President Mossaddegh
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Cyrus Mossaddegh
February 23, 2005
My fellow Iranians,
I, Cyrus Mossaddegh, hereby announce my candidacy for the president
of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
I am not affiliated to any political party and have never held
public office.
I have not been "cleared" to run for president,
as I believe all Iranians should have the right and freedom to
campaign for public office.
The initial phase of this campaign will be conducted via the
Internet. Feel free to forward this email if you think more people
should be aware of what has been written.
Most people when deciding whom to vote for in an election have
two central questions on their mind:
What proposals, ideas, plans, and objectives does the candidate
have that would be of benefit to Iran and its citizens?
Who is this person and is he or she capable of managing the
government towards a direction that will benefit the Iranian people?
Besides these questions the other major factor a voter is going
to want from the next President is the ability to negotiate, understand,
and talk to the Bush Administration.
The greatest threat Iran faces today is America, and if the
next President of Iran does not understand the Americans, then
he or she is putting Iran in great danger.
We must all agree that we cannot ignore the American military
forces that are in close proximity and we must also agree that
military confrontation must be avoided at all costs --- and to
do that we must communicate with the Americans.
Unfortunately, given the level of isolation that has existed
in Iran, most Iranian politicians have a limited understanding
of how America works and in most cases don't know how to
respond to fast moving events, and when they do, they often don't
communicate their ideas clearly and end up making weak presentations
for Iran's case.
Today Iran finds itself in a situation where extremely strong
forces, like giant waves in the middle of the ocean, are battering
it and staying afloat has become the unifying goal.
The strong likelihood that world crude oil production will not
be able to meet growing demand during the coming decade is now
an extremely worrisome possibility.
Given that sixty five percent of the worlds oil supply is in
or close to Iran's borders inevitably places Iran in the
middle of storm that is already on the horizon.
The day could soon arrive when America decides that taking oil
by force may be the better alternative to facing riots along America's
highways and in blacked out cities.
In order to respond to such challenges it is critical that Iran's
next President and his or her cabinet be totally prepared and
fully capable of responding in a way that Iran's best interests
are served and the Iranian people are not harmed in any way.
The greatest tragedy in Iraq today is the tons of Depleted Uranium
that is now in the food, water, and soil of the Iraqi nation.
This radioactive toxin will cause deformations, miscarriages,
and genetic damage for centuries to come. This is not to discount
the hundreds of thousands that have lost their lives or been wounded
or made homeless but radioactive toxins will harm future generations,
a crime only invented recently.
Any confrontation with America will mean that our land will
also be poisoned with long lasting radioactive poisons. Maybe
given the prevailing winds or flow of rivers Iranians could have
already been poisoned by the Depleted Uranium that was used in
One of the first proposals the new President should present
to the United Nations and the United States of America is the
total elimination and banning of Depleted Uranium weapons and
the clean up of Iraq of all traces of Depleted Uranium. This is
a responsibility we owe to our future generations, and a special
responsibility that the American and British people owe to the
Iraqi people.
There are many Americans that are struggling to find a direction
that is different to where Bush and the neo-conservatives are
leading their nation and it is those Americans that Iranians need
to establish contacts with. And to those Americans I say: Enough
Americans have the funds, freedom and political power to clean
up the Depleted Uranium in Iraq. Just by doing so will be a giant
step in restoring the dignity, humanity and trust that Americans
have recently lost.
A further responsibility that many countries need to face is
the outcome of the assistance some of their private companies
gave to Iraq so that Saddam could use weapons of mass destruction
against Iranian soldiers and civilians -- and which American
and European governments granted export licenses for.
We have hundreds and thousands of victims of chemical weapons
that need treatment, assistance, and compensation.
Going to the World Court is one option but would this not be
a shameful process and would not taking full responsibility be
a more civilized path?
One extremely difficult problem that needs to be solved is the
problem of Iran's nuclear industry.
We are no longer a developing nation. Our Gross Domestic Product
is now ranked 18th out of a total 212 nations, ahead of Thailand,
South Africa, and Taiwan.
