eagerly anticipated the Iran-Mexico world cup match. Just like my fellow viewers, I went through a roller coaster of emotion as Iran gave up the first goal, equalized, and then conceded 2 goals in the second half. However, unlike the others who have written on the match for iranian.com, I am as proud as ever of the Iranian team and I salute their strong effort and thank them for all their hard work.
I did not plan to write on this subject but I was very disappointed to read the mostly negative opinions of the game. I ask everyone to take a break from the extreme criticism, mocking tones, and uncalled for advice and think about the kind of effort it takes to get to where the Iranian players are today. Remember, even qualifying for the world cup is an achievement.
I found Mr. Mirfendereski's piece particularly irritating. As if it is not enough to monday-morning-quarterback about the Iranian team's strategy and play, Mr. Mirfendereski finds it necessary to deeply analyze the simple exchanging of gifts that took place at the start of the match. Sir, you time and time again have shown that your main desire in life is to criticize our nation and people wherever and whenever possible. Criticizing the choice of gift that the Iranian side gave the Mexicans is just petty and childish. I digress, but I'd like to thank you, Mr. Mirfendereski, for your insightful analysis of the Spanish name for Ivory Coast, "Costa de Marfil".
I see how the 'fil' is for 'elephant', but perhaps the 'mar' is simply 'marble' (the Spanish for marble is marmol). The construction would therefore mean something like "elephant marble". I'm not assuming I'm correct about this but I merely want you to know that a lot of people do the same kind of word analysis you do but do not proceed to advertise their brilliant observations. Actually, I was impressed that in the midst of your ranting about the Iranian team, you still managed to find some space to show off. Bravo!!!
I end by saying one must have dignity whether their team wins or loses. That is an important part of sport and competition. There is nothing dignified about making fun of a group of individuals who have worked much harder than you.
Zubin Haghi
Eliminating Iranians fans
On Iran's3-1 defeat to Mexico:
Letter campaign I started addressing the disrespect ABC, Fifa showed the Iranian people with their coverage of Iran-Mexico. Please copy and paste the below and send to ABC replacing my name with your own and send to ABC.
-- Slater Bakhtavar
I'd like to voice my concern with ABC's coverage of the Iran-Mexico World Cup match. I, along with tens of millions of other Iranians noticed that your station wouldn't show the Iranian fans, even after a goal was scored by Iran.
It was obvious that your station purposely blurred the Iranians crowds who were almost all flying the pro-democracy Lion and Sword flag and the Iranian ladies who were wearing western attire. When you did show a snapshot you specifically chose the one and probably only lady wearing scarf and another fully covered obviously geared towarding appearing the Iranian dictatorship.
Switching to Persian satellite you saw the sharp contrast in imaging because just showing any parts of the Iran crowd the Lion and Sword flag was everywhere. Your specific imaging was definitely done on purpose, but what's the reason?
The Iranian people deserve an apology from the blatant disrespect your station has shown the Iranian people.
Thank you,
Concerned Citizen.
Identity problem
On Iran's3-1 defeat to Mexico:
I am your average soccer fan who associates the sport with all those Friday matches on TV, growing up in Tehran, not being allowed to say peep while my Dad (and every one else) watched the games (not just Tadj/Persepolis ones either.) To sum it up I can easily differentiate between a good game and a great game. Team Melli has always been the country's pride and joy no matter which regime ruled, and I always caught their matches no matter where I was. So I have seen many times the team's potential.
I must say from the beginning of Sunday's game, the team looked already psyched out. Consciously or unconsciously in mourning for the Iranian team?! Was there anything he knew about this match which you and I didn't?!
Let's pause for a moment, from our disappointments with the Iranian team and our grief for this 3-1 loss to Mexico, to at least consider that these players may have had an agenda to follow. Perhaps the consequence of the Iranian team's victory would have been uncontrollable by the government, which today would not have only the women out on the streets in major cities being beaten and killed demonstrating for their rights, but also an enormous population of men joining them on the account of Iran's World Cup victory.
Given the number of the IR's prisoners and people in charge of their torture, maybe there was no more room in Evin or other major prisons around the country! Given the current global attitude towards Ahmadinejad and IR, this would have been by far bloodier than the previous demonstrations. And let's consider that the Iranian players felt this added pressure too - aside from terrorist threats, physical problems and oh yes their responsibility to represent the ever so unpopular IR to the viewers of this match.
I believe there are lots of factors relating to the psychology of these Iranian soccer players which we do not know.
For example: I really want to know, what did Ivankovic tell those guys during the half-time to send them back to the field behaving so demoralized and literally scattered? Which language does the coach even use to communicate with the players?! Further more, I really want to know, who the hell hired HIM and why? Was there a shortage of Iranian coaches if soccer is to be played as soccer should be played in front of the world?
