Forsaking Iranians
I pledge allegiance to the Aryan race
By Ali Aliabadi
January 15, 2003
The Iranian
Iranians always seem to amaze me. The degree of empty-blathering, meaningless
platitudes and hollow, and very pretentious aims always bring a "Not again!"
from my lips.
A case of such an ejaculation on my part is due to Mr. Pouya Alimagham's essay [Unifying
the divided] describing a new organization: Students
for Progress and Development in Iran (SPDI). SPDI purports to be a nonpartisan
organization devoted to Iranians wherever they may live. If one honestly evaluates
the situation one sees how comical and ridiculous his do-gooding is.
This above-all else: Iranians have absolutely no social cohesion. This is obvious
to every Iranian, within or without Iran. Similar to many other (save one) ethnicities
of the Middle East, Iranians are petty squabblers and even worse back-stabbers.
The "bazaari" mentality of swindling everyone, cutting corners, and ingratiating
oneself in order to take advantage of everyone is an inborn Iranian trait: it's in
our gnome Forget Iranian political parties; just look at our families and our parents!
One mess after another. If I were Islam's founder I would have changed the Koran's
demand to the presence of 10 (Iranian) women in court to verify that of one man's
testimony, not two.
Keeping the above in mind, namely, that Iranians are for the most part biologically
individualistic and antagonistic to others, the idea of an irrelevant organization
hashing out the same drivel becomes redundant.
For example, Mr. Alimagham thinks that this SPDI can forego various political factions
and join hands in singing the Iranian version of "We Are the World." Haha!
Isn't that the joke of the century? Iranians can't even run a wedding according to
plan let alone a political organization that joins monarchists and communists under
one banner.
Communists are hell-bent on destroying the country with their crazy Jewish mentor's
ideas of a controlled economy and collectivization, while the monarchists think that
putting a punk-descendent of a corrupt and ousted king would bring back greatness
to Iran. As if Mashd-Ali Khan will give you an honest deal on that carpet if the
government changes.
A great example of this organization shooting itself in the foot is by holding a
rally in support of Aghajari [One
of us] and asking for "freedom as a whole for the Iranian people."
If they want to help the Iranians then attacking the IRI is counterproductive, and
all the SPDI accomplishes is to indirectly help the Jews.
Why doesn't the SPDI truly support justice for all
and make a big fuss about Shaoul Mofuz, that Iranian Jew who is now the Minister
of Defense for that welfare state, and also a traitor to Iran who was stated as wanting
to lead the charge to go blow up the Bushehr nuclear power plant?
Why not raise a to-do concerning the 13 Iranian Jews accused of treason? Like every
other Iranian organization, is the SPDI frightened of potential political
backlash from Jews? It's easy to attack those towel-headed Arab-wanna-be's, but not
Jews? This brings me to another point.
Even if Iranians had an ounce of tribal solidarity, they still would not be
able to put a dent in America's foreign policy towards Iran. The Jews have such a
stranglehold on this formally great country that nothing short of a bloody revolution
will take their fangs out of America's jugular. One can not expect fairness in a
government that has a Mr. Wolfowitz as a policy maker, a Mr. Ari Fleischer as the
cabinet's spokesman, and a Shabbas Goy as president.
Mr. Alimagham is somewhat right on one thing though: 9-11 is being used as an excuse
and cover to further American political interests. Of course, American interests
are Jewish interests, not the other way around. Controlling Afghanistan, Iraq, and
the final goal, Iran, is the raison d'être of America's "fight against
terrorism": a struggle to insure the hegemony of Israel over her hated goyim
Basically, the only moderates America (i.e., the Jews) want in Iran
are the one's friendly to Jewish mass entertainment and Jewish world domination.
Since the IRI is against the (Kosher) New World Order, I don't want the IRI to topple,
even with all its theocratic evils. Unless a truly patriotic organization with serious
-- and unconditional -- nationalistic ideals arises (such as something similar to
SUMKA), Iran will forever be either a member of the "Axis of Evil" or in
danger of becoming a "democratic" nation; i.e., a nation beholden to the
Unlike Mr. Alimagham, I am an American with no divided loyalties. Iranians think
they can have all the goodies of America, have pretensions of superiority against
Americans, and still mock and pilfer the nation for their own petty gain. Iranians
contribute nothing to this country, but rather solely to their own pocketbooks and
the neighborhood Benz dealer. As a whole, they play no part in furthering America,
and don't feel themselves part of it.
Iranian cultural icons died centuries ago and our people are stagnant. It's thanks
to Aryan influence that we have advanced. I thank the British, Germans, and Americans
for their medicine, their trains, their cars, their telephones, their plumbing, their
educational institutions, and the ability to learn about their superior culture and
nation of racially-mixed people can not and will not be able to rise above the third
world status. The only true Aryans are the Whites of America and Europe and the few
surviving Iranians with fair complexions. Iran's past is meaningless and a different
world to the modern, brown-man's Islamic Iran. A decadent empire destroyed and ravished
by Arabs, then ruined and raped by Mongols: all of whom brought their blood into
our veins.
I pledge allegiance to the Aryan Race and all the blessed things they have given
us. I forsake Iranians for I care not an ounce for them. They are pompous, ugly Lilliputians
The real Aryans are the salt of the earth, and not Saddam Hussein look-alikes
who drive Benzs.
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