Politics as usual
U.S. sanctions & the peace process
By Iranians for International Cooperation
August 30, 2001
The Iranian
To the surprise of pundits and activists alike, the Iran Libya Sanctions
Act (ILSA) was extended for another five years and signed into law by President
George "The Oil-Cowboy" Bush in early August. In the July 2001
edition of IranAnalysis, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's
(AIPAC) motivations for introducing the ILSA in 1996 and fighting for its
renewal in 2001 were examined. The circumstances, tactics and politics that
led to the renewal of the bill, which most lawmakers recognize as detrimental
to US interests in the Middle East in general and the Persian Gulf region
in particular, deserve greater attention.
There lies little doubt that the deteriorating situation in Israel/Palestine
puts most other Middle Eastern issues on the backburner. The amount of energy
spent on the Middle East crisis has left little time and resources for US-Iran
relations or the Iraq-question. It has also been the strategy of the pro-Israeli
lobby to ensure that advances on other Middle Eastern issues only be made
to the extent that the "peace process" permits it. From the Israeli
lobby's perspective, all American initiatives in the Middle East must be
put on hold when the "peace process" moves in the wrong direction.
This was the token of the Clinton-era, where the "peace process"
was key to all other issues in the region.
President Bush promised to use a "regional approach", i.e.
he would not permit US interests in the region to be taken hostage by the
unfolding of events in Israel/Palestine. However, the collapse of the "peace
process" has made this promise difficult, at best, to keep. From the
perspective of the Israeli lobby, it would simply be an unspeakable setback
if the "peace process" collapsed with Israel loosing the propaganda
war while President Bush moved to improve relations with Iran. Needless
to say, AIPAC redoubled its efforts and used the "peace process"
card to pressure US lawmakers to maintain the status quo on US-Iran relations
by renewing ILSA. The violence in the Middle East created a much-needed
opportunity for AIPAC to call for strong measures against Iran.
At the same time, the regime in Tehran was of no help. Reformists and
conservatives alike staged a conference on Palestine earlier this year,
inviting virtually all groups deemed as "terrorists" by the State
Department. By being more Palestinian than the Palestinians themselves,
Tehran ensured that it would remain the number one enemy of the Israeli
lobby for years to come. Ayatollah Khamenei's rhetoric was often quoted
by AIPAC lobbyists and put forward as an argument against any overtures
to Iran while Israel was "under threat".
Tactically, the Bush Administration committed two grave mistakes. First,
the Administration reacted too slowly to reports on AIPAC's activities on
the Hill. By March, AIPAC had gathered around 180 co-sponsors of ILSA in
the House whereas the Administration had not even formulated a position
on the issue. Intimidated by AIPAC's impressive groundwork on the Hill,
Bush hesitated. A call for a review of sanctions on Iran and Libya was dropped
from an energy policy report, and instead of taking a lead on the issue,
the Administration left the field open for AIPAC.
It was not until early June that the White House took an official position
on ILSA, where the second mistake was committed. Figuring that defeating
ILSA altogether would be too difficult, the Administration proposed a two-year
extension instead of five. This put the White House in a catch 22 position;
if ILSA was a good policy, then why extend it for only two years, and if
it was a bad policy, why extend it at all? The decision to go for a two-year
extension caused the Administration to become the subject of criticism by
both camps; one for "sending Iran a signal it does not deserve"
and the other for prolonging a policy that counters US interests. The outcome
of the vote could have been different had the Administration reacted more
swiftly, which leads us to the politics of the ILSA extension.
It is often forgotten that ILSA also imposes sanctions on Libya. The
reason may be as simple and accurate as the recognition that Libya is in
the bill for the sole purpose of picking up votes. Everyone knows that the
sanctions have no economic effects, but it is simply easier to impose useless
sanctions on two rather than one terrorist-listed country. Whereas the Iran
part of ILSA enjoys little, if any, support outside of AIPAC's circles,
many lawmakers have Pan Am survivors living in their districts. For these
lawmakers, it would be political suicide to drop sanctions on Qadafi's Libya.
Furthermore, whereas Iran has undergone tremendous change during the past
four years, the status quo in Libya has never been more deafening. Had the
sanctions on Iran and Libya been separated into two bills, chances are that
neither would have passed. But the combination of ISA and LSA votes made
ILSA a success.
Separate bills for the Iran and Libya sanctions is only the first step,
however. Many lawmakers, whom are opposed to unilateral sanctions in general
and ILSA in particular, were looking for an alternative bill they could
vote for. Politically, many lawmakers worried that just letting ILSA lapse
would make them look soft on Iran. An alternative bill with symbolic measures
against Iran was needed in order to preclude such a situation. Had such
a bill been drafted by the opponents of ILSA and supported by the Administration,
the political difficulties associated with opposition to ILSA would have
been evaded.
Last but not least, as has been emphasized numerous times in the IranAnalysis,
the Iranian-American community must speak up in order to be heard. The sanctions
prohibit money transactions to Iran, which in reality makes it illegal to
send money to the flood victims in northern Iran. Whereas US oil-companies
will fight sanctions to secure oil deals in Iran, and Boeing in order to
reclaim the Iranian market from Airbus, only Iranian-Americans have the
incentives to fight sanctions for the sake of the well-being of the Iranian
people and to ensure that the rapprochement does not come at the expense
of democracy in Iran.