One answer may be that no Iranian in the right mind would have the urge to deal with the politics of sports in a country where talent and potential is always second to the dictatorship's agenda. Any ideas out there? Please share.
Iran vs Mexico symbolizes some of the collective dilemma of the Iranians - No matter how much talent and initiative, people are so demoralized that even when push comes to shove, no one can show what they're really made of.
After all, one never knows the true consequences of victories or losses any more.
The Iranian team may just be as confused about their identity as we are.
I hope the Iranian team plays more to their potential against Portugal next Saturday so you and I would feel all better about our being Iranian!
Monda Sbolci
I, for one, am proud
On Iran's3-1 defeat to Mexico:
The Iranian team may have lost its first match in the 2006 World Cup against Mexico, but they didn’t completely lose pride and integrity.
I, for one, am proud of the Iranian World Cup team and would like to see more encouraging and positive commentary in support of a team that has triumphed in the big picture. Let me put things into perspective:
First of all, let’s not forget that the Iranian team is 1 of 32 teams in the entire world that qualified for the World Cup this year. 198 teams in total competed to qualify. The most famous Iranian team member, Ali Daei, ranks number one in the world for the highest number of international goals. He has made a whopping 109 international goals, leading 44 goals over the player who holds second place.
Let’s not forget that Iranian team is playing in an obviously tumultuous political time when less than a month ago several prominent officials from Germany and other countries were still calling for a ban on Iran’s participation in the World Cup because of unforgettable and inflammatory remarks made by Iran’s president. Inevitably, the team was met with protests as they arrived in Nuremberg. One American commentator from channel ABC decided to bring out the fact that the Iranian team was “booed” as they entered the stadium. Politics needlessly mingled with sports that day and the Iranian team should be lauded for coping with such a harsh environment.
Let’s not forget the exchanges made on the field before both halves of the game. The Iranian team presented the Mexican team with an elegant and fine work of handmade and world-class tapestry. The gesture is typical of the generous and kind Iranian culture. Even more heart-warming was the bouquet of flowers presented to Mexican goalie Oswaldo Sanchez whose father had past away a few days before the match. The ABC Commentators did not acknowledge the gesture as it occured, but we all saw for ourselves that the Iranian team doesn’t lose its sense of kind culture even in the middle of a 1-1 tied game at the World Cup.
That, my friends, is the big picture. Of course we are saddened by the final score of this first match, but the Iranian team still has two games left to play in the World Cup; and no matter the scores, they will never lose pride and integrity. And neither should we….
P.S. Don’t forget to vote for the Best Young Player Award of the World Cup. Cast your vote here.
Miss Moin
Better showing next time
On Iran's3-1 defeat to Mexico:
I am so sick and tired of all these people whining about Team Meli's loss in the first game at the World Cup.
We do have talented players but look at the mess that is going inside Iran. It is surprising that they have even made it to the World Cup with all the distractions, socially and politically in Iran these days.
Give them credit, they played a very good first half but made a couple of mistakes in the second half, and at this level, you cannot afford that. Other teams are just too good not to take advantage of your mistakes.
I am sure they will have a better showing for the next 2 games.
Just keep supporting these young men who are playing hard and representing a nation in chaios now and STOP whining!
We have to show unity at some point, no!
Farokh Talebi
Kirkland, WA.
Great for historians
On Jahanshah Javid’s "Blasts from the past":
I think that this material is remarkeable and interesting from a social and historical point of view. It should indeed be of great use for historians. It is amazing that so much frustration was accumulated for the results that were less glorious and probably far more tragic than anything under the previously doomed monarchy.
Well like Daei Jan Napoleon's Mash Ghassem said: "Ta Gabre Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah..."
Darius Kadivar
Iraq: "I, Wreck"
On Bruce Bahmani's "Spelling BEESAVAD":
I agree with Behrouz "Bruce" Bahmani. How is it that the less talented literati and the subversive politicians have managed to mock with the meaning of our language and get away with it? They are making a farce of Persian by calling it Farsi in English, and Iran is pronounced "I, ran" in the USA. The only things pronounced correct are Khomeini and Ahmadinejad.
I appreciate Mr. Bahmani's stance against this serious etymological foul play. Hands off Iran and Persian, start messing with another language, for instance: Arabic. For the past few years the focus has been Iraq and you should start calling it "I, Wreck"...
