Out of the fog
I've been wondering why we are a little bit out
of step
By Sara Amin
April 30, 2004
What do you think about gay
rights? Is hemosexuality immoral? Do
you know the Netherlands had the world's first real gay marriage,
with all the rights of heterosexual marriage?
Well first I want to know what do you think about
gay rights as an Iranian. Is this a gap between
social and cultural values of Iran and rest of the world? How
much do you know about this topic? Do you think it's
a shame or a truth which we should consider as a matter of
fact? This is a gap in values which
I hope to discuss in my weblog.
Let me tell you
about a true story which took place two
years ago. I found Patty in a yahoo chatroom. We discussed current
such as September 11, war against
Iraq and my own experience about the war and also poetry as
well as movies.
After a while I asked about her personal
life. She said she was living with her sweetheart who was a
woman and they had lived with each other for ten or eleven years.
Honestly it hit me so badly. It was a mirror which reflected
reality directly into my eyes; it bothered
me. I thought such a fantastic woman with such artistic sense
writes poetry... how awful it would be. She then told
me she's bisexual and then apologized if she had offended my cultural
values. I told her, "No, not at all!"
don't want to declare that this kind of behavior is disgusting,
immoral or anything else like that. I don't want to preach. But
my background moral system
dismissed homosexuality. Now there's a new me and I'm
happy for that because I have changed. Even here in Tehran I can
be a passenger on the ship of the 21st century and live in the
present and travel to the future.
It has been a long time since that chat, but
it ignited me to look into this issue and seek in different resources
in order to
get to know
about the topic. Of course my foggy point of view
has transformed into clarity.
I hope we Iranians won't question people
for eternity. I've been wondering why we are a little bit out
of step? It prevents us from facing
Our own ethical positions are weak and indefensible
and have made us mentally retarded. We
need new definitions of all old preconceived
ideas in our society.
It may be against our nature or religious
beliefs, but the debate will begin soon. Time flies and
so we
should be ready. This era will requires us to change,
although it does not require us to forget our originality. It's
all about embarking to expand
our mind.
If we waste another
day certainly we will lose another
chance to make a better world for ourselves. If
we do not change, we will shout down
those who
opinions and restrict our country's ability to
see reality -- as we have
done before.
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