Olive tree
In remembrance of the victims of the Qana Massacre 7/30/2006
August 20, 2006
Ever since I was a baby
Ever since I can remember
My mother always told me
Dear child, God is not for you to see
God is a force, God is energy
God lives inside us all
God lives inside this olive tree
So you taught me
To speak to him
You don’t need instructions
You don’t need a fancy plea
You need only faith
God is good, God is great
God will protect you
Believe in him my love,
God will set you free
I took your words as sacred
And I trusted divinity
I carried God in my heart
And made him indeed a part of me
But God was not here today
God did not see
The black cloud that fell on my home
The curse that fell on my family
I reached out to him
I cried and called his name
I begged for him to come,
I begged for him to save me
But God was not here today
God did not see
The tears, the blood, the fear, the terror
That shook this sacred city
God abandoned the children
The mothers, the elderly
God left us unsheltered
In the path of an evil fury
It is quiet now
There is nothing left to see
The children are asleep now
Their blood feeds the olive tree
The night is eternal
The atmosphere is heavy
The living scream for the dead
And my world is wrapped in agony
Death passed and the dust has settled
Daylight illuminates the depth of tragedy
The children have risen
At least they are finally free
Amidst the ruins and the debris
Among shattered fragments of humanity
I search for my God, my faith,
I search for what remains of me
God is good, God is great
God will protect you
Believe in him my love,
God will set you free
I am a survivor of hell
I am a refugee
Struggling in a nightmare
I still search for my olive tree
I don’t know what tomorrow will hold
I don’t know where my home will be
I don’t know if I should continue to pray
To a God who does not see me
My mother is gone
Her hands no longer here to guide me
She left me alone with God
The same God I share with my enemy