Laboo Labo
No past, no future
On Arash Sayedi’s "We don't need old farts":
I have read your letter on Iranian.com and I must say that as passionate and hearth warming that your letter was it lacked one important aspect, which is logic, direction and rationality. I also could not help to find your argument from time to time but contradictory
Unlike you I think that we have to take our past (near and far) seriously and always in sight .It is not only because our past is what makes our identity and is really who we are but also it is absolutely essential to remember the mistakes of the past and learn from them, as well as remembering our achievements and drawing strength from it so that as you are facing and walking toward future you can keep an eye on your past as well
Otherwise there would be no argument for our country, nationality or identity at all. If we are going to forget our history and the greatness of this land and the men and women who fought and died for it or the achievements of our many scientists, poets and scalars, then what is the point of fighting and showing passion? We can all stay in our residents in U.S or Europe and forget about what is happening to the country and its people, as we are not living there anymore and our place of birth and nationality is really a thing of the past.
Of course I accept that we all should stop getting engaged in endless debates and analysis of the past only for political point scoring or just proving who was wrong or right. But that comes by accepting our mistakes and learning from them so that we can move on and make sure those mistakes will never be repeated again. Sticking to the errors of the past and trying to legitimise them or to find an escape goat to blame them on is the notion that should be avoided at all costs.
How do you expect us to forget the past when even you yourself have made several historical cross-references in your latter?
As proud and moved as I am by your honesty and passion for your country and its future, I’m afraid that I should inform you that passion on its own is not enough and in some sense it might even be dangerous and misleading. What we need today more than passion and emotions is logic and rationality. Our people acted with passion and let their hearth to role their head once in 1979 and look what mess we are in as a result of that. Please be assured that I am not trying to legitimise the past regimes or all their actions, but we should not forget their achievements neither. I also think that we had a much better chance to turn things around in that atmosphere without a change of regime, as there were much less social and economical problems to deal with at that time.
If we do not learn from our past and repeat the same mistake of apposing just for the sake of apposing and fighting for the sake of passion I can assure you that in 30 years time our children and grand children will be in the same position as we are today, wondering why and where did everything go wrong, and this vicious circle would continue for ever and ever
That’s why I think that some times it is better to listen the voices from the past how ever depressing and unpleasant they might sound and try to learn from the experiences of the generations before us so that we would not have to go through the same problems again. It would be perfectly fine by me to wait and plot a rational and logical plan and that would bring all the good and bad experiences of the past into account and assure our success rather than rushing into another disaster of a revolution.
Bruce Roshanravan
Bahai fiction
On Saeed’s "Through the desert":
Excerpt from "Veiled Souls" by Katrin Kassiri & Reza Safarnejad (PublishAmerica 2006): "In 1976 Iran is a peaceful, prosperous and Westernized country..."
Guess it must be a work of fiction then.
Money matters
On Arya’s "Lessons in success":
First of all the richest man in the world is a white Christian by the name of Bill Gates and then the Swedish founder of IKEA. According to Forbes, the billionaires are Arabs, and an Indian guy in the steel business.
Mr. Omidyar, the founder of Ebay, is a non Jewish Iranian and seems to me the Asians are pretty smart in technology. Just visit Japan. The Jews run Holywood so they can brainwash the public if they wish.
And last but not least, it is not how much you are worth but how many times you got or will get laid with a woman who loves you for yourself not your money. Unfortunately the majority of the whores marry for money.
Saeed Nia
On Ara Ghandhari's "You're from Iran, not Persia":
I loved the piece "You're from Iran, not Persia". Ara Ghandhari has mastered the art of using Persia and Iran and Farsi and Persian in the same paragraph, if not in the same sentence. Obviously he knows much about both and I hope that he enlightens this readership with more of his grounded writings.
Guive Mirfendereski
Persian before Iranian
On Ara Ghandhari's "You're from Iran, not Persia":
Even though I appreciate your clarifications, let me very briefly rectify something you seem to be confused about.
To be Persian refers to the Persian culture which encompasses language, art, food, music, history, literature etc etc and to be Iranian refers to a country the name of which was changed arbitrarily by One man’s decision some 75 years ago to secure and legitimize his own personal power. The word Iran refers basically to a geographical location (the Iranian plateau) as much as a fantasized race (Aryans) and signified at the time a political alignment with Hitler's Germany.
So as far as I am concerned, I am Persian before being Iranian.
Alaleh Alamir
Brain wave could turn into tsunami
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
I was about to say that the essay "Yaahaasoon Azarbaijan" by Mr. Saeed was one of the biggest piles of horse m...re if I'd ever had the misfortune of coming across, when I remembered some other articles written by a few more of my own country men/women that made the same impact on me. All right, if I could only say that Mr. Saeed's piece is in close competition to take the cake!
Anyone out there could please tell me why is that some of us feel so compelled to share with the rest - and flaunt what could only be described as the brain child of ignorance and ineptitude...? (I had to apply some self censorship, I'm sure you understand why!)
Asking forgiveness in advance, so the mighty intellectual thinkers with their high brows amongst us, wouldn't feel unappreciated!!!!!!!