We hold 17% of the world's natural gas supplies and have
just signed a one hundred billion dollar oil and gas agreement
with China and a seventy billion dollar agreement with India.
We produce our own tanks, missiles, helicopters, and automobiles.
So, is it not in Iran's best interest to have its own independent
nuclear industry?
And if we assume Iran is developing nuclear weapons capability,
should not Iran have the right to defend itself through the deterrence
provided through nuclear arms?
And would it not mean that if Iran were to forfeit its right
to nuclear deterrence it would therefore be forfeiting its responsibility
to defend the Iranian people?
If we assumed that Iran agreed to dismantle its entire nuclear
industry, what do you think we should receive in return? The following
list would maybe be a fair trade:
Withdrawal of all American forces from the Middle East and
Closure of American military bases in Central Asia.
Withdrawal of American naval forces from the Persian Gulf and
Sea of Oman.
Entry of a twenty-year agreement with OPEC for the supply of
oil and gas to the United States, in return for stringent conservation
programs to eliminate wastage throughout American industry and
society, as well as a ten fold increase in the use of renewable
Assistance to Iran for entry to the World Trade Organization.
Removal of all trade sanctions and the signing of a fair
and favorable trading treaty.
Significant financial support to secure the Afghan side
of the border so as to eliminate the smuggling of all drugs into
The return of all frozen assets in American banks, plus
the interest generated over these past years.
Nine Agree to support Iran's position on the division of the
Caspian Sea borders.
Agree to support Iran's ownership rights to the three
islands in the Persian Gulf.
Agree to the building and use of a crude oil pipeline
between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Insist that Israel's nuclear arsenal be placed under
the control of NATO by January 2006.
Favorable U.S. tax incentives for Iranian-Americans
so as to encourage investment in the Iranian economy.
Fourteen Funding, technology transfer, and establishment of a
solar and wind industry in Iran so that by 2015 fifty percent
of Iran's
energy is derived from alternative energy sources.
Assistance in the establishment of an Iranian version
of the Small Business Administration.
Assistance in establishing a venture capital industry
in Iran.
In cooperation with France, Germany, England, and Australia
fund and establish two hundred universities by 2010 with focus
on the following fields: business management, finance and economics,
medicine, agriculture, sciences and engineering, computer sciences,
transportation, international trade, communication, comparative
religion and peace studies. The academic standard of these universities
would be on par with the very best universities in the world.
Support the entry of Hezbollah as a political party
into the Lebanese democratic process after it has disarmed.
Favorable settlement of Iran's war claims from the
Iran-Iraq war.
Create and fund alliances and joint ventures between
Silicon Valley companies and Iranian companies.
Twenty One
Modernize and assist the expansion of Iran's capital
Twenty Two
The return of historical items discovered in Iran,
and which are now in museums around the world.
Twenty Three
The public admittance to the mistake of destroying
Iranian democracy in 1953 by conducting a coup and installing
a dictatorship, plus
swindling the Iranian people by taking their oil and giving us
worthless armaments in return. Iran in return would apologize
for the taking of the hostages and would compensate them and their
families in some way that would be acceptable.
Twenty Four Agree to abide by and enforce the implementation
of stringent environmental laws for the Caspian Sea as a condition
for further
oil and gas exploration and development.
Twenty Five Cooperate in the establishment of a Middle Eastern
alliance similar to NATO, which would renounce and ban the deployment,
or use of, all weapons of mass destruction.
Twenty Six Cooperation and support of Iran's entry into the European
Common Market by 2015.
Twenty Seven A ten-year contract to modernize, train, and manage
our entire road transportation sector; including policing of our
road traffic.
This would include highway construction, road safety, and city
traffic planning.
Twenty Eight Establishment of a ten billion dollar relief fund
for all terrorist victims throughout the world.
Twenty Nine Establishment of a fifty billion dollar relief fund
for all victims of collateral damage caused by American armaments
the past 54 years.
