
October 2006
Part 1 -- Part 2

October 5


When was last the time any one of us spent a dime on anything worthwhile?

In response to Parkhash's "Nashaayad ke naamat nahand aadami":

Ms. Ansari is neither a hero nor a villain. She has turned her dream of a child hood in to a reality by working hard, educating herself with some dose of luck and perhaps a good god given intelligence. I see nothing wrong with her spending 20 million dollars of her hard earned money on this venture.

Freedom is not just voting, democracy and so on. An essential ingredient of freedom is the ability to do what one wants their own money and their possessions. If we question her spending, then we should question every ones spending!

Now, personally I would have been happier to see her spending let say 5 million dollars on her homeland or on women issues in Iran or other worthy causes out there, but let's face it when was the last time any one of us spent a dime on anything worthwhile specially things relating to Iran? When was a last time some one here gave up a dream of life time vacation to instead spending that money on a noble cause?

The only problem I have with Ms. Ansari is the fact the flag she wears on one of her arms looks very close to the rag called Islamic republic flag. Wearing that rag is an insult to millions of Iranian women who have been turned to second or third class citizens since the occupation of Iran by Islamo fascists forces. As a liberated and educated woman, Ms. Ansari should know better.



Cheap pessimism

In response to Parkhash's "Nashaayad ke naamat nahand aadami":

When I first saw this article from our dear friend on this site, I must admit I was fooled for a moment and the deceitful title made me interested.

I thought maybe our friend has finally broken with the old tradition of cheap pessimism personal insult and scrutiny. But before finishing the first paragraph I was laughing my head off!. How silly of me to think that a leopard might actually change its spots.

So I thought perhaps a dose of his own medicine might cure his problem so here we are:

I would really suggest that Parkash should go back and revisit every article he ever wrote on this site. And ask himself one important question:


Anybody with a fair mind could see that these articles are full of pessimism cheap scrutiny, always on the attack toward Iran and Iranian nation. They do not contain even one single positive word or praise towards our people or their achievements. They lack any inspiration, resolution or God forbids any answers or solutions to the problems of our times.

I guess for Parkash and his alike it is always easier to be pessimistic or moan and disagree rather than to positively participate in a solution and suggest a way out or praise their fellow countrymen for their successes and achievements instead of bringing them down or demonising them.

Tell me my friend, would you have had the same attitude toward Ms Ansari if she was a white American milliner. What if the Hilton sisters who never worked a day in their life and just inherited the wealth of their Daddy would have decided to the same thing?

Wouldn't you have been the first one in the line of Kiss Assers, bragging on to the rest of us about how good, clever, modern and scientifically minded they are? and how genius their dad was for accumulating this much money. Would you have even questioned the way their wealth was accumulated or would you have presumed that it was all through hard work and honest deals.

And yet here we are wondering, why is it that our country is not as successful as the rest of the world or why aren't we producing as many successful scientists and entrepreneurs as the west is, when we have every potential to do so.

Well, the answer to that is very straightforward. Just have another look at the bullshit that is pumping out of your keyboard

I guess Parkash syndrome is not an isolated case, and may be as a nation, self-destruction is one of the lesser qualities. Perhaps this is in our nature or one of the flaws in our culture that we cannot wait to turn upon one another and bring our fellow countrymen down, while most us would fall over each other to kiss foreign ass (being Arabs or Westerners) and call it candy too.

May be this (Biganeh Parasti) is the main reason why outside forces such as the West find it so easy to influence our country, abuse our system and steal our assets and natural recourses. After all one kiss Asser leader should be enough to sell out an entire country, its people and their future just because he/she thinks that the west and westerners or Arabs are better than their own people and deserve these things more than them.

Tell me Parkhas why is it that when it comes to misconducts and crimes committed by Western government, you and people like you are in such hurry to legitimise and cover up these crimes or even glorify them and put it down to their ingenuity and shift all the blame to the victims, but when it comes to one of your own people you could not wait to demonise them and down play their achievements or turn their successes and ambitions into something negative that they should feel guilty about or be ashamed of.

It seems very obvious to me that you have a serious problem with your identity, nationality and values. I think you should seriously revaluate your standards and find out were your loyalties are. If you truly are an Iranian then you should appreciate your people their successes and achievements and stop shooting your self in the foot

If you think by hiding behind a silly name and fraudulent claims of care and loyalty, you could insult our nation or unfairly demonise the successful Iranians you have got another think coming.

Should you want to know how the traitor to ones own nation are made then my suggestion to you is: have deep hard look into the mirror.

As far as the hardship and problems facing Iranian people is concerned, the last thing we need or ask for is charity and handouts. We know that we have more than enough material, spiritual, natural, human, intellectual, cultural and historical assets and resources to lead us into salvation and rebuilt our country several times over.

What is holding us back today is first and foremost lack of will, unity and resolve in our own part as a nation and secondly a traitors regime who just like yourself favours others more than its own people and waists our money on Hezbollah, Hamas and every other terrorist, bandit and misfit group or faction on the planet in order to buy itself time and publicity and bring itself out of international isolation, and the last but not the least a western foreign policy that promotes these problems and thrives on it by stealing our human and natural resources.

And if these are not bad enough we get stupid self declared wise guys who claim such none sense as how great the west is and how none of these problems are their fault but the victims themselves are to blame

We would not be fooled by empty slogans and silly nicknames. Just one paragraph of you article is self-testament of the hate that you bare toward your own country and nation.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time to wake up and smell the coffee

Bruce Roshanravan


Give Ganji a break

In response to Kaveh L. Afrasiabi's "What nuclear adventurism?":

Usually I would've simply email my thoughts about an article here directly to the author who wrote it, but for some reason on this one I felt compelled to write something publicly. I just got done reading Kaveh Afrasiabi's article under the title "What Nuclear Adventurism? A Letter to Akbar Ganji". After reading it I thought of the following quick response to his article which I also like to share with you:

I hate to say this but you were neither misgiving or correct about your suggestion that just because America has had some major missteps under this administration that it is now not a country that is based on the rule of law -- a suggestion that although by itself is frankly is so pathetic that doesn't even require a response.

However since I assume your main critic was of Ganji and not of America let me address your other points. Before doing so though I must say your attempt in tieing in Ganji's article with your apparent side issues with Milani was also very unfortunate and to an outsider seemed just a way for you to bad mouth two unrealted people or matters in one article.

Which bring me to my main point and that is regarding the questions you posed to Akbar Ganji. You asked him: "on what ground does he accuse the Iranian government of nuclear adventurism? And why is he so certain that the Iranian government is on its way to produce nuclear weapons? On what evidence does he base his claim?"

Now either my eyes were playing tricks on me or I'm just a total imbecile but I read the article twice and the only thing I saw that had any relevance to your questions or assertions above was the following comment made by Ganji: We hope that the regime will not be allowed to suppress its people, foment a crisis in the region or continue with its nuclear adventurism.

Now I don't know about you but if you don't think playing Russian roulette with today's war mongers who have already invaded two countries in the span of 5 years with one of them based on the rational of weapons that they didn't end up having it not an adventure then I don't know what 'grounds' can be provided to you to prove that what IR insiders are doing is a bit of an adventure -- at least with the current U.S. administraion -- but that is not the point.