Sara Okhovatian
And Yashasin Iranimiz
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
Saeed, my misguided "Full-Blooded Persian Friend",
Azaris are not Turkic, as much as people in Esfahan or Shiraz, who spoke Arabic until Ferdowsi came around, were not Arabs. You press for secession, well, why don't you leave us "Iranians" and go start your own Apartheid state. You could take the Mullahs and the Hezbollahis with you.
We Iranians, be it Khorasanis (Parthians), be it Shirazis (Persians), or be it Azaris (Medes), do not need your kind.
And by the way, since we are going through all treacherous Azaris of all time, let's not forget Satar Khan, Bagher Khan, Nezamiyeh Ganjavi, Molavi, and Mallek-o-shoarayeh Bahar. Since in your book Sardar-e-melli, Salar-e-melli, and our great poets are bunch of no good Turks as well.
Yashasin Azarbaijan and YASHASIN IRANIMIZ
Amir Homayoon, a proud Iranian and Azari
Yashasin Azarbaijan? Damn right!
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
Why don't you come to my neighborhood in Tabriz where every damn street was change to shaheed this or that.. and tell them they are not Iranian and then let us talk martike ahmagh.... 40 percent of your country happens to be Azari .. and as I can see all these idiots that write on Iranian.com for example that Abadani woman Azam who hates all religious minorities in Iran they don't seem to live inside of Iran they just seem to know how to run the country and feel their opinions are valid and write them for all to see. You know I wonder what type of grandiosity disorder you people suffer from, that you have these idiotic opinions and feel it appropriate to share with the world.. are you completely delusional.
You know Jahanshah didnt publish my last letter with Shariar's poem in it.. He might not have liked it or maybe I can't write worth a damn thats why you will never see articles you will only see letters from me poorly spelled and very passionate, I dedicate the following poem to all you freaking Fars narcisstic assholes that mainly reign from Tehran:
Tehran o Tehrani
Ala ey davare danah toh midani ke irani che mehnata keshid az daste ein tehrano tehrani Che zarfi bast az ein jamiyat iran joz parishani che dahnad rahbari sargashte sahraye nadani.
Chera mardi konad davaye kasi ke kam tar ast az zan
Ala tehrania ensaf mykon toh khari ya man
Toh ey bimareh nadani che hazyon o hadar gofti bar rashti kaleh mahi khor beh tusi kaleh khar gofti Qumi ro bahd shomordi, esfahni ro batar gofti javandmardaneh azarbaijahnro torke khar gofti
Toro atash zadano kohd bar ahn atash zadi daman
Ala tehrani ensaf mykon toh khari ya man
chera bichareye mashdi vahshi or bitarbiyat bashi be nagse man che khandi?
kohd saro pa mongasat bashi
Maro ein bas ke midanam tamize doost az doshman ala tehrania ensaf mekon toh khari ya man.
This poem was written by a great Iranian poet Ostad Shariar,, it is very telling it is one of the last poems he has written in his 2 volumes of poetry called divan shariar..
A Proud Iranian Azari Jew
Golnaz Motarassed
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
On Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan, FYI, Saeed is from Turkey. Let me tell you something about Iran little Sa'eed (kuchulu fesgheli), there is more chance for Turkey to be back to join the Iran than Iran becomes separated. Russians, Israelis and Turks (From Turkey) are counting the days for Iran to divide. I am almost certain that it will not happen. so get your letter and shove it taa dasteh tu kooooonet. pofiyuz e khaaen. next time give your letter to Turkey.com rather than the Iranian.com. khaa'en...
I ask for a formal apology
On Saeed’s "Yaashaasoon Azarbaijan":
I am amazed by iranian.com to have to post that insulting and rediculous "view" of an individual who is clearly politically motivated "saeed" in the website. How dare iranian.com publish such offending content on IRANIAN.com?
It is clear the individual who wrote that piece of crap is neither persian but pan-turkish activist perhaps from Republic of Azerbaijan or Turkey. Iranian Azaris are Iranian to the full. I as a Persian and a proud Iranian, would give my life to protect and defend my Azarbaijani brothers and sisters.
I ask for a formal apology from iranian.com for publishing such as disgusting thing. this is not about freedom of speech, this is about spreading racists and ethnic hatred against iranians. I welcome all of you to read this Pan-turanianism taking aim at Azerbaijan. See here
A. Sepahdar
On Pantea Karimi's "Young masters":
Wonderful. Taleen is especially remarkable.