Thirty The immediate establishment of a hot line between Tehran
and Washington to make sure no unforeseen or unauthorized confrontations
take place between American and Iranian forces. This would require
the public acknowledgement that some extremist in both countries
do not want the re-establishment of good relations but would prefer
military confrontation.
Thirty One In cooperation with the United Kingdom implement a
massive educational program for the entire Middle East, with emphasis
on the English
language becoming used as widely as it is in Europe.
Thirty Two Creation of broadband Internet service for the entire
Middle East, with the target of having 60% of the population online
Thirty Three Assistance towards the protection and revival of
the Caspian Sea caviar industry.
Most of this list may not seem as if it has anything to do with
nuclear weapons but in actual fact they all do. If all of the
above did materialize then the likelihood of needing to solve
problems through military means would be eliminated.
Is the above list realistic? Is there any hope that such a "grand
bargain" will ever be agreed to and implemented?
If the above is unrealistically attainable then what are the
If we assume America decides to continue its imperial policies
in the Middle East a strategy needs to be initiated that will
hurt America where it hurts the most: the dollar.
If all Muslim nations withdrew their dollar investments and
converted their oil sales into Euros, and the Chinese and Japanese
were strongly encouraged (via oil?) to stop financing America's
debts, the US economy would end up in a tailspin that would be
a necessary wake up call.
And the message would be perfectly clear: you are not a superpower
if other nations do not want you to be, and if you don't
behave yourself we will band together and isolate you like you
have isolated other nations.
On top of this financial squeeze a reduction in oil exports
to America would be enough to bring America to a very painful
The third scenario is that the neo-conservatives in control
of the US government manage to push through another illegal war,
but this time with Iran as the target. This is not an unlikely
event given the speed with which America is becoming a fascist
If America does attack Iran there is a possibility that we could
get some support from China, Russia, and maybe India, but this
support will not be in the form of any defense treaty but most
likely will be in the form of weaponry.
Arab nations will not come to our aide because most Arab nations
are Sunni and have always been worried about Iran dominating the
Persian Gulf.
European nations will not come to our defense because of the
cultural, capitalist, and racial roots that bind Europe to America.
So it will be up to Iranians to defend Iran from an imperial
rogue superpower.
So how do we go about defending Iran?
During December 2004 a hundred page pdf document was posted
on the Internet by Anthony Cordesman examining every aspect of
Iran's military forces. The detail that it contained was
astonishing, and what was even more worrisome was that it was
estimated that both our air force and naval vessels would be obliterated
in less than a week. [Cordesman
According to this document the only areas where Iran could cause
problems for its enemies were:
Anti-ship missiles hidden along coastal caves and aimed at attacking
Persian Gulf naval forces.
Small and very fast commando attacks using high speed watercrafts,
equipped with anti-ship missiles.
Mining of the Straights of Hormuz and other areas of the Persian
Targeting of oil installations along the Persian Gulf region.
What all the above point to is the only real deterrence that
Iran has; disrupting and maybe halting all oil flows out of the
Persian Gulf, and therefore causing a world-wide economic crisis
similar to the Great Depression.
But Iran needs to do more. And the best way to do this is to
rapidly develop an effective and modern missile industry. It needs
to mass-produce; cruise missiles with a range of at least 500
miles, small mobile anti-ship missiles that can be placed aboard
small speedboats, and shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles capable
of downing any military aircraft. Maybe with the assistance of
Russia jet propelled torpedoes need to be developed and built.
Iran's ground forces need to be broken up into commando
units, with fifty percent riding off-road motorcycles. The off-road
motorcycles being produced in Iran are too weak. The engine size
needs to be at least 350cc and capable of higher speeds. Their
needs to be versions with armor plated sidecars that can hold
rocket launchers, missiles, and large caliber machine guns. In
addition 25% of these motorcycles should have electric engines
that are able to be re-charged using photovoltaic panels that
can be folded or rolled away for storage.
Iran must master night vision technology and therefore be able
to enter battle at night.
Our communication infrastructure needs to be not only made high-tech
but it also needs to be very low-tech in the event the high-tech
network gets knocked out.