The main point is that first I didn't see anywhere where Ganji suggested with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Iran is on its way to produce nuclear weapons which automatically begs the question posed to you --- Why are you so certain that the Iranian government is NOT on its way to produce nuclear weapons and based on what evidence do you make your claim?

If you base your claim on the IAEA reports that they are around 3% enrichment levels -- that is a valid point based on what IAEA has found so far -- in fact I also "believe" that "most likely" they are years always from being able to develop a bomb --- but since I have never inspected the facilities myself I also leave some room for the likelihood that IAEA was not given all the information by the saints operating the Iranian regime.

More importantly what you seemingly failed to take into consideration in your assertions which I assume was triggered as a result of Ganji's praise of America was about the insiders real intentions. After all no one knows about their real intentions but they themselves! And unless you are claiming that you are an insider then you must leave room for the possibility that they are pursuing a clandestine operation --- albeit being years away from accomplishing it. If you do leave room for such a possibility then you will most likely stop bickering with anyone who criticizes the Iranian regime.



Circulate this widely!

In response to Ardeshir Ommani's "A bodyguard of lies":


Many thanks for your clear and effective article on iranian.com. I hope that many who are still confused about the administration's "line" on Iran will read and comprehend what you have written.

I hope that everyone circulates this widely!

Best regards,

Alex Patico
Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII)


Exposition of enemy's lies

In response to Ardeshir Ommani's "A bodyguard of lies":


Thanks for your wonderful article. I hope well-educated and informed people such as yourself can keep our mother-land immune from our enemies, through information dissemination and exposition of enemy's lies and deceptions (for which many, including iranian.com have fallen victim to).

Ghorbane Shoma, mokhleseem.

nl ml


Fifth column

In response to Ardeshir Ommani's "Who appeases whom?":

I consider Mr. Ommani and his like as the paranoid anti-American relic of a Tudehist generation who still play the policy of the IRI. This Tudehist line has nothing to share with the human and patriotic values of the Iranian left or the interests of people. The infamous line, as I described in my previous articles, has damaged our people during the last half century.

Mr. Ommani or his like is in fact the fifth column of the IRI abroad and they continue un/consciously stirring up trouble in the rank of Iranian opposition.

His unconditional support for one of the most barbarian regime of the recent history, under any pretext, is the shameful heritage of the Tude Party which unfortunately extended in Iranian political culture and is a slap in the face of many victims of the brutal IRI.

Jahanshah Rashidian


She straightened me up!

In response to Faramarz Fateh's "What has happened to Iranian men?":

I totally agree with you! Now you see why it is MARD SAALAARI? I personally believe in equality, after all I have Mom, sisters, daughter and I don't want them to be subordinate to anyone. They all should be respected as we would like to be respected. I remember the days that a few beautiful American women who were treating me as a master, and I hated that! I didn't want to marry them, since I wanted my wife to be strong and intelligent whom I can exchanges ideas with, one who would be a good role model for my kids! Finally, I did marry such a strong non-Iranian woman.

I have always loved her and tried to do everything that would make her happy. Over time, I noticed the control. The more I gave, much more was taken away from me! In fact, after all these years I still cannot take my kids to Iran to see my Mom and rest of my family! Of course, she didn't want to go, and doesn't care for them to come either, only her family! Let me remind you that I am not even a wimp, if anything I was educated and tough as a former boxer!

Finally, I decided I am going to be the man that I used to be and stop washing the dishes and trying to please her so much, since I love her dearly! Well, I kept it up for a while but life became very unpleasant for everyone! I hated to see her not happy! So, I am now back with revenge, washing the dishes, tutoring the kids while she is exercising, and preparing the food! Wait a minute, I thought I straightened her up, but it seems that I was straightened up!

The good thing is that I went to have coffee with my friend ARLEN the other nite, and I have now made it clear that with or without her I will go to Iran every year, since I have to make up for the past 15 years that I tried to keep her happy by not going while everyone is getting old or gone! Well, no more! My Mom is the most important person in the world, and I'd better see her as much as I can now, before it is too late! After all, I can never replace my Mom! Actually, my wife should be happy that I won't sell my Mom, since I would never sell her to anyone either! If I could abandon my Mom, I could abandon anyone else as well!



Misogynist in a "moderate male" skin

In response to Faramarz Fateh's "What has happened to Iranian men?":

Dear Mr. Fateh:

I don't know if you are indeed a Lore-kos-nadeedeh or not, but I definitely urge you to catch up with the fact that this is 2006 and you are living in the West. Have you ever considered that Iranian women may have been abused and traumatized and robbed of their humane rights long enough, so that now they are being reactive in terms of asserting their own power and place in personal relationships and society?

Has it ever occured to you that a woman has the right to choose where she wants to dine every once in a while and has the right to expect her man to stay home once in a while to care for the kids or maybe just clean and pick up after his own mess?

Mr. Fateh, I am sorry to say, but it sounds like you are no different than the very men who think it's their absolute right to dominate women regardless of what century we live in! You are a Misogynist   in a "moderate male" skin, but your objections to a woman's autonomy and independence sounds like you need a maid who holds a PhD in subservience and 24-hour catering service. You probably miss Mommy a lot!



Don't speak for all men

In response to Faramarz Fateh's "What has happened to Iranian men?":

Mr. Fateh,

You have alot of nerve to complain about what has happened to Iranian men while at the same time use the most crude language to get your point across. If all Iranian men have minds like yours and vocabularies like yours in California or in the US for that matter, I am glad that their wives have some control over the decisions of their families goings and comings. There is no need for you to write to an international magazine with the words "pussy whipped Iranian men". Don't speak for all men when you have learned how to speak for yourself. Have some shame and expand your filthy vocabulary.



Taghsir khodeh mardast

In response to Faramarz Fateh's "What has happened to Iranian men?":

Agar Ke' Be Zanha Ejaze' bedan Ke' In Kar Ha Ra Bekonan, "They Have No One To Blame But Themselves" ..

It is Time for Iranian Men to Stop being "Sissies", and Take the Rightful Place that They Have occupied for a Long Time ..

Be A Man ..



Why put someone else down?

In response to David Maynard's "Save Nazanin from Nazanin":

I was just reading the article denigrating Ms. Nazanin Jam in her efforts to draw attention to the plight of her namesake. Can't tell you how disgusted I am by yet another example of the "pettiness" of our culture, a chance to do something good and positive is reduced to a juvenile spitting match: " she did this, but she didn't do enough".. "she did that, but she did it wrong".. "It should have been done like this"..."I could have done it better, but of course I was sitting on my fanny and whining about it on line, while she was out there actually doing something about it".. "Ms. Mazahery who is a lawyer with years of Human rights experience, has done a much better job, than this model/actress whatever she is" ...Well DUH!! It doesn't take a brilliant mind to figure that one out!!

