December 22, 2005
I would like to congratulate Dr. Mirfendereski for "The Ahmadinejad in us", his most honest opinion regarding the attitude of anti-Jewish feelings amongst the Iranian people. As a Jew of American background, I have studied Iran's history and its attitudes towards Jews and Israel.
Dr. Mirfendereski is to be commended for his knowledge of Jewish history, although I believe that the story of Mordekhai and Ester in Persia did not take place under Cyrus, but probably under Artaxerxes (according to the Septuagint), or perhaps under Xerxes. "Koresh" is the name given to Cyrus that is found in the Hebrew Bible.
Regarding Ahmadinejad, I must say that I admire his candor and honesty in seeking to finish Hitler's job once and for all. Unlike phony people who with crocodile tears proclaim "we love Jews, we just want to destroy Israel", Ahmadinejad speaks the Islamic truth. He states that "Filastin" is an Islamic waqf that belongs to all Muslims.
And while he recently has returned to the other Jew-hating argument about the "myth" of the 6 million dead and that being the raison d'etre for the Jews "stealing" so-called Palestine, he has generally taken the Islamic argument. Indeed, as a Jew, I would prefer to hear the *real reason* that so many Muslims (Arab, Irani, etc.) simply despise Israel to the core of their soul. (If they have a soul to begin with.) Honesty is so much more better!
It is simply logical that when people are taught to hate another people, the outcome is sure to be that of a Holocaust or some other kind of genocide. Iran's hatred of Israel is only normal as it has an ingrained hatred of Jews, as Dr. Mirfendereski seems to imply.
The nonsense that Iran is only interested in the "poor Palestinians" is a complete farce. Just look at neighboring Pakistan where the Shi'a community is being killed in bombings of masjids, as well as discrimination in other areas. Has any Iranian who beats his or her breast for the "oppressed" Arabs ever heard of the slaughter taking place in Gilgit Balistan? Indeed has anyone ever heard of the place? The example can be repeated hundreds of times.
If the IRI, to the exclusion of all other conflicts, obsesses totally with Israel's annhilation, then one must ask the simple question: "Why?" Why such hatred by a country that is insulted if it is mistakenly referred to as an Arab country? and calls Arabs "tazis?" Why no shouting "Marg Bar Serbia" or "Marg Bar India" for example?
And "Zionist landgrabbing" and "Zionist oppression" doesn't cut it as an answer. What about the Arab "landgrabbing" of the 7th century, including Iran? Where does time begin for a people to claim a right to their homeland? Is it only from the advent of Muhammad's fatah? Is it 2,000 years? 5,000? History has shown that most - if not all - nations have overrun native peoples. And certainly Arabs are not native to any country outside of the Arabian peninsula.
Regardless, I do not think that Israel will attack Iran anytime soon. But if and when Israel does, Ahmadinejad and the akhunds (along with all the other Jew-haters of Iran and elsewhere) will rue that day. And how ironic and tragic for both countries. Persia saved the Jews and allowed her to return to Judah (as Dr. Mirfendereski notes).
And throughout pre-Islamic Iran, Persian-Jewish relations were generally good. So much so that when Persia fought against the Byzantine Christians in the 600's, it was the Jews in Palestine that aided her to the extent that she allowed the Jews to control Jerusalem for three years, before the Byzantines took it back.
And it would be most ironic if the Arabs (who loathe and detest both Jews and Persians) would "sit it out" while watching the "Yahud" and "Majus" kill one another off.
Finally, the onus is not on Israel to change. Ahmadinejad has made that quite clear. This is not an "argument" over a border here or a border there. This is a deeply rooted religio-ideological war that began not in 1948, but with the advent of Muhammad. (Ironically, when Iran was still Zoroastrian.)
Until the religion of Islam rids itself of its virulent Jew-hating virus, the world will continue to see the likes of Ahmadinejad and the possiblilty of all out nuclear war. In the end, such a virus of genocidal thought and hate is more likely to kill the one carrying it, than to kill the intended victim.