Placing blame where it
need a wake up call
Faye Fereshteh Farhang
July 13, 2004
It is baffling how a group of people exist
as the Palestinians have done for practically half a century.
Clearly half a century of fighting with the Israelis,
half a century of sacrificing "their children" through
suicide attacks, and half a century of hate has not
been enough. It all seems to be wrapped up in, "we are
going to kick them out!"
It appears that more than ever the Palestinians
need a wake up call -- who are they going to kick
out? The Israelis are there to stay and rightfully so --
but let's turn the issue to why the people of Palestine
seem to not think that non-violence resistance or
honest compromise is the solution to at least reaching
some level of understanding with the Israelis?
Why do intellectual Palestinians not curb this Islamic
fundamentalism that is tearing through their children,
leaving them destitute, victims of their own actions.
The idea of their living conditions is in the least
haunting -- how many more years are they willing to
sacrifice their children? How many more years are they
willing to live like cattle, people deprived of their
humanity in refugee camps.
It seems that the Palestinians have confused their
priorities for a long time -- they seem to be
sacrificing posterity and any possible development of
their people for a smaller portion of land that may
not be worth the great loss of posterity. After all
what happened to the notion of conquering land,
developing and rebuilding, that could effectively be
done in the territories if there is peace. The latter
I should add is an Islamic theory, the idea of
development and progress was one endorsed by Mohammad
for years.
The question becomes which is more important, the
survival and success of a people or the persistance of
revolting violence that will obtain no legitimate end.
So far the Palestinians have chosen violence --
violence that will not bring them land!
end on a personal note -- I am sorry for the Palestinians and my
heart grieves for the Israelis,
especially the Iranian Jews who moved to Israel in
pursuit of a better life, one better than the lives
taken from them in Iran by brutal fundamentalists.
In the end, some of our Jews, Iranians, have become the
victims of suicide bombings -- this is both painful
and absolutely unforgivable.
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