No one in their right mind would deny Ms. Mazahery her due or her tireless efforts, but why put someone else down, who is striving to bring attention to an otherwise ignored subject, using her celebrity? At least she is doing something, how many of you out there can honestly claim that? Why is it we can never work together even if we have opposing views, to make a difference that counts! I know, stupid questions, we can't even get various groups together to plan a concert, without a fight, let alone make a change in society. It's no wonder our country is in the state it's in.

I have no idea who this Ms. Nazanin Jam is, but if she is using her celebrity to bring attention to something, she feels passionate about, isn't that enough? No one should expect her to turn into a Gloria Steinem/Johnny Cochran/Mother Theresa clone .. this is what people like Ms. Mazahery are for!! Why not just let her do what she does, probably just a pretty face, with a pretty voice that people listen to, write articles about, come to fundraisers for, etc. and support her, instead of putting her down and criticizing her.

Shayla Amini


Consider apologizing

In response to David Maynard's "Save Nazanin from Nazanin" and Darius Kadivar's "Drop in the ocean of indifference"

On two Nazanins

I came across an interesting article about two Nazanins written by David Maynard in irnaian.com. Although he might be right that model Nazanin seeks attention by supporting jailed Nazanin, he did not convince me that she is doing anything different than others who are defending human rights. She happened to be a model whose main job is getting attention of others through her beauty. A lawyer will do the same thing through legal means, a writer through writing, an actor through acting, a reporter through reporting, etc.

Such an opposing view to the model Nazanin might be based on the assumption that modeling is a sin. I believe a modern definition of sin should be disrespect for equality and human rights. The jailed Nazanin is the victim of a triple oppression for being a woman, a Kurd, and a citizen of Iran. Supporting Iranian government would be a at least a triple sin per such a definition. Mr. Kadivar, a movie commentator and an online friend, had a very reasonable response to Mr. Maynard's view point published in the same online Iranian magazine.

I believe Mr. Maynard should consider apologizing to the model Nazanin for advocating the rights of the jailed Nazanin. Such an attitude might encourage other celebrities to take a stance against injustice everywhere. "Wag the dog" might be symbolic for well-off taking advantage of the suffering of the disadvantaged, but I don't think we are dealing with such a symbol here. As a Kurd, I am very appreciative that an apolitical model takes risks and defends the rights of a jailed Kurdish woman, who is the victim of a brutal and underdeveloped system of governance that has never taken any serious step in promoting gender and ethnic equality in Iran!



Raising awareness to help those in need

In response to David Maynard's "Save Nazanin from Nazanin":

It was very upsetting for me to read David Maynard’s critical assessment of Nazanin Afshin-Jam’s work for human rights. David Maynard, (I doubt is this person’s real name) sits in anonymity and attempts to discredit a woman who has done exactly the opposite from the claims in his letter. All of us understand that cowards hide behind fictitious names through the internet.

Let me start by saying that Nazanin has a lengthy history of working for worthy causes. If fact she has used her own time, money and notoriety to bring attention to those who are less fortunate. Many people today are content to sit behind their computers and raise objections while people like Nazanin are out in the world raising awareness, funds and working diligently to help those in need. Working with organizations such as The Red Cross for assisting in education of youth on global issues around the world, appearing publicly to raise money for the Bam Earthquake Relief, flying to India and Sri Lanka working hands on with the Tsunami relief organizations etc.

As long as I have known Nazanin she has worked selflessly to assist Charities and Organizations such as Children’s Education - Programs, HIV/Aids, Cancer, Disaster relief, Animals, Woman’s Rights in Africa, and now she has personally taken on the cause of Nazanin Fatehi. When I first heard of the possible fate of this young girl the story came directly to me from Nazanin, she had been contacted by a reader of the original article in Etemaad newspaper in Iran, who then emailed her and asked if there was anything she could do to help. She immediately dropped everything to do with her music career and personally started the International campaign for signatures and support. She has been doing this at her own expense with minimal financial assistance. News Organizations across the world such as CNN, BBC, CBC, to name a few as well as publications from the Middle East to Asia, Australia to Europe and North America all followed her quest to gain support for Nazanin Fatehi and the “Save Nazanin Campaign” which currently has received over 217,000 signatures worldwide.

David Maynard states that Nazanin “hijacked” the campaign to Save Nazanin Fatehi. This is completely false and is proven so by visiting helpnazanin.com and click on the petition. Nazanin was the first to sign it and at the bottom it shows that she created the petition. In David Maynard’s article he gives 17 references or links to Lily Mazaheri. I have gone to each of them, 16 are dated between July to September 2006, and all of the articles go back of course to Lily Mazaheri. There is no reference to Nazanin Fatehi in all these 16 links. One article without a date, printed in Cafepress.com which promotes selling T shirts, Lily Mazaheri talks about Nazanin Fatehi on which she complains that there is little attention to this case, and ask readers to buy T shirts and send letters to authorities.

Nazanin's Petition was launched well ahead of this article and was already getting massive international focus. I know personally that Nazanin called up Lily Mazaheri and questioned her on where the money was going from the sale of the T-Shirts on this site, Lily could not answer and Nazanin asked her to set it up properly so the proceeds would actually go to benefit Nazanin Fatehi’s legal or family expenses. All of these references to Lily Mazaheri without any real connection between her and Nazanin Fatehi’s situation, makes me wonder who David Maynard really is.

It has occurred to me that there is also a possibility that the writer David Maynard, might be someone working on behalf of the Iranian government who sees the popularity of Nazanin Afshin-Jam in Iran and is trying to defuse her success and her achievements. We know from previous experiences that they have used similar tactics. We also know her site is blocked according to some reports from Iran. The main question I have is who is benefiting from these false accusations and why is this person trying to discourage someone who is doing her best to help a juvenile whose death is imminent and at the same time trying to bring awareness of the horrible inhuman activities happening in Iran to entire world?

David Maynard states that Nazanin is trying to capitalize and become famous based on the Save Nazanin Fatehi Campaign. This statement is ridiculous and laughable. Nazanin Afshin-Jam is already famous, Miss World Canada, first runner up Miss World, former international model, television, spokesperson, recording Artist etc. It was Nazanin who used her personal fame to bring attention to the campaign and garnered all of the international media attention. Instead of helping further Nazanin’s career it has delayed and possibly damaged it by pushing back the release date of the Album “Someday” over 6 months to 2007. She has missed promotional campaigns, press trips, video shoots and has put her music career on hold so she could concentrate on saving Nazanin Fatehi’s life.

I know all of this first hand because I am her Manager and her brother in law. I have watched her struggle, spend every penny that she has in her possession on this and put her own life on hold so she can do everything possible to help this girl and others like her. Amnesty International recognizes this and asks her to speak at their upcoming event in Berlin. Nazanin was recently recognized for her efforts with a Human Rights Award presented by various human rights organizations at the UN, so they must agree. I am truly disappointed that at a time like this, some people who are fully able to help change the treatment of women in Iran, instead do their best to discredit and damage the on going fight to Save Nazanin Fatehi. Shame on you David Maynard or whoever you are.