James von Brunn
Brought tears to my eyes
On Mohammad Esfahani's music:
Lailee Bakhtiar
June 5
Rhetoric partly off, partly correct
On Daniel M. Pourkesali’s "Nothing but a PR ploy":
It was very interesting to read Mr. Pourkesali’s, Nothing but a PR ploy. This individual’s rhetoric is reminiscent of the hostage takers who seized the United States embassy in 1979. I especially loved how he refers to the United States as a nation that has “arrogated itself outside the boundaries of international law”. Perhaps Condoleezza Rice took lessons on international law from the Office of Strengthening Unity or President Ahmadinejad? Perhaps we should not offer a fig leaf to Iran to attempt to work a diplomatic solution to the current situation.
The US and Iran have never normalized relations between each other since Americans were seized at the hands of “students” violating international law. The United States was offered nothing but PR ploys from the students, provisional government, Imams, and whoever else felt they were in charge of Iran in 1979. Some Iranians in the United States actually got out and supported the taking of the US Embassy. In the words of the Iranians who kidnapped and tortured Americans, there is a “den of spies among us”.
Perhaps we should identify those individuals now and round them up and prosecute them. The State Department must have a list of all Iranians who came to the United States in the past forty years. I am sure that by today’s standards there could be a few charges that could stick against those individuals who openly supported and even aided a nation and individuals holding Americans hostage.
As far as Mr. Pourkesali’s assertion that oil is a factor, he is partially correct. Many nations’ energy needs and oil conglomerates (British Petroleum in particular) benefited from Iranian oil. The United States loves and needs oil and was once fortunate to have the Shah as an ally for many years. The United States benefited from its relationship with Iran. Most Iranians who immigrated to the US during this time were well educated and affluent like the Shah and his family. Also, we were fortunate enough to use Iran as an extension of the US arm to help serve as a deterrent to the Soviet Union in the Middle East.
If Pourkesali studies any of Iran’s history he might realize that the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets and Iran’s lashing by Iraq actually softened the hardliner approach of the revolutionaries rhetoric because some actually realized the United States might be an ally worth having after all. But Pourkaseli is completely wrong when he alleges America’s interest in Iran’s nuclear program is just about oil. The United States is not profiting from the invasion of Iraq, jut look at the price of a gallon of gas.
What it is about regarding Iran is a country that has little internal controls, huge murals depicting “Death to America” in its capital, and the former embassy of the United States of America turned into some perverse anti-American museum. If there were murals all over Washington, DC saying Death to Iran, The Great Satan, etc… would Pourkesali want the US to have possession of a nuclear weapon?
Finally, it is also about the Iranian President who was by all accounts, one of the most notorious breakers of international law of his time.
Ron K.
Maryland, United States
X-Aghdashloo fan
On Shohreh Aghdashloo starring in "X-Men III":
Another none sense piece of "Americanata" as they these kinde of films here in Italy! I am deeply sorry for Shohreh for donating her talent to this hollow, violent and paranoic product!
Dariush Radpour, Rome
Grow up
On Arash Sayedi's "We don't need old farts":
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned. -- Mark Twain
M. T. Maan
Abundance of other fine literature
On Esther Kamkar's "Joys of a simple meal":
I was delighted to read Esther Kamkar's poem from the anthology "Let Me Tell You Where I've Been: New Writing by Women of the Iranian Diaspora", edited by Persis Karim. You may be interested to know that Esther Kamkar has a web site at EstherKamkar.com. I thank you for her poem, and the abundance of other fine writing and poetry on Iranian.com.
John Sweden
Auckland - New Zealand
Joking with Persians
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
The piece was excellent. Etymologically, I am satisfied by the piece's suggestion and the reactions that it has gotten from detractors that the word pars for "barking" indeed derives from the way the Persians sounded to the rest of the people in Iran -- like yelping , vaq vaq of dogs!
I can also attest that we from beyond the Alborz Mountains are typically of lighter skin, for which the derogatory term among the "Persians" living on the other side of the mountains is mahi-sefid, referring to the type of white fish that once populated our rivers and coastal waters around the Caspian in far geater number than now. We are also kaleh-mahi khor, which is true as a culinary proposition in a culture that no part of the fish, not even its head, should go to waste. Of course we are lesser than the "Persians" who eat syrabi (tripe) and kaleh-o-pacheh (head and trotter of sheep)!
Contrary to myth -- ours are not impotent or lesser men, our women are insatiable; we are not lazy, we are exhausted. We also have less hair on our bodies, men and women; this might be a sore point with our brothers from beyond the mountains who look more like gorillas than humans, and among whom the women learn the painful art of depilation from a very young age.
Because turn about is fair play, I can tell you that in our vernacular we call the dark-skinned ladies from the "Persian" side of the mountains as siyah-sukhteh (color of burnt toast). No doubt you have heard of the guy in our folklore who sings of his heart being broken by one such lady to whom he serenades the line -- to to bala-i, to kaka-i, man to ra na-kha (you are naughty, you are blackie, I want you not).