Throughout our mountain ranges bases with supplies need to be
constructed so that in the event of an invasion a resistance infrastructure
would exist for defeating the invaders. Also, in our mountains
we need to duplicate our defense industry so that if for example
a machine gun factory is bombed the workers can quickly be re-located
to the secure mountain factories and continue producing weaponry.
Depending on other countries to supply us with weaponry is an
unnecessary risky strategy.
High powered sniper rifles need to be locally produced and each
commando unit must have a marksman on its team.
All our borders need to have tall mobile watchtowers equipped
with remote controlled weaponry able to function at night.
The days of tanks, and other large, slow moving, and expensive,
military equipment is gone. As demonstrated in Iraq they are sitting
ducks when smart weaponry is used.
The days of small, fast, highly mobile, easy to hide, fighting
units is here. A commando unit that has sniper rifles, shoulder
fired anti-aircraft missiles, night goggles, and RPG's, and is
mounted on all terrain electric motorcycles that are powered by
the sun, will effectively be able to challenge America's
lumbering, expensive, high-tech military.
If we cannot defend against American high altitude bombers and
cruise missiles then we need to find ways that we can hit back
America on its own soil. This is necessary so that America will
think twice before waging war against us.
This is not about regime change, freedom, democracy, or Islamic
tyranny. It's about oil and America securing its vital interests.
America's vital interests are based on cheap oil and making
sure American corporations stay profitable and dominant. And the
key to this is America's control of the Middle East.
Keeping other countries dependent on America is another vital
interest. And any country that attempts to become independent
will quickly be squashed in order to keep other countries in line.
Our enemy will use Depleted Uranium, napalm, cluster bombs,
and torture; we will use whatever means to respond to these barbaric
Our enemy has used two atomic bombs to vaporize two cities,
so they have proven already that they are capable of the most
evil atrocities. We should therefore be prepared to launch counterattacks
that will cause them a great deal of suffering.
It is now becoming obvious to most observers that the American
nation has fallen under the control of an extremist cult; with
Bush as their cheerleader-in-chief these people have taken control
of the Republican Party to such an extent that America is now
essentially a single party state. There are no more checks and
balances. The CIA, Congress, Justice Department, and White House
are now all under the control of extremists based at the Pentagon.
If Peak Oil turns out to be a true predication then Iran will
certainly be attacked as we stand in the way of America's
control of Middle Eastern oil and gas supplies. (For further information
on Peak Oil)
Once Iran is pulverized the same way that Iraq has been obliterated
America will have achieved its goal, which is to secure its access
to cheap energy and not be challenged in the Middle East.
This overriding addiction to oil is powerful enough that the
death of millions of human beings is not important to wasteful
This is the same mindset that existed when the genocide of Native
Americans was taking place, and the West was being "won".
Today Americans are also looking to "win", but this
time in the Middle East.
Winning means a US corporate friendly business environment where
favorable trade arrangements can be signed with the bulk of the
deals consisting of the importation of cheap oil and the export
of expensive armaments. This was the arrangement America had with
the Shah of Iran and it is the basis of its relationship with
many oil rich Arab states.
However, for Iran to stand strong and be independent, and withstand
the forces that are placing it in great danger, it needs to solve
its domestic problems. And the only way it can do this is to master
the democratic process.
Domestic Issues
The most important responsibility an Iranian
leader has is to defend the Iranian nation and Iranian people.
The well-being of
the nation and its citizens are the overriding objectives.
Given the threat that Iran faces it needs to seriously re-think
its nuclear policy. And given the difference how North Korea and
Iraq were treated by the United States the obvious conclusion
to be reached is that having nuclear weapons is the better decision.
But is this Iran's policy and is it the right one? So
far nobody knows for sure.
The following assumes Iran is pursuing a peaceful nuclear energy
program but wants to keep its options open for developing nuclear
weapons, which makes a great deal of sense given the threats by
Having nuclear weapons may act as a deterrent, but it also invites
a nuclear attack.
Iran needs to find a way to defend itself without nuclear weapons.