Peter Karroll
TKO Entertainment Corp


21st century snake oil salesman

In response to David Maynard's "Save Nazanin from Nazanin":

Dear Mr. Maynard,

While I found it unpleasant to read your article regarding how Nazanin Afshin Jam is using the tragic circumstances surrounding poor Nazanin Fatehi to promote herself and her album, I would like to thank you for exposing this charlatan. Many of us were initially shocked that one of our very own would sink to such lows to make a buck.

The Iranian-North American community is relatively small in size when compared to many other ethnicities. Regardless of our small size and whether we emigrated from Iran as either an adult or a child, or we were born in the New World, we always taken pride in our homeland. Whether we are full blooded, or half-blooded Iranians, we have always taken great satisfaction in the achievements of our own in what has sometimes proven to be a difficult in the nearly three decades of Iranians living permanently in the United States and Canada.

If what you have written is true, then a very sad day has come for our community for we have lost our innocence. Up until now, we've had the luxury of believing that despite our individual differences, our love of Iran was the one thing that united us. We've believed, despite isolated instances of being deceived by an occasional prominent community member, that, by and large, we could trust one another at least in matters relating to our community as a whole and our desire to have the right to one day return to our motherland if we so choose. =

This feeling of closeness has always been rooted in our ethnic pride; and regardless of whether this feeling was held by a monarchist, a republican, a communist, an Islamist, an atheist, an agnostic, a professional, a non-professional, a highly educated person, or a not-so-highly educated person, a full-blooded Iranian, or a half-blooded Iranian, it was the glue which has held this Diaspora together for thirty long years. To discover that one among us has been willing to misuse our feelings of love, compassion and patriotism for our violated country and for our tired and weary people who live and often die at the whim of twisted and despotic rulers, really makes me want to vomit.

Ms. Afshin-Jan is nothing more than a 21st century snake oil salesman if all you've written is true. Only a terribly greedy and immoral woman would resort to the kind of lies told by Ms. Afshin Jam and to kind the intentional manipulation of information and facts related to Nazanin Fatehi's misfortunes. How else can one explain Ms. Afshin Jam's pathetic personal and pecuniary self-promotion at the expense of someone so weak and helpless. It probably doesn't really matter to Ms. Afshin-Jam that this poor girl is facing the prospect of the hangman's noose and very soon as long as there's a buck to made in it for her and as long as her career is advanced.

In my lifetime, I can't recall any prominent person in the Iranian-North American community to have acted so shamelessly toward the community. Has this woman no shame? Where is her honor as an Iranian? Is our community's pride, love and trust now simply something to be toyed with? Shoud we now expect to be used by more patriotic-charlatans' who will be more than happy to abuse our trust for their own enrichment? If Ms. Afshin Jam's conduct is what the future portends for our people then I for once am happy to be ethnically half-American. At least I can understand the motive and mentality of American liars, cheats and conmen.

Ms. Afshin Jam would stand out in a league of her own even in America where decent people expect others to lie, to trick and to cheat them. Have any of you ever heard of an American conman trying to make a buck off the imminent death of a condemned, death row inmate? I never have. Perhaps, Ms. Afshin-Jan has yet to learn that here in the New World there are some things that even liars, cheats and conmen won't do. I guess this proves that there really is honor among thieves, even if Ms. Afshin-Jam doesn't know it.

Lance Raheem


Tries too hard to impress

In response to Sheida Mohamadi's "Maraakesh door ast" and "Khiaabaane Third Street":

This is the second time I am reading a story by Ms. Mohamadi. I just wanted to express my opinion on the subject of story telling and prose writing. I think if we avoid using too many metaphors and if we stop trying to impress the readers by our geographical knowledge, in Ms. Mohamadi's case, we would be much more successful.

The most significant and renowned writers/novelists of this world have been the ones who have the insight and the talent to arouse emotions in readers by utilizing seemingly simple concepts/metaphors/symbolisms to underline depth in meaning and purpose of the story.

Ms. Mohamadi tries too hard to impress readers by drawing on complex cognitive imagery, but then leaves them without any sense of depth or purpose in reading her material. I wish that our "ahle ghalam" would foresake their pretense and genuinely create artful pieces without the fear of what others may think.



At least they didn't change it to "Mike" and "Glenda"

In response to Zohreh Khazai Ghahremani's "From Ali to Cyrus":

That was an absolutely wonderful and funny and informative article, as all your articles are.

I named my son "Maziar" in hopes of him rescuing Iran from the Arab invasion (!) but he ended up in a law school in the U.S. and changed his name to "Maz".

I named my daughter "Ghazal" in the hopes that she would be running in the prairies with the free spirit and carelessness of a deer, but she ended up in a medical school in St. Louis racking her brain day and night to keep up with all the information and she HAD to change her name to "G" because no one could pronounce her name ! ! But I'm glad at least they didn't change it to "Mike" and "Glenda" ! ! !

Have a nice day and keep writing these great articles.

Nahid Shafiei


Cultural confusion

In response to Zohreh Khazai Ghahremani's "From Ali to Cyrus":

Dear Zohreh,

If getting old is about making sense you, dear lady, are ancient.

I do believe this is all part of cultural confusion we as Iranian struggle with. Trying not to be Middle Eastern and connect ourselves with a white culture has made us not to appreciate the culture, with both rich and shallow values, and our accomplishments made on either personal or ethnic level.

I have always loved your writing, please keep up the good work.

Mohamad Farokhnia


Killing free speech

In response to Amir Normandi's "Ramazan postcards":

Mr Javid,

Keep publishing such arrogant displays of hatred and racism and let's see how long it will take you (and people like you) to kill the freedom of speech!!

Ali Nasri


How much fun it was to eat those treats

In response to Mohammad Ala's "Reshteh & Koshkar":

Thank you so much for reminding me of how much fun it was to eat those treats when I was much younger.

Now, I have an idea of how they were made.

Kamran Baygani


Fix up your own pathetic culture

In response to Ali Parsa's "Jews need to read Einstein":

Dear Ali,

Like most people named Ali you have a delusional view of reality. To begin with, Moslems have had more than a few crusades- the only difference is Moslims pick and choose what to emphasize and deny like noone on earth. Ever heard of Arabization? Ever wonder why Turkey is bigger today than it was in 1935? And it was bigger in 1935 than it was in 1895? Ask the Kurds and Armenians. Ever wonder why in African countries that are predominately black it is Arabs who have all the money and power?

Furthermore you write "I despise those Jews for whom earning more money by any means is the purpose of life. It is exactly that tubular view and a kind of militant approach that has turned the world against all Jews from the ancient times to holocaust."

Well you know what? The world hates those Arabs such as the ones I saw kicking a woman in Barcelona to steal her purse. A scene that played itself out everyday. Don't you feel embassessed at all the thugs in Europe who are arab? Always acting "angry" to intimidate, then crying "racism" when people stand up to their bullshit. Many are named Ali. That must make you feel proud. Don't these perpetual "Day(s) of Anger" make you feel pathetic?nbsp; My friends and I watch them on Sunday morning instead of cartoons. They are funnier. Doesn't it embarrass you that Muslims are the only people who still practice slavery? Can't the Arabs is the Sudan get their greedy hands off of Africa? Can't Muslim men learn to satisfy women instead of mutilating them? Pathetic! Moslem men treat women worse than Europeans ever treated them. Shameless.