I close with a joke, which I dedicate to all those Persians and no-Persians who cannot take a joke. A guy walked into a store and asked the man at the counter for seventeen boxes of extra-large condoms. "O, My!" exclaimed the shopkeeper, "You must be a Persian. Flush with pride, the customer said, "Yes, I am." Curious about the shopkeeper's keen observation, the customer asked, "You discerned my origin from my order, didn't you?" The shopkeeper snapped back "Yes I did, you dumb fuck, this is a fishstore."
Guive Mirfendereski
Who says?
On Slater Bakhtavar's "Bush is the next Reagan":
Dear Mr. Bakhtavar,
You are assuming a few things. First, you think it was Reagan who defeated communism. Second, you think Bush really thinks of freedom in Middle East and has not other intentions but to free these people. Third, you are thinking because similar arguments against Reagan supposed proven wrong, then they will be against Bush. Fourth, you think history will be a good judge. History is written by the victorious and they are not necessarily fair.
Those who were kidnapped, tortured and lost under Reagan's expansionist policies with excuses of anti communist rehtoric in South America are not here to write about rights and wrongs of politics of Reagan.
Remember, it was Reagan who supported Saddam fully and closed a very blind eye to one of history's worse atrocities in Halabja and it was his vice presdient who never wanted to apologize to shooting down civilian airoplane, no matter what the facts were.
That monster had nothing to do with fall of Soviet Union, except to claim the credits for it. History misjudged one more time....
I too wish true democracy prevails in the world and America and the likes of Bush, Reagan will never find thier way into White House.
Gharib Ghorbati
I always tell people I'm Iranian
On Tina Ehrami's "I am Persian because":
You are not helping your country, Iran, by confusing your colleagues and saying that you are from Persia. The country doesn't exist any more, you may be Persian but you are certainly not from Persia.
If all the Iranian liberals or anti-hezbollahis started saying that they are from Persia then of course people will associate "Iran" with "Ahmadinejad". Your selfishness to be accepted and your weakness in not defending your country in name is a shame. Despite understanding your reasons behind this I think it is an ignorant move that you're not along in making.
I always tell people I'm Iranian. Of course, there are many reasons why I prefer to tell people that I'm from Iran than Persia. One of the more important reasons is because next time these people that I've met think of Iran they will not only think of Ahmadinejad and mullahs but also about me, the liberal minded educated Iranian they met. This is good for our country and people as it helps that little bit to educate Westerners about Iran's population mix.
Let I remind you again that it was the Shah that changed the countries name from Persia to Iran. It has nothing to do with the mullahs and you are falsifying history by your ignorance and selfishness. I could continue to lament you in making this decision but I hope that I've given you enough reason for your to introspect a little.
You said "...being an Iranian living abroad since childhood, has made this a problem for me. I can't identify with my fellow countrymen anymore. At least not with the ones living in Iran, not with the ones who let their country turn into a pool of decay as it has become!". If you have difficulty understanding Iranians living in Iran then you are either short of a few brain cells or you are not Iranian. How many times have you been back to Iran? How often do you speak to Iranians inside Iran to understand them? I'm not sure how old you are, but I was also brought up here in the West since childhood and I don't have any trouble understanding them because I listen to people and the more I don't understand the more I listen and question.
I hope you will think about this more. Sadly if there are many Iranians with your mindset then what are we going to expect from our arch foes!
Navid London Caspian
Who sang this song?
I wonder if you know the songer to this song: "Yeki bood yeki nabood, ye dokhtar ye pesar bood jooneshoon be ham baste bood. Dokhtar pesaro doost midasht,..."
Do you know it? Please let me know.
Nadia Vakili
Make fun of akhunds instead
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
I have to thank Elmira C. It has been a long time that I am preaching the idea that our Iranian jokes are not jokes but insults. Jokes need to mature to reflect social dilemma of the Iranians. similar to many stand up comics in the U.S. Our jokes are disgusting and puts the Iranian citizens down rather than giving hope for unity.
At this period, I think Iranians need to make more jokes about the religion, Iranian regime, and akhunds rather than put down their fellow country men. Elmira C has shown the true nature of jokes in Iran to the Persians that are too blind to see.
I am a Persian but always ashamed from the Iranian jokes. I always ask my friends not to say jokes in front of me, because I am sick of them. Don't you have shame to call a great contributor to your own culture a donkey? or because in the North the women are independent and work equal to the men, call them whores and their men "Bi-Bokhaar"?
Instead of learning from them and understand that there is a part of the Iranian culture, which treats genders equally, you make fun of them instead? I think the true donkey is the one that tells the jokes. Last but not least, many Iranians say that Azeries say those jokes and laugh.
