Separation of Hollywood & state
Challenge candidates who hope to win based on
name recognition and hero worship alone
By Solmaz Ziad
September 10, 2003
The Iranian
Arnold Schwarzeneger is the most "known" candidate
for the California gubernatorial race. I admit that being a person
who is usually unfazed by celebrities and their hype, even I was
fascinated at the notion that an action hero was considering a
run for the Governor's Mansion in Sacramento. However, as
a citizen of the third largest economy in the world, I am beginning
to think seriously about who I am going to vote for in the upcoming
Last Wednesday Schwarzenegger declined to participate
in a debate with other candidates, and instead opted to campaign
at my university, Cal-State Long Beach. I was among the few
thousand students watching the spectacle, and quite frankly, the
most exciting occurrence was when a student decided hit the ex-body
builder with an egg.
Besides that, he just rambled
and promised
things like "opening the books" and "cleaning house" in
Sacramento, both of which were metaphors that left us baffled with
regard to their meaning or lack thereof. However, this article is not about citizens being shocked to see
another actor run for office, or to reiterate public fascination
with Hollywood. This article is to inform readers of Schwarzenegger's
character, as displayed in an archive interview.
I want Iranian
voters to be aware of Arnold boasting about his involvement in
a gang bang with a Black woman. I want to illustrate his
attitude towards women and sex while shedding light on the hermeneutic
that allowed him to gloat in an 1972 issue of Oui (a former subsidiary
of Playboy magazine) Although the public expects dirt to resurface from a candidates
past while involved in a race for office, this tidbit of information
seems to be more relevant because aside from films and entertainment
interviews, California citizens do not know much about Schwarzenner
as a political candidate, or his some of his attitudes towards
certain subject matter.
Considering he has no past experience in
holding office, I am not aware of any credentials he may posses
to get my vote. So, in order to get an idea of his values and to
be able to form an opinion of how he may represent the State, I
looked to investigate
the "sex scandal" he has recently been associated with
in the news. The Smoking Gun is a website devoted to making legal documents
and riders available to the public by implementing the Right to
Information. The people at Smoking Gun found the interview
with Schwarzeneger in Oui magazine, and I was appalled
at what I read.
In a 5 page interview with Peter Mans, Schwarzenegger explains
his experience in a gang bang, proclaiming that, "Everybody
jumped on" the woman involved and "took her upstairs
where we all got together." He also made it clear that not
all of his body building buddies were involved: "just the
guys who can fuck in front of other guys. Not everybody can do
that. Some think that they don't have a big-enough cock, so they
can't get a hard-on." The gubernatorial candidate also explains why he doesn't feel
he is being sexually taken advantage of by women because of his
"No, I'd feel used only if I didn't get something out of
it. If a girl comes on strong and says, 'I really dig your body
and I
want to fuck the shit out of you,' I just decide whether or not
I like her. If I do take her home, I try to make sure I get just
as much out of it as she does. The word exploited therefore wouldn't
apply." Schwarzenegger later noted that once outside the gym,
he forgets about bodybuilding: "I can look at a chick who's
a little out of shape and if she turns me on, I won't hesitate
to date her. If she's a good fuck, she can weigh 150 pounds, I
don't care." (Arnold, Oui)
The article also goes
on to discuss past drug usage, the partying habits of body builders,
and most importantly reflects on his hypermasculine
views that help me reach the conclusion that Schwarzeneger is
a womanizing, drug-using meat head.
I am not against his past and as far as I am concerned, Hollywood
actors can be expected to participate in orgies, do drugs, and
see women as disposable whores. However, I'm not so sure
that I would want him running a state that is desperate need of
real leadership. Hopefully this article will prompt some
voters to be more responsible and ponder the repercussions in voting
for a candidate. I encourage you all to read the Oui article in
its entirety.
I do not deny the fact that most politicians have a past marked
with their own vices that make include drug use, prostitution,
philandering, gambling and the like. I just think Arnold
is gaining unmerited support based on the fact that he was the Terminator,
and that it is time we challenge candidates who hope to win based
on name recognition and hero worship alone >>> News
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