There you go, little boy. Fix up your own pathetic culture. Lecture your fellow muslims about how they cause Islamaphobia with their stupid and ignorant behavior. Teach them to protest against the injustices their people cause. There is certainly a lot to choose from! There are Jewish groups who speak out and protest when they think Jews are doing the wrong thing. It shows the selfishness and ignorance of your culture that Muslims and Arabs never do the same.

And as far as greed is concerned, I work for a living, unlike all the Muslim bottomfeeders who I have to support with my tax money. Go on Ali and teach your fellow Muslim man to act like a man.

Miss Magoo


One of the best

In response to Alireza Aghakhany's Iran photos "Shot by shot":

One of the best collections you have run.


Hossein Shahidi



In response to Alireza Aghakhany's Iran photos "Shot by shot":

nice pic's'. thanks for sharing them with us.

soobh -e- shoomaa be'khair.

issa hajjizadeh
las vegas


Very nice

In response to Alireza Aghakhany's Iran photos "Shot by shot":

Very nice; excellent…!

Tannaz Ebadollahi


Yek gale goosefand?

On the photo above revolutionary/patriotic songs page:

Dorood bar dosatne gerami,

Nakhost lazem ast ke az zahamate faravani ke mikeshid sepas gozari konam. Siteton besiyar ziba va mofid hast. man ba inke chandin bar az musik shoma estefade kardam, inbar chizi be didam oamd ke fekr kardam bad nabshad uno ba shoma dar miyan bezaram.

vagti mirim to bakhshe ahng gaye meli, un bala yek akx ziba hast az damane haye Alborz! roye un neveshte "The Iranian" yani "irani ha". Albate dorstesh in bod ke mineveshtan"The IRAN" yani "Iran". Ba vojode yek gale gosefand unja, " Irani ha " yek kami az dide man dorst dar nayoamd.

Fagat khastam yadavri konam. ba sepase mojadad az zahamateton, barayetan arezoye shadi v ashademani va pirozi daram.


Nasser Rahimi


Breaching the code of confidence

In response to Guive Mirfendereski's "Life is ultimately about choice":

Thank you Guive for your, as always, informative feedback. Until now I didn't realise that the poetry of Saadi can be so floridly described as vituperative!

I also learned that a lawyer can publicise the central message of a defamatory letter he has privately received by quoting it on a website such as this without breaching the code of confidence invested in his profession! No doubt the sender of that letter should be grateful to you for spreading his calumny so widely.



Not a private letter

In response to Parkhash's "Breaching the code of confidence":

Dear Parkhash,

Poetry of Saadi is poetry. However, to use the humanist message of it to find the right to foozooli (meddling -- sticking one's nose) in other people's business is rather disingenuous.

As for the derogatory comments a former teacher made about the skyrider -- that e-mail was not a private letter and it was submitted to a group of people including the editor of this site presumably for publication. This should serve as a notice to all that I do not consider unsolicited correspondence worthy of confidentiality. I will write about it if I feel like doing so.

Guive Mirfendereski


Richest Iranian

In response to Quiz "Super servatmand":

The richest Iranian is someone who can get laid without actualy paying for it.

Saeed Nia


Are you biased towards Islam?

Dear Mr. Javid,

I often read your website and I have recently noticed that every time you post an article/news regarding Islam, you put a sarcastic title above it. Such as "hamino kam dashtim" when introducing an article on how US Hispanics are drawn to Islam in your Friday's update. I noticed a couple of other such comments on previous articles.

Is it just my perception or do you really have a bias/problem against this religion? I don't mean to be inquisitive but since you are putting these comments, you need to clarify your stance for the readers.

Mani Sh.



In response to Gorgahoo's, "Suggested apology letter":


Alireza Lotfmanesh


Overwhelming response

In response to Sheri Chakamian's, "Cavalier dancer":

Juts want to let you know that I have received an overwhelming response from Iranian.com and sold few paintings already that I am shipping back east...

Sheri Chakamian


How is this for a laugh?

In response to Siamak Baniameri's, "How to defuse Moslem anger":

Did you KISS somebody's ASS? I am talking to you JJ, after knowing you for a long time, I never thought you would ever do that... Oh... well ...

I guess we have to also have an International Tribunal for Sexual Harassment, specifically for the Ass Kissers and see the name list of all offenders ... I bet you five dollars that I see the name of many politicians... so don't worry, your charges will not be dropped if you have not KISSed one of their asses... so you might still be the privileged member of the ASS KISSERS CLUB...

How is that for a laugh?



Come to Washington DC

In response to Homa Khoshbin's paintings, "Geometric haze":

Such great work! I wish Homa Khoshbin would come to Washington DC and exhibit her exquisite work here!

Thanks for sharing her art with us.

Mitra Mortazavi Lore


Iran is a joke

In response to Morib's "Any good journalists left?":

my friend you talk about journalism in the u.s.? please your stupit leader not that important to us is so ignorant and really pissss on iranian citizens. and by the way never answers the questions, just skiping and telling diferent stories. shame on him... just a clown.

really the people of iran need better. I have been in iran a month ago and it is a joke. your leaders don't spend money in iran, a country so rich where people are hungry too. roads are like shit, corruption everywhere. police driving mercedes benz and the population driving garbage cars.

your dear muslim leaders just want to control people with religion and you damn people let them take all the money that needs to spent on iran. you people are full of shit. iran is worse than the u.s.

here we are honest, there too ruuuuuuuude people, girls pretending to be good, don't even care if the man they flirt with is married, just becouse they want to go out of the country. I had a dream to go to iran and I had so much respect. now I think iran is no comparison to the u.s. we really are a true nice honest people, hard working and don't sell our ass taking the man from there marriage.

Cecilia Martinez


More like high school project

In response to Amir Normandi's "Ramazan postcards":

I just viewed the series of pictures called Ramazan by Amir Normandi. I am curious to know why they are called "Ramazan"?

Also, I don not consider all of them as photographs since they are more graphic design than photography, and lastly, I am wondering what's the story behind it? Iran as a nation? Iran's governement? Islam? Women in Islam? Ramazan? or...

Anyway, as a photographer myself I found this series of photos to be uninteresting and also as if was a high school project.

Thank you for reading.

New Yorker


Not the quality we expect

In response to Hossein Hajiagha's cartoons:

This poor "Hajiagha" guy is totally crazy. I understand you want to give everybody a space to express himself but this guy is very sick. Maybe it is better for him to go to a mental hospital and get some help, instead of drawing this type of cartoons.

Drawing this cartoons only makes his mental problem worse. I feel very bad every time I see his works. I also feel bad to see them in Iranian.com.

The fact that I really don't want to see his works in Iranian.com is not because I disagree with him. There are many writers in Iranian.com that I disagree with. It is all about the quality people like me expect from the Iranian.

Maybe you believe that he is representing a certain type of mentality -- that is very dominant among Iranians -- and should be presented somewhere but is not presented in the Iranian media. I agree with you, but I think a different form of showing it, and a different location in the website would be more appropriate: an interview, an essay, or any kind of analysis. Having him in your "Toons" section somehow implies (most probably falsely) that his humor (and not even his ideas) is approved by your editorial decision.

