Breaking eggs
Pathetic attempts at justifying of oppression
against Palestinians
January 27, 2004
I have long said that Israel poses
a threat to Iran, regardless of Islam or the Palestinians. Even
if there
was no such thing as Palestinians (as Golda Meir once
claimed), and even if Iran was ruled by a secular
monarchy Israel would still be a threat to Iran
because Israel is driven by an insane, racist, fascist
ideology which seeks to dominate the entire Mideast.
Now, I have proof.
One of the oldest myths promoted by the Israeli
propaganda machine was that the Palestinian refugees
left their homes and lands voluntarily rather than
having been driven out by Israeli forces. As long as
Israelis could maintain this pretense, they could
then claim that the Palestinians were not technically "refugees" and
were therefore not entitled to return to their homes under the
Geneva Convention.
In 1987, Israeli historian Benny Morris wrote a
entitled The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee
Problem which once and for all laid to rest the
Zionist myth by chronicling Zionist murders,
terrorism, and ethnic cleansing that drove the
600,000-750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948.
Morris was branded by Zionists as a
self-hating Jew for exposing such uncomfortable truths
which challenged the Israeli monopoly on perpetual
victimhood. Others held up Morris as an example of an
honest and brave historian who was willing to expose
uncomfortable truths regardless of social-political
Well, as it turns out, Benny Morris is hardly a
In an astonishing recent interview published in
Ha'aretz and reproduced
by Counter
Punch Benny
Morris not only seeks to justify past Israeli
atrocities, but claims that that Israeli may be
morally justified in committing further atrocities
against Palestinians.
This of course should not come as a surprise. Having
put aside the false propaganda lens and looked
directly into the dark heart of Zionism, it was
inevitable that Morris should see the true fascist
racism of an ideology which claims that Jews are
superior to non-Jews. However, instead of denouncing
it, Morris decided to embrace it. I guess only so much
could be expected of him.
The technique which Morris uses in his interview
justify Israeli hatred and racism is quite simple:
monopolize victimhood. Portray your victims as
non-humans who seek to destroy you out of sheer hatred
so as to justify your own efforts to destroy them out
of sheer hatred.
For example, in reading the interview, one is struck
by the fact that Morris openly admits that the Israeli
murdered and raped many Palestinians as part of a
deliberate and systematic policy of mass expulsion. He
even casually justifies these acts by saying "You
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."
And on
the heels of this callous hate-filled disregard of
human rights, Morris portrays his deepest hypocricy by
further claiming that such acts were justified
because, according to Morris, Muslims are the "barbarians".
Did you catch that? Once more: Israelis raped,
murdered and ethnically cleansed Palestinians... and
yet it is the Muslims who are the barbarians.
There are other examples of this sort of
self-justificatory hypocricy:
For example he faults Ben Gurion for not totally
driving out all the Palestinians, and yet he claims
(based solely on his own suspicions) that it is the
Palestinians who want to drive out the Jews. So who is
really supporting the ethnic cleansing of the other?
He also complains that Muslims and Arafat see Israeli
as a Crusader state, and then he claims that Israel is
indeed a Crusader state which on the forefront of a
war of civilizations by the West against the "barbarians".
And yes, according to Morris, the presence of
Palestinians in their own homes and lands constituted
a threat of "genocide" against Jews, and so the Jews
had no option but to commit these crimes for what
Morris calls "the greater good" (whose greater good?)
Some of Morris' pathetic attempts at justification
are laughable. For example he tries to claim that ethnic
cleansing is not really all that bad because there
have been other instances of ethnic cleansing in
history. As any historian knows, many atrocities have
been committed in the past - but does that make it OK
to repeat them? Heck, Genghis Khan murdered millions -
I guess that makes mass murder OK too.
If Morris
justifies the ethinic cleansing of Palestinians on the
grounds that it has happened before, then why would he
complain if the Palestinians really do want to
ethnically cleanse Jews from Palestine? Or does Morris
believe that ethnic cleansing OK just as long as the
Jews are not at the receiving end? Morris
further justifies ethnic cleansing by
saying "Without that act, they would not have won the
war and the state would not have come into being." Fine.
Then I guess war crimes is OK as long as it serves your interests
and promotes your goals.
And tomorrow, when they're done with the Palestinians
and Syrians and Egyptians, you can bet that the same
sort of logic will be employed to attack Iran. In
fact, be certain of it.
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