If Iran can develop a military strategy that can assure its defense
then it does not need nuclear weapons.
Dismantling our nuclear program would remove the central reason
for America wanting to attack Iran.
Agreeing to never support or conduct terrorist activity would
eliminate the second excuse America has given to attack Iran.
However, it is extremely important to make sure we all agree by
what is meant by "terrorism", as some may consider
the dropping of two atomic bombs on two cities terrorism. Or they
may consider the use of cluster bombs as terrorism, or the use
of Agent Orange. Or Depleted Uranium weaponry, which could be
considered terrorism inflicted on unborn generations.
Announcing a neutral position on the Israeli and Palestinian
problem would remove the third excuse for America wanting to attack
These three policy changes are in the interest of Iran and would
not harm Iran's overall national interests.
Even though most Iranians feel strongly that we have the right
to nuclear technology this position is largely based on a poor
understanding of the facts, especially the environmental problems
inherent to nuclear fuel, its toxic waste, and its long-term storage
The question that needs to be presented to the Iranian people
to vote on is whether keeping our nuclear technology is worth
the price we are being forced to pay.
If we continue on the same path we will always be under suspicion
and will therefore always be under the threat of attack.
Even if we are only developing the peaceful use of nuclear technology
other nations will still have doubts.
However, if we do agree to totally dismantle our nuclear industry
and instead pursue renewable energy we would not only eliminate
the threat of attack but we would also be going down a more sensible
path given the likelihood of global warming. (See
Iranians need to be given all the facts and be presented the
opportunity to vote on this very important issue.
The current Iranian government insists on keeping our nuclear
program but maybe we have far more to gain if we dismantle everything
that is related to our nuclear industry.
One simple fact should be enough to give us pause for pursing
nuclear power: one hundred and sixty square kilometers of land
surrounding Chernobyl is still uninhabitable.
The next president of Iran should hold a referendum on Iran's
nuclear policy.
The most critical change we need to establish in Iran is the
process of participatory democracy.
On every level of our society we need to master the democratic
process: in our government institutions, in our companies, in
our cities, in our universities, and finally in our homes.
The beauty of the democratic process is that it brings together
the creativity, the energy, and the intelligence of all the people
that are taking part in trying to solve a problem.
In a democratic Iran power will reside with the voter, not with
individuals that are un-elected, unaccountable, and unqualified.
The exercise of power needs to be undertaken by elected representatives,
not by appointed friends or family or those that have purchased
their position of power.
Elected representatives must be held accountable to the voting
public, and easily removed from office if not able to fulfill
their responsibilities.
And finally the exercise of power must be conducted through
the rule of law and not through whim or outdated traditions that
may have been appropriate a thousand years ago but not appropriate
Only through the democratic process can we effectively solve
our problems. And everywhere in Iran there are problems that need
to be solved.
Simply by solving problems democratically we advance and strengthen
our nation.
If we solve them together we advance together and build our
nation together.
From air pollution, to road safety, to high unemployment, we
face enormous
problems that cannot be solved by a few individuals sitting
in some far away room.
Once we establish and master the democratic process we will
soon come to the profound realization that we are the owners of
this country.
Iranians living under a democratic society will no longer be
able to complain that Iran "sa-haab na-dareh" because
each and every one of us will be the "sa-haab" of
Iran. ("Sa-haab" means owner.)
Through the implementation and practice of participatory democracy
we will discover that our own destiny, our own future, and our
own well-being is in our own hands.
We will no longer have the excuse of blaming others for our
Our central goal during this coming decade should be to master
the democratic process.
History has proven time and time again that all non-democratic
systems of government fail to solve the problems of a nation.
It is impossible for a small group of un-elected individuals
to manage a country. It has been tried, in many forms, in many
countries, and it has always failed.
We the people must learn to solve our own problems and we need
the tools to solve them, and the most important tool is the democratic
The second essential tool is the rule of law.
Without the rule of law we will never progress, or effectively
develop as a nation.
Without the rule of law we will have corruption, inefficiency,
theft, exploitation, and a fundamental imbalance in the structure
of our society.
