Remind them
Open letter to former South African President Nelson Mandela
on the eve of his trip to Iran
Jomhourikhahan-e Iran (EJI) March 26, 2004
Dear Mr. President, It is a great honor to write to
you on the eve of your trip to Iran. Your name and legacy of resistance
have always been heartwarming
for prisoners of conscience around the world. Some of us have spent
days and nights in prison wards thinking of you, and once out of
prison have supported your struggle for a free and just South Africa.
The Islamic Republic of Iran unfortunately is no
exception from the rulers that decide to silence their dissidents
by holding them
in cold and dark prison cells. You know better than anyone that
these policies of suppression did not work for you and will not
work for other freedom lovers in the world, including those jailed
in Iran.
Your long time partner in resistance Archbishop Tutu
wrote to our founding assembly last January that "The purpose of
government is to serve the best interests of the people governed
in a partnership where justice and freedom of expression ensure
peace and stability."
We would like to ask you to remind
your Iranian hosts of your wisdom on freedom of expression and
your lifetime commitment to non-violence, peace and justice.
Mr. Abbas Amir Entezam, once a minister in the transitional government
after the Islamic Revolution, has been in prison for more than
a quarter century. Mr. Nasser Zarafshan, a prominent thinker, writer,
translator and lawyer representing the families of those who were
the victims of the chain murders of 1998, was arrested and sentenced
to 5 years in prison. He was persecuted only because of his works
in gathering facts and revealing the role of agents of the regime
in masterminding the killings of the opposition figures.
Mr. Zarafshan's
life is in great danger. His health, due to torture and the terrible
conditions of prison, has deteriorated to an alarming state. Mr.
Ensafali Hedayat, a journalist, is in prison because he dared to
attend our founding assembly in Berlin, the same event for which
Archbishop Tutu has sent his message of support. As Mr. Hedayat's
daughter informs us, his health is deteriorating daily.
Dr. Shirin
Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace laureate was jailed herself for defending
university students in revolutionary courts and now calls for the
release of Iranian prisoners of conscience. Please note that we
have just mentioned a few of prisoners of conscience here, otherwise
there is a long list including prominent reformists such as Mr.
Akbar Ganji, Dr. Hashem Aghajari, and Hojatoleslam Eshkevari who
have been imprisoned for more liberal interpretation of Islam and
advocating the separation of religion and state.
Many other female and male, old and young prisoners of conscience,
lawyers, writers, journalists, political activists, labor representatives,
and even university students are imprisoned for long periods of
time without any charge. Some have even served their mandatory
prison terms and still are not released.
As you know, according
to the reports published by human rights organizations such as
the UN Special Representative on Human Rights, Human Rights Watch,
Amnesty International and Reporters without Borders, human rights
abuse in Iran is widely practiced by the Islamic regime.
the pressure inflicted on the prisoners has increased to an unimaginable
level and the lives of many of them are in immediate danger. Families
of prisoners have no effective legal recourse. In many occasions,
those relatives who appeal to the UN or EU Human Rights representatives
are also prosecuted for their action.
We are certain that you are cautious not to allow the Islamic Republic
of Iran use your trip as a tool for legitimizing its political
policies and human rights practices especially after the recent
un-democratic elections. While we do not object to your trip, we
hope that you use your influence and good will to demand immediate
and unconditional release of "prisoners of conscience".
You have been a symbol of peace, justice, and freedom
of expression around the world. We hope that your presence in Iran
will remind
the Iranian officials that you stand against widespread violation
of human rights in that country.
In Solidarity,
Ettehad-e Jomhourikhahan-e Iran (EJI)
Unity for a Democratic and decular Republic in Iran
International Committee
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