Anyway, this is just an opinion, from a friend, and a faithful reader of your site.



Bayad kheyly mamnoon bashim

In response to Hossein Hajiagha's cartoons:

Lotfan Cartoonhaye "Hajiagha" ro ghat konid... Ishan benazar meeresad ke ehtiaj be moraje-ye be doctor-e Teemarestan darand....

He is just soo bitter about his own life... I would not hesitate to say he will probably end up killing someone, or a whole group of people like that idiot in the Montreal College last month... He needs some serious help...

Canada be heech vajh intoor ke ishon karikatorhashoon ro mekeshand nist va, mardom e inja kheiyly mehraban hastand... va ma bayad kheyly mamnoon bashim ke onha mara be in keshvar rah dadand va khaneh va kashaneh ye jadidi ro dar ekhtiar e ma gozashtand....

In agha ageh baayad bargardeh be iran ageh az canada khoshesh nemeyad... pas chera nemeereh?

he should go back to where he came from if he doesnt like canada... he seems to have some serious issues...



Get over it

In response to Sophie Saviour's "Getting what you deserve":

Hello sophie.

I have been reading your letters or if you'd like to call them "articles" on this site and i really felt like writing something about it.

let me start first by saying that even though i am sorry that you kinda missed out on some potentially beautiful romances in iran, because of all the limitations that you describe and who knows what else, I think the fact that you put yourself through events so you can make up for those losses, were one of the main reasons that you have gone out of your way to define the meaning of the term loser and to set limits as to who is Mr. afsordeh and who is asdollah mirza. I have a feeling that you still carry the burden of that guilt from years back.

What you are promoting here is basically a form of insensitivity towards men and various issues and problems, be it physically or mentally, they may have. It is as if you are casting them aside, and think of them as useless creatures that are too good for you, because you consider yoruself educated and sophisticated, and etc.

Get over it.

so what if a guy you may meet and might have some feelings for, would have some issues? would it kill you to help that person and find out what is wrong? Instead of avoidong him like a nasty and infected wound? This is really odd, because when a guy who happens to think just like you and would stay away from a girl who's got some "junk in trunk", is immediately considered a bastard, a dog and an insensitive fellow, but now that the table has turned and the shoe is on the other foot, all of a sudden it is such a waste of time to give the guy a second look. What are you smoking? Perhaps you success and education and overwhelming beauty has gone way too deep in your head.

He may or may not get what he deserves. You sound like you are putting a curse on him. You really think that you were used by that canadian boyfriend of yours? New s flash: You were not. Quit acting like a victim. wanna know why? because you, intentionally and deliberately opened up to him. You said that everything clicked. Why do you think that was, any other than some mutual sense of physicall and mental attraction? and all of a sudden here you are, victimized and surrounded by bunch of nothing but losers. Maybe you should have thought of the consequences before yo8u go too far and take the frustrations out. After all you came to this country when you were in your 30's!!

If that book you spoke about, probably picked off a shelf in a walmart or target store right next to where they sell Opra's magazine, really carried that message to you then that was nothing but junk. I am not saying a man should not go out of his way to satisfy and impress his woman, in every possible way, but not doing that does not necessarily mean it is time for a woman to hop on to some other dude. That is flat wrong. That is just nonsense that is spewed by writters so they can make their money. so to answer that question, yes to some certain extent it is worth building a relationship.

I am sorry, but i DO NOT, believe you when you say " it didn't work". Especially in the case of the guys who liked you! I may not know too much, but i just don't buy that. I have heard that Vague and meanigless line so many times, that i just laugh so hard everytime i hear it nowadays. Don't you think when something is broken, it at least deserves a look, let alone getting fixed, and definitely not deserves to get thrown away? Otherwise, what is the difference between your mind-set and that of a 20 something girl?

Please don't laugh at yourself. Instead try to be a bit more open-minded and give credit when credit is due.



Islamists scare me. Why?

In response to Jahanshah Rashidian's "Short of religious wars":


I read your article carefully. I failed to understand what exactly you wanted to say about the words of the pope rather than political Islam and current regime in Iran. The Pope never said anything directly and explicitely against any tenet of Islam.

Of course indirectly quoting from history pope tried to point out mildly that the current facade - face of Islamist - imamas and mullahs who represent the religion - was violent and terrifying, exhuming fear.

That image especially after 9/11 is preading fast in the world , not only in the west but also in the east. Pope spelled out that apprehension which is in the mind of millions around the world including mine. That image is getting concretised day by day by the violence perpetuated by the Islamic Funadmetalists.

When I look at the green flag with white sword in the middle I get feeling of fear -- why? When I see young muslim boys with thoppi (cap) and beard roam around the junction where I stay -- why? I am afraid and cautious because they strange people - why?


Do you subscribe to religion and sword will go hand in hand? How inhuman and cruel and babaric that an Immam pronounce fatwa -death sentence in the name of Allah on an another individual?

The message the Islamic Terrorists send out is that their religion is the most obscrantist. I have linved under Khomenis regime for some time
Sir your title is not appropriate to the things you said but may be to your mind.

There are beautiful things in Islamic tenets.

J. Kaval


Missing factor

In response to Hossein Baghr Zadeh's "Voices from Iran":

Dear Mr. Bagher Zadeh,

As usual a perfect article with many ongoing and obvious facts! I would even add the most basic fact to your descriptions of our problems, namely Islam as the main source of evil.

Maybe you are not in the position to conspicuously mention this “most destructive” source, but I can add this point to your writings without any necessary considerations.

I like reading your articles. However, I complete their orientations by conspicuously thinking of the main factor “Islam”.

With Regards from Germany

Jahanshah Rashidian


Iran, Japan, U.S. and nuclear weapons

In response to Daniel Pourkesali's "We're not worthy?":

Responding to my article "Do We Really Need Nuclear Weapons?", Pourkesali has decided to resort to distortion of what I have said and untrue statements concerning the IAEA report and promoting biased historical views. [See "We're not worthy?"]

Pourkesali says: "But the most confounding was the statement that 'It is not always reporting that is to blame but it is the way we tend to perceive things that determines our reactions to any kind of reporting'." And he goes on to add the offensive "Huh?" at the end of the paragraph and he states:

"The way we perceive things is directly determined by the manner it is packaged and then repeated over and over until we accept them as truth both at cognizant and conscious level."

I am surprised Pourkesali has not been affected by this package at all.

Since he has quoted from Howard Zinn's book, The People's History of the United States, as a source, I would like to draw his attention to what Zinn says in this respect comparing a historian to a mapmaker on page 8 of the same book:

"The historian's distortion is more than technical, it is ideological; it is released into a world of contending interests, where any chosen emphasis supports (whether the historian means to or not) some kind of interest, whether economic or political or racial or national or sexual."

Obviously he missed the above statement which, in a way, forms part of Zinn's caveat to his long book of sensationalistic reporting.

