Glamorous indeed
What to do with fame and fortune
By Tala Dowlatshahi
August 3, 2001
The Iranian
There were several articles in London on Thursday, 26 July, inquiring
into the peculiar circumstances surrounding the death of Leila Pahlavi,
Iran's Peacock Princess. The Independent stated that Dr. Mangad Iqbal
(Leila's doctor), had been re-summoned to explain to the police how and
why the princess stole prescriptions from his desk while he was downstairs
fetching medical equipment to examine her eyes. On the same day, Neil Tweedie
of The Daily Telegraph wrote about how the youngest daughter of the
Shah of Iran "stole prescriptions in order to feed her fatal addiction
to barbiturates."
The Guardian headlined its article on Ms. Pahlavi as the "Overdose
Princess" who "stole" from her dictor's office. The reopening
of the case, prompted by allegations via Dr. Paul Chapman, the Westminster
Coroner, accused Dr. Iqbal of making contradictory statements about the
quantity of prescription drugs he had supplied to the princess directly
before her death.
There also seems to have been a failure on Dr. Iqbal's part, to previously
inform the authorities of the prescription theft in his office. Guardian
journalist Jeevan Vasagar went on to explain in his article, the bizarre
sighting in Leila's hotel room days prior to her death. Louis Martinez,
a room service waiter at the Leonard Hotel, found the princess lying on
the floor of her hotel room with a telephone cord wrapped around her neck.
Very glamorous indeed. Without attempting to seem unemotional about the
loss of life of a fellow Iranian, I think it best to describe these scenarios
as a poetic defueling of Iranianism at best. What better way to feel truly
disrespected as an Iranian than to have your princess described as a drug-binging
suicidal lunatic?
I found it ironic that on the very same day in the obituary section of
the papers, there were several descriptive articles exploring the late life
of India's Bandit Queen-Phoolan Devi. Known by most of her peers as India's
modern day Robin Hood, Ms. Devi was no where near in comparison to the same
class nor prestige as Leila Pahlavi. On the contrary, Phoolan Devi was born
in the north of India into a poor and low-caste family, was married at the
age of eleven to a man triple her age, and was repeatedly sexually and physically
abused before entering a life of crime.
A victim of gang rape (some believe that as many as twenty upper caste
men raped her in one instance), Ms. Devi turned her circumstances around
rather swiftly. At the age of twenty, Devi formed her own gang of armed
robbers and began terrorising upper caste society before surrendering and
serving more than ten years behind bars. In 1996, Ms. Devi came back into
Indian society newly reformed. She ran successfully for a seat in Parliament
and had been pro-actively campaigning on behalf of the poor and oppressed
throughout India until she was shot dead last week outside her doorstep
by masked gunmen.
What is clear from this story is that one championed for the cause of
those without basic human rights. The other, slowly decayed into victimising
herself and all that her royal lineage stood for. Let's face it, Princess
Pahlavi was no Princess Diana. She wasn't even a Phoolan Devi. What she
did have was prestige, access to a multiplicity of resources, and a name.
She could have chosen to utilise her name for the benefit of less advantaged
Iranians, those who continue to suffer as refugees, asylum seekers, and
advocates for equal rights to women and children.
Amnesty International's report 2001 clearly documents the facts on the
on-going torture and ill-treatment of prisoners of conscience, journalists,
and human rights defenders in Iran. Iran is out into a category with countries
like China, Sierra Leone, Macedonia, Russia and Cuba. Disgraceful comparison,
considering that the Chinese government's new "Strike Hard" campaign
means they have executed more people in the last three months than the world
in the last three years. Reporters Sans Frontieres also highlights Iran
as one its thirty predators of press freedom in their 2001 report. In a
single year, the Iranian judiciary has closed over thirty reformist publications
including three of the country's main dailies.
Why is it that Leila Pahlavi chose not to advocate on behalf of those
struggling persons if not in Iran, then elsewhere? Instead she pitied herself
and lived in regret of what could have been instead of what was. Princess
Diana went to Africa to assist those millions displaced and was a strong
advocate of land mine safety in war-torn countries struggling to get their
society back into transition. Why is is that most Iranians in Los Angeles
for example (once again, having great access to resources), rather speak
to you about their new Gucci bag, or which fashionable restaurant they were
seen at, than advocate on behalf of human rights, press freedom, or women
and children displaced in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe? Can we all really
accept that nine-year-old child soldiers are defending their homes in Sierra
I cannot help but feel jilted in the recent news coverage of the death
of the Princess. By choosing a life of drugs and depression, she left without
making the mark that she really could have. I only wish that she went out
with as much respect from the world for championing human rights as did
Princess Diana.
