Reduced to genitals
Feminism's root problem
By Moji Agha
August 8, 2001
The Iranian
This is a brief response to the article by Shokooh Mirzadegi in the Iranian,
entitled "Feminism
va doshmanaane khodiash!" (Feminism and its enemies within). Please
notice the word "khodi" or US in the title of the article, as
it is worth a thousand words.
To my HUMAN ham-koreh (co-inhabitant of Earth), Ms. Mirzadegi:
In my opinion,your article did not touch on the root problem of feminism.
So long as feminism (especially its "colonial" kind) behaves as
an ideology, it will do what all ideologies have done: not seeing reality.
I will just mention one example from what you have written, where it
seems you are not adequately aware of the incredible psychological and social
pressures men experience when they TRY to somehow by-pass the virginity
issue, especially in traditional "backward" (your word) societies.
The boys whom you apparently think are not under traditional pressures
are actually victims themselves, just as much as girls. Why do you think
"khaar kosseh" or "maadar jendeh" (excuse my language)
are among the worst curse words in Persian and other "backward"
languages? Their purpose is to FORCE men to behave.
So long as you cannot see, minimize, or rationalize the oppressive existence
of these REAL structural pressures on men, due to the ideological foundation
of feminism, you will forever be surprised by the cruel face of reality,
namely the "anti-women backlash."
No human being is capable of changing overnight, assuming that such change
is REALLY desirable. The politically-correct, socially-engineered men who
somehow manage to "behave" in ways feminism dictates, are only
repressing their historically-encoded tendencies. Even if they die, their
sons or grandsons will not be able to maintain this imposed serenity and
will become abusive sooner or later. Abuse begets abuse. Feminism should
have learned this historical lesson, but it cannot, because it is an ideology.
So long as you cannot see, minimize, or rationalize the oppressive existence
of these REAL structural pressures, due to the ideological foundation of
feminism, you will forever be surprised by the cruel face of reality --
the "backlash".
When you look deeply, you will see there is no structural difference
between (for example) the ideology of feminism and that of the Taliban.
All that is different is the external form, the genitals, and the players'
clothes. The underlying dynamics are the same.
To the extent that feminism is not aware (because of being an ideology)
that it has been fooled into adopting the foundational essence of all ideologies,
including the one that it intends to oppose and modify, it is oppressing
women far more dangerously than any male sexist could ever dream of (slaves
with the whip syndrome).
For another example, look at the harm right-wing Islamic ideologues have
done to Islam throughout the world (especially to its vulnerable spiritual
essence). No enemy of Islam could have ever dreamed of the damage Islamic
conservatives have done to Islam.
I know that your article is critical of some details of some methods
your Feminist Sisters have adopted. Thank God, at least for that. But, when
will the members of your Feminist Sisterhood will wake up to the tragically
sad fact that they share the word "sister" (structurally identical
in meaning) with their ideological "brothers" in the Taliban?
A structural element of feminism is that women should be treated as human
beings, AHEAD of their gender. When is the Feminist Sisterhood going to
do treat men as humans ahead of their physical characteristics?
As a human being with a Y next to the X in my chromosomal structures,
I, for one, am TIRED of being reduced to my genitals by your sisters (who
ironically complain of the same oppression on the other side), as if I (as
a typical human, who happens to also be a man) have not evolved at all,
beyond my sexually determined characteristics, and into an evolving human
I hold that we humans go through three stages in our potential individual
development and personal evolution:
1- The stage of animality, during which we behave as males or females.
2- The stage of humanity, during which we experience what it is to be
men or women.
3- The stage of transcendence, in which SOME of us may evolve beyond
such distinctions.
Please note that these stages are not necessarily ordered chronologically,
and at any point in time we carry the potential for the manifestation of
all of these characteristics.
For example, we desire and experience LOVE in each of these stages. In
the first stage, our love is more or less biologically based (nature). In
the second stage our human love is gendered, AND is affected ALSO by psychological,
social, and cultural influences. Our love in the third stage knows no gender
distinctions. The love of country (vatan), for example, is not different
if we are a woman or a man. Similarly, the love of justice (daad or edaalat)
is not gendered either. Also, Rumi's love for the "Beloved," belongs
to this category or stage.
The reality that your ideology ignores is that in trying to right a historical
wrong, feminism pretends that problems associated with the HUMAN condition
are gendered in their essence. When are your sisters going to truly hear
this message?
Moji Agha is a visiting scholar at the Center For Middle Eastern Studies
at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He recently founded a non-profit
center for inter-cultural and interfaith dialogue. He has been a teacher
of cultural studies, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural psychology.