If you are a Persian then you may say jokes about the Persians, otherwise don't laugh at expense of another Iranian national.
Arman Nosrati
It's JUST a pastime
On Anahita Mansoori's "Give them all a Mercedes":
Dear Anahita,
It is very interesting and very encouraging that you as a female supporter, would go to such a lenght to cheer for the national team. Of course, it is all rooted in your strong family background, with a dad and a brother who have been such avid fans. I myself remember that exhilirating moment when iran beat USA and how can i ever forget that. It was great at the time, Hoever, Today. i can hardlly get any excitement going on when i think about it.
But all this excitement and support aside, at the end of the day we all need to be realistic and see it for what it really is. This is professional sport, and regardless of how much passion and emotions it stirs up, at the end of the day it remains to be just that. Just like any other professional leagues in other parts of the world.
Let's be real now. It is nothing but a pastime. Something that gets you going and gets you on your feet for a couple of hours, okay, let's not forget all the chats and conversations you will be having with your buddies and relatives afterwards, but after a while it will be nothing but a sweet memory that you will have no choice but to let go simply because you have so many other duties you must attend to.
I think that your suggestion is a little bit too extravagant and a far cry from reality. In fact it is not short of anything but Pampering the players. You could have at least started with something a bit more modest, such as providing assistance in housing and helping to put their kids through school.
Iranians who really think the players' psycological pride should automatically pave the way for glroy and create enough motivation for being the best of players that they can be, have it just right!! Why should we shower them with wealth and affluence? just so we see a great shot at a goal, every once in a blue moon? Or may be a good dribble? or a good pass? Should we not create a stronger foundation, so we can get better players all across the board, rather than spoiling a selected few?
True that every iranian loves to drive a Mercedes, but what an odd suggestion to create incentives for our players, in order to see them perform in a consistent manner. By that same token every iranian student in college in iran would need a promise to get a house, a new car, or other incentives so they can perform well, so they can become better engineers or lawyers or doctors, or be the best in whatever filed they are in!!
What you are suggesting is defenitely not a Bribe, but at the same time It is more than just a helping hand. A helping hand would be when we are going to send them to better preparation camps, or maybe arrange for them to have more international matches. There is one Legitimate place where our wealthy elites need to be parking their money at.
It is so lovely that you and your dear mother get such an emotional kick out of watching the matches and their good outcomes. But such is the short term impact of professional sports and there just are no long term goals to be gained.
Kyle Saghafi
Avoid insults, even if humorous
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
Dear Elmira,
I understand you are showin your angry and frustrattion becasue of ethnic and antionality discrimination in Iran. I believe the burden is primarily on dominant groups in a society to assure the minorities have their rights, so they can trust the majority. If this expectation is not met, reacting with anger is not unusual. However, you are using the same insulting language that your opponents might have used, and I wish you could have avoided it, despite being humorous.
As partially informed humans we have a tendency to idealize or devaluate the unknown. As an example humans have created two concepts for their unknowns, a noble supreme being and an unworthy evil being. People also might use insulting humor to explain other basic things that they do not understand fully!
As an example many bright and hard working Azaris are notable for their financial contribution to the economy of Iran, yet their financial success is misinterpreted as stupidity. Many Arabs are notable for appreciation of their wealth or lack of it by relaxing and walking bare feet either in their hot deserts or cool beaches, yet they are misinterpreted as being lazy. Many Gilaki women are notable for their social skills, self esteem to be equal with men, and for hard working habit in their farms and offices, yet they are labeled as promiscuous.
Many Kurds are notable for their confidence, righteousness, and courage to oppose inequality, yet they are misinterpreted as aggressive. There are many other misinterpretations about other minoritie's norms and vlaues. I believe in order to be more effective and end the culture of misinterpretation, discrimination, and hatred in a multiethnic society, we are obligated to use a language that promotes understanding and peace!
Kamal Artin
Why you aim at all Farsi talking people?
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
The easist thing in the whole world is insulting other people, Very directly in your article you insult all farsi language talking people to DOGS.
But unfortunately during this mess nobody even looked deply to see if those caricaturist really aimed at turks , or what they menat.
Unfortunately we iranians are very emotional before being rational, the aim of that caricature was not turks , it was a political caricature that had a deep meaning aiming the government not any ethnical group. Even if they menat Turks, you should blame them. Why you aim at all Farsi talking people?
I think your way of thinkg is as dangerous as thire way of thought( and this in the case they really aimed turks , that i think is not right). Insulting other ethinic groups would not bring any gain for you. Unfortunately Iranian government has only tecahed people fight before discussion and insult and all ... Hope one day we all become more marure.
And why the website should put this up to provoke something that would only cause problem for whole iran?
Afshin Asgarian Nahavandi
Are you happy now?
