Fair, perhaps
Reaction to UK parliamentary report on Iran
April 6, 2004
Readers were asked if they would like to respond
to a report
on Iran issued
by the Foreign Affairs Committee of UK's House of Commons. Unedited
* Spot on
My opinion is that this eport could not have been
more fair and balanced than it is and at the same time maintaining
its critical and objective views of the situation in Iran.
Excellent work. Much better then a similar report
from American's which is far more critical and a bit biased.
IR Iran would not publish such a report about other
countries since that would require them of understanding the way
the people on those country think and live. That runs contrary
to the way the system is set up in Iran which is basically is based
on one sided political propaganda and considering any one who is
not in line with their view as un-Godly and unworthy.
Khosrow Salman * First of all
I read the full text of the report about Iran and
these are my comments.
1- First I can't believe they make such a mistake
and say on page 5 Para (4) that there was a terrible earthquake
in south of IRAQ they mistaken it by IRAN.
2- All together it is
an honest report and unfortunately as we see the clergy's government
in Iran needs improvement in
every areas such as human rights (political freedoms, personal
freedoms, religious freedoms) and all others. In other words the
life is like a hell for average people in Iran
these days.
3- With all honesty I can't believe that diplomacy
and politics are so pure these days that a important committee
like this make's such extensive report and puts
it on the Internet that every individual such as you and I could be able to
read and find out what is happening behind the politics' door these
4- I thing there must be two reports, one which
we have access to it and another one with the stamp of SECRET on
all of pages and represented to the House of
Commons. That is the one I would like to read and find out what is happening
behind close door. Hank Behrouz
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