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A Sayyed Nasr al-Din Haydari performing a
Jam of Niyaz in Tutshami (photographer unknown).

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Photographs taken by author unless otherwise indicated.
Also this collection of pictures is by no means comprehensive in terms of
including all the respected Kalam’Khwans and Daftar’Dans of the Guran region.
It is only meant as a “picture album” of some of the individuals
I met during my research or I wished I had met.

* Music: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
[A group chanting session by the respected Kalam’Khwans of Guran in five tracks. Field recording by author. Computerized version by Cuco Daglio (UC Berkeley Music Department) and Javaneh Khodabakhsh.]
* Pictures: Hooshmanrad in her apartment in Walnut Creek, northern California
* Interview: Followers of the Truth

Followers of the Truth
Interview with Partow Hooshmandrad on the music of the Ahl-i Haqq in Iranian Kurdistan

Jahanshah Javid
April 7, 2005

Partow Hooshmandrad has won a prestigious award from the National Geographic Society to continue her research and conservation efforts on the cultural heritage of the Kurdish Ahl-i Haqq of Guran.

Hooshmandrad holds a Ph.D. from the University of Californian, Berkeley. She has done extensive research on the cultural heritage of the Ahl-i Haqq (Yarsan). The title of her dissertation is "Performing the Belief: Sacred Musical Practice of the Kurdish Ahl-i Haqq of Guran" (a copy of the manuscript may be ordered from UMI, University Microfilms International, in a few months).

As a scholar/performer, she specializes in the sacred musical practice of the Ahl-i Haqq of Guran and Iranian classical music. She has won numerous awards for research on the Ahl-i Haqq and Iranian classical music including generous fellowships from the University of California, Berkeley’s Music Department, Hertz fellowship, Mellon grants, Humanities grants, University of California Center for Middle Eastern Studies Al-Falah grant, and a grant from the Kurdish National Congress.


For letters section
To Partow Hooshmandrad



Book of the day

The Art of Persian Music
Lessons from Master Dariush Safvat
(Book and CD)
By Jean During et al

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