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
Hello Sir/Madam,
I just saw your post on Iranian Website, It was funny but there is one mistake on it!!! You, Miss Elmira or whatever is your name, clearly insult all Persian on purpose (People who speak Parsi) . So be proud you arbitrarily do that. We called your response hatred and racism.
Nobody (any Iranain I know) defends that cartoon (even the cartoonist). He made a big mistake whether deliberately or unwished. He apologized and explained that it was beyond of his idea about that cartoons that could hurt other people.
But you did on purpose, so let Persian be "dogs that are infected by rabidness." What do you get now? feeling good and relaxed ? happy?
I hope that u will eventually conquer on your paranoia. and I am realy sorry for you that you were infected too. and now you can be able to talk and have conversation with other people who live in Iran.
And sorry for you guys in Iranian dot com. You just made very huge mistake more than the first one, believe me or not Nobody is gonna be winner in this race!
Babak Shirazi
Trapped between rival rapists
On poll "Should Iran accept or reject U.S. offer of direct talks?":
The Vultures in Iran, those quasi-fascists mullahs, want to stay in power, and plunder the wealth of the Iranian Nations forever. The U. S. policy is, and has been for more than 150 years, to have its hands on the natural resources of the Middle East, Central Asia and beyond; and thereby to sell its goods and keep those nation as backward as possible -- economically, and culturally.
Therefore, this question, " SHOULD IRAN ACCEPT OR REJECT U.S. OFFER OF DIRECT TALK . . ." put to us, the reviewers, is like asking a helplessly trapped woman between two rival rapists whether she wants to be raped by M. or U. (M. = the Mullah and U = Uncle Sam).
The rhetoric's : 1- Freedom & Domocracy. 2- Islam. 3- Nuclear Enrichment are just toys to further fool the rest of the world with, and nothing else.
So, why should I vote to any of your chosen options put to us?
In an era and a world that REALLY "Nothing is sacred" but many things are just pretentiously so, this opinion should fit Iranian.com -- a site that I love to have on My Favorites.
Truly your faithful viewer,
Mali M
laughed soooo hard!
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
I Just loved the article (che konim keh sagha haaremoon nakonnad) by Elmira C. Brilliant, witty, clever and original and fair! I laughed soooo hard!
Thank you for giving all of us an outlet to vent off some steam.
A Tabrizi Iranian from Boston
You fell into same vicious trap
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
Dear Elmira,
You are not responding to Mana Neyestani's chauvinistic cartoon. You are just insulting millions of people who speak in Persian language. You just fell into the same vicious trap. Our Iran and it's many beloved united tribes are much older to be hurt by these pathetic insults. Not by Neyestani, not by you, not by anyone.
Great Ferdowsi judges:
Yeki pasheh bar kouh benshast o khaast
bar aan koh cheh afzoud o az vey cheh kaast
Mohsen Shams-Amiri
Perfect excuse
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
It is a fact that most Turkish jokes, including the notorious cartoon, are told and laughed at by your Ghayour brothers of Azari origin. (Mana Neyestani himself is of Azari origin).
However, Mana Neyestani's cartoon was in no way aimed at Azaris. At least it did not seem to me that way. The only use of word "namanah" that is a very common slang Tehrani word, made it a perfect excuse to be used by people of Azari origin to vent their frustrations over some social or cultural issues.
I am not sure why are you blaming people for not liking a joke aimed at their ethnicity. I think it is always couteous to ask one's permission before telling a joke aimed at his/her ethnicity.
I know for a fact that many people from Rasht, Isfahan and Arabs of South being offended by jokes targeting their ethnicity. In fact, sometimes the jokes are not as funny as you think if you put yourself in their shoes. Imagine if you are ridiculed every day for your Persian accent in English! Would you like it?
Gharib Ghorbati
Insults all Iranians, and especially Persians
On Elmira C's "Che konim sag-haa haaremaan nakonand?":
The Persian article you published under humor is very tasteless and insults all Iranians, and especially Persians. I hope you do not fall in the traps of pan-Turkists. Iranian.com credibility will be damaged by this kind of hate messages, especially when you refuse even publish articles which showes the fallcy of pan-Turkists.
Reza Saberi
Smart enough to make it that high
On Jahanshah Javid's reply to criticicim on David Safavian choice as Iranian of the day:
Thank you for your comments. This gentlemen (Mr. Kamran R. with no e-mail address!!!) is so wrong on his comment "Don't Insult my Iranian Heritage". The fact remains that David Safavian was smart enough to make it to that high of a position in the government. To me that is commendable and deserves respect. He should have stayed off Jack Abramof's path and I would have been 100% proud of him. And, yes, I am a proud Iranian-American, a Republican and proud of it.
Thank you.
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