Contrary to what Pourkesali claims, I never accused him of being an insider. I posed two questions that anyone who has mastered English the way he has, would have noticed that I was not stating facts or accusing him of anything there. I had my own reasons for NOT believing he was an insider.

If he were an insider he would be back in Iran counting his moneys and trying to find ways to make more, like the rest of the regime's insiders. An insider does not need to sit down in a restaurant and convince individuals of the legitimacy of the Iranian uranium enrichment activities. He would have the mass media in Iran and many other countries at his disposal and would say the things he likes and get away with it.

Pourkesali also states that I accused him of whitewashing Iran's nuclear ambitions. I would like to give a dictionary definition of the expression "whitewash" here: "An attempt to hide unpleasant facts about sb/sth. Synonym: cover up." And that is exactly what he has done in "Nuclear IQ" and his other letters. In one letter he asks, why Iran and not North Korea? And he has an answer ready for it: OIL.

Exaggerating certain insignificant features of an argument and avoiding more important ones amounts to whitewashing.

I think he should dig North Korean issue a little bit more before dropping the name. For his information, not a single day goes by without North Korea's case being brought up in the news which he does not seem to be following.

He denies that he has tried to whitewash the Iranian regime's activities. He has, except that he does not realize it. If it were easy for people to understand their own subjective states of consciousness thoroughly, there would be no use for psychoanalysis or psychiatry or cultural-psychology or counselling. Even when the object of one's cognitive activity is one's own consciousness he/she may not fully grasp the contents of his/her subjective states of consciousness.

When Pourkesali defends the right of the Iranian regime to enrich uranium and calls the actions of the countries opposing such activities, "nuclear apartheid," he is in fact, defending the regime's interests which stand in total contrast to the interests of the Iranian people in general.

"Iran" in the regime's jargon has become an irrelevent and meaningless metaphore. Pourkesali is definitely not defending the rights of the people when millions of Iranian citizens have been forced into exile and the whole country has been taken hostage by a ruthless regime for the past twenty-seven years. Iran's tyrannical rulers have turned the country into a mobocracy where the only laws relevant are those which protect the interests of a few.

He is defending the rights of a regime which has done everything it can to incite wars. Taking Americans hostage. Verbal attacks on Saddam Hussein from day one of its inception. Talks of exporting their brand of "Islam" and "revolution." Interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority with the aim to prevent peace in the region. Calling for the destruction of Israel. Openly stating their dream of taking over Jerusalem. Making Iraq-Iran war that could have ended in less than two years, last eight years. A war that proved disasterous for the Iranian people and lucrative for those in charge of the war efforts.

The regime's officials and the mass media in Iran can claim that the war with Iraq was "imposed on Iran by the Iraqi dictator who hated us." However, they cannot claim they did not provoke Saddam by constantly sending hate messages and mentioning him by name along with talks of liberating "our Shiite brothers" in Iraq. The regime welcomed the war as "God's blessing." In fact the war did help the regime perpetuate its murderous rule.

The Iranian government adamantly rejected the peace initiatives of the neighboring countries, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, which were willing to pay tens of billions of dollars to Iran in the form of war reparations. Accepting peace at that time could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides.

The real political stance of the Iranian regime can be summed up in a statement by the former defense chief, Ali Shamkhani who recently said, "If we cooperate, oil is $7 a barrel. And if we don't, it is $70." He was talking about cooperating with the international community at a recent investment conference. As if Iran can isolate itself from the rest of the world. As if the regime has not auctioned off whatever it can to foreign interests. What he actually means is that they are not interested in any peace in the Middle East.

And these days one should listen to the ludicrous assertions of the shameless demagogues in Tehran who claim that the U.S. will hurt as a result of sanctions imposed on Iran. The more than eleven-trillion-dollar U.S. GDP (25% of the world's GDP) surpasses the combined GDPs of Japan, Germany, the U.K. and China. I wonder how sanctions could hurt the U.S. and not Iran.

Pourkesali says he sighted the following example in the news and claims that is how the mass media brainwashes people in the West:

"Iran refuses to suspend its uranium enrichment activity, which can produce among other things, the material for atomic bombs. Tehran insists that its nuclear program is for generating electricity, but the West believes Iran wants to make nuclear weapons."

I asked how else could the above be worded not to offend any side and he responded, "Never mind offending, just spare us the misinformation, fear-mongering and dramatic and stick with the facts." He then gave his own version:

"Iran refuses to give up its right to uranium enrichment; the process allowed by the NPT and by which necessary fuel to power nuclear reactor is produced. Tehran insists that its nuclear program is for generating electricity but the West accuses Iran of intending to produce nuclear weapons, a charge not confirmed by the UN nuclear watchdog agency."

A charge not refuted by the IAEA either. In fact, the IAEA is unequivocal in its report of August 31, 2006 where it says:

"However, the Agency remains unable to make further progress in its efforts to verify the correctness and completeness of Iran's declarations with a view to confirming the peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program."

Pourkesali's version is a deliberate attempt to cover up the truth concerning Iranian regime's lack of transparency and enrichment-related activities? He is certainly familiar with this report, however he continues to stick to false statements.

Of course by now, Pourkesali has heard about Rafsanjani blowing the whistle on the regime concerning the dream of the Iranian leaders to turn Iran into a nuclear state. Khomeini's letter along with many other documents can be found in Montazeri's book 2 of his biography on his site.

He says I demanded a lesson in history. I did not. He did, however, embark on a long and tedious explanation of what I had found irrelevant to begin with. He has "reverse engineered" two books and has presented us with certain statements as the true history of the Second World War. The problem is that Pourkesali does not see the weaker side of Zinn's argument. It is also obvious that the contradictory nature of Zinn's position on the war with Japan is not understood by Pourkesali because he has neither the historical knowledge nor has he any interest in learning the truth one way or the other.

When the U.S. does not act, it is to blame and when it does it is to blame for acting out of self-interest. Why else should America act? Out of the Soviets' or Japan's interests?

On Page 402 of Zinn's book there is a quotation in reference to the U.S. embargoes on scrap iron and oil: "these measures were a clear and potent threat to Japan's very existence."

If the embargoes were "a potent threat to Japan's very existence," how could Japan continue its war on such a large scale for four years after the embargoes were in place? Zinn does not deal with such questions because he has already told us he may distort and emphasize certain aspects of history and indeed he does a good job distorting it.

He does not see America's foreign policy vis-a-vis Japan's militarism and its atrocities in the region and its attack on Pearl Harbor. He even wants the reader to believe the U.S. was to blame for provoking Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.

Zinn's claim that Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not have military bases and were chosen because of the concentration of their civilian populations is another big historical distortion.

Two years before the publication of Zinn's book, in 1978, Showa Emperor, Hirohito, decided to quit visiting the "holy" site of the Yasukuni Shrine, where those fallen in the war are enshrined. The reasons for his decision were not revealed until several months ago in the year 2006. The confidant whose notes were published posthumously had his own reasons for not releasing them earlier.

The 2006 incident which took place several months ago, revealed that the emperor's reason for not visiting the Yasukuni Shrine was that the names of some of the "Class-A war criminals" were added to the list of the fallen there. He was against such move and showed his displeasure by not visiting the shrine. This of course, was not received well by those right-leaning politicians who were not on the side of the emperor and had its unpleasant consequences for him.

A few months ago, when former Prime Minister Koizumi was asked to comment on the emperor's decision, he casually stated, "To each his own.", dismissing the emperor's decision as an insignificant issue.

How insignificant this decision was needs to be understood in the context of the Japanese history before and after the war and the role of the emperor in the period that led to the war. Some historians tend to place the emperor at the center of all the events in that period. Unfortunately, the secrecy surrounding Japan's history does not allow for an honest and truthful historical evaluation of those events. More documents need to be declassified before having a clear understanding of Japan's war-time leaders' intentions in the months leading to Japan's surrender.

Americans had broken the Japanese code and could read the war-time Japanese messages, however, the messages alone could not lead to serious peace talks or surrender of Japan's imperial forces. Japanese militarists had no intention of surrendering, neither in August nor any time soon after that. At the Tokyo Tribunal some Japanese officials, including Prime Minister General Hideki Tojo, accused the emperor for bringing a shameful defeat on Japan. Reading such accusations in view of the pervasive mindset in Japan at that time, one could only conclude that those officials were not happy with Japan's unconditional surrender and were determined to continue the war at all cost.

A report by the Far Eastern Section of the State Department's Bureau of Investigation prepared in August 1948 says:

"The attitudes of many Japanese towards the trial is acquiescence to it as something that was bound to happen because Japan lost the war. Rather than focusing on the war responsibility of the defendants resulting from their war crimes, criticism is concentrated on their responsibility for leading the nation into defeat and bringing shame and misery. That is, rather than responsibility for waging the war, the people are problematizing their leaders' responsibility for losing it."

G. Rahmanian


Done nothing but dancing bandari in Persian parties in Miami

In response to Azam Nemati's "Fame, fortune & false hopes":

khanoon e azam nemat,

if nobody knows you at least i know you really really good ..this is you: JA NAMAZ AB KESSHIDAN in all your document you put every body down and think chon chand class az diploma bishtar dars khoondi you know every thing ... u have not done any thing for our mom-e-mihan other than dancing bandari in Persian parties in Miami... so please mind your own business and do not make any comment on iranian singers and ms anoush as iranian girl i have so much respect for her and people like her...

You said she should of spent her money for iran i do not see you doing any thing for iran ohhh i forgot you go to shab e sher ... i think she is a beautiful soul that doing every thing in her power to be more than a dokhtar bandari ... or maybe you are hasood because you do not have a husband like her to spend such a money for you and PLEASE do not give me "oh if i want to i could have any man i want" 'cause U CAN NOT !!!!!!!!!

Actually i am ashamed to live in the same city that you live ... we all know all your words are out of HASOODI nothing else oh one more thing stop talking about fat girls in short skirt at least they do not come to 13 bedar in bikini ... haahh remember that oh yes my dear i do not see any of our singers in bikini in front of all persians at the age of 50 ...

Tanaz Parsi


Pushing limits

In response to Mohammad R. Jahan-Parvar's "A few skeletons in the closet":

I would like to thank Mr. Jahan Parvar for his elaborate, convincing reply to Azam Nemati's comments.

I find her writings at times amusing as they are so politically incorrect and outspoken but for the most part she pushes the limits and insults people just because she does not agree with them, or they do not care to contribute to her cause!

Hiedeh F


Here we go again

In response to Dariush Abadi's "Khatami did his best":

Mr. Abadi:

In your argument posted on Iranian.com titled “Khatami did his best” you wrote: “Where were you when they brought the Shah in this country and we demanded him back to stand trial and if found guilty be executed for his crimes against humanity?”

It seems preordained that you would execute the Shah, anyway, since you don’t even state what crime he might have been charged with, but the punishment is defined. So why have a trial? If you hated him because he played more on Iran’s pre Islamic glory, called himself the light of the Aryans, the king of kings and the gate keeper of civilization, and a nationalist, deemphasizing Islam and Arabparasti, then your next statement is just reciprocating your own actions. “Your hatred of Khatami is based on your hatred of Islam, not any love you have for Justice.” So it can be argued that your hatred of the Shah was because he was a nationalist and not an Arabparast.

If, however, you think that the Shah deserved to die because he committed atrocities and eliminated his opposition with brute force, then the argument in this paragraph “Again, it is your hatred of Islam that makes you hate everything Islamic. Khatami wasn't anti-women. Even all the "torture" and "murder" rates you claimed were done by a branch of the government not in control by Khatami. However, it was Khatami that for the first time brought these branches to a level of accountability by exposing their crimes to the people.” seems a bit circular. Let me explain a little.

Khatami was “popularly elected” by a large margin (as they claimed) in a race that originally had over 2000 contenders, all of whom but three were deemed ineligible to run, with Khatami being the least known of the three remaining candidates. His election was more of a rejection of Rafsanjani and the Islamic Republic because the unknown Khatami had promised reform. But you say that Khatami did not have any control in the government and that the country was run by a government within a government. I don’t think you are in disagreement here with everyone else who thinks Khatami was just a smiling façade on a ruthless regime. His mission was to make the Islamic Republic appear to be on a path of reform and moderation to the world, while domestically that branch, which you refer to, was busy eliminating the Iranians that you worry may perish if there is a revolution to oust this tyrannical regime. It is a betrayal of humanity to deny the sacrifices and the hardships people have lived through, as evident by many publications by people who have gone through the grinding wheel of this regime, who have been tortured and have witnessed the torture and mass murders of others. Apparently, and admittedly, khatami did not achieve much. So why, is he not guilty, as the Shah was, for the atrocities committed under his leadership?

Here we go again: “They want to reform within the system. Khatami did the best he could to bring "ideas" of reform into that system (that have carried over to the populist president Ahmadinejad of today).”

Ahmadinejad was “popularly elected” by a large margin (as they claimed) in a race that originally had over 3000 contenders, all of whom but three were deemed ineligible to run, with Ahmadinejad being the least known of the three remaining candidates. His election was more of a rejection of Rafsanjani and the Islamic Republic because the unknown Ahmadinejad’s purported education seemed like an asset that would defy the dogma of Mullahism. But his first public act was to kneel in front of Khamenei and kiss his hand, very reminiscent of the ceremonies the subordinates of the Shah would carry out, a system you so despised. So my question to you is, why should we wait another 8 years to find out that he is also a puppet, playing kheimeh shab bazi, and that true power is in the hands of the group that did not let Khatami succeed, in as much as he wanted to succeed? So far, Ahmadinejad has managed to piss off the world and forget the plight of the people who voted him into office by ignoring the dire economic situation, and instead has appointed himself the righteous eradicator of Zionism on this Earth, and the bastion of nuclear technology in Iran. Only your Allah will know what atrocities that hidden “branch of government” will commit during Ahmadinejad’s tenor that he, like Khatami before him, is unable to stop.

So is your hatred of the Shah not for the same reasons that people now cite for hating the Islamic Republic and those who stand for it?

With regrads,

Shahriar Azadmanesh


>>> More letters in October 2006 Part 2
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