Twenty five years ago the Iranian people in the euphoria of
the 1979 Revolution voted for an Islamic Republic. Now that Iranians
know what an Islamic Republic is like they once again should have
the right to decide if this is the form of government they want
to live under.
Citizens of a nation must have the government they vote for,
not a government that is imposed on them.
Today the majority of individuals making decisions about Iran
were educated in Qom. However, in the seminaries of Qom the following
subjects are not taught: economics, public administration, business
management, banking, finance, and international relations. Either
these subjects need to be taught in the seminaries of Qom or individuals
with the right qualifications should be making the decisions that
concern the well being of the Iranian nation.
Our press must be granted the freedom to report what they see
and hear. If problems arise it must be reported.
If a problem is not reported it is as if the problem did not
We cannot solve our problems if we don't know anything
about them.
They say the way to solving a problem is to first understand
it fully; look at the problem closely and after you have finished
examining the problem thoroughly should you start thinking about
its solution. Simply by going through this process one is half
way towards finding the solution.
Our journalists have the responsibility to inform us about our
world and our country, and we therefore need to give them the
freedom to tell us the truth.
Nobody should fear the truth.
We cannot create an atmosphere of fear because if we do we will
never grow or evolve as a people or as a nation.
Some may want to take us back into the past but we all know
the power to create a better world is within us and the decisions
we make today will determine what kind of world we will have tomorrow.
We cannot create a better world if we are made to fear the expression
of our thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.
Iranian youth must be free to dream and achieve, because without
dreams life can become a nightmare.
If our youth know it is pointless to dream here, then they will
go elsewhere to fulfill their dreams.
If this brain drain continues our country will become like a
hollow tree, and will someday simply topple over.
True spiritual advancement can only take place when there is
freedom to explore, discuss, experiment, and compare. Another
essential requirement is to have the freedom to practice in peace
and without coercion.
A free and peaceful Iran will advance far faster spiritually
than one where there is widespread cynicism, mistrust, and a sense
of betrayal.
A spiritual guide must be gentle, patient, and tolerant, not
harsh, violent, and narrow-minded.
Spiritual guidance takes place through houses of worship not
through government institutions.
Just because somebody wears clerical cloths does not automatically
make them a spiritual guide.
Discovering Allah (God) involves far more than just reading
the Koran.
Nobody has all the answers and anybody that claims to have all
the answers is most likely walking down the wrong path.
Iran is already a regional power but to be a real authentic
regional power it needs to first solve its own problems. And only
after it has solved its own problems can it export its talents,
its industry, and its greatness.
Most of our domestic problems are rooted in not studying other
countries carefully and in enough depth.
What has happened is that we have repeated the same mistakes
other nations have made while modernizing.
Instead of learning from their mistakes we have repeated them.
From the Americans we need to learn how to create the best environment
innovation, the implementation of the rule of law --- and how
to efficiently manage our business enterprises.
From the Japanese we need to learn the meaning and implementation
quality, discipline, and organization --- and how to manufacture
hybrid automobile engines.
From the Chinese we need to learn how to export and compete
on the world
market --- and also how to master traditional Chinese medicine.
From the British we need to learn the game of diplomacy ---
and how to
speak, read, and write English.
From the Germans we need to learn how to become master engineers
--- and how
to stay clear of totalitarianism.
From the French we need to learn how to stay independent and
free --- and
how to live in harmony with our neighbors.
Every country has something we can learn from. And we should
not just learn from their successes, but also from their failures
and mistakes.
We must stop re-inventing the wheel.
This means we must learn from others and skip over problems
that have already been solved.
The upcoming Presidential election could be a vote for or against
confrontation with America.
Some of our leaders are advocating a very stubborn and dangerous
set of policies that could give an excuse to America to attack
Are we prepared to follow these leaders?
Are we willing to pay the price for these hard-line policies?
If the Americans attack Iran the following will be the price
we will have to pay:
All our major dams will be destroyed. All our power plants will
be destroyed. An embargo will cease all shipment of oil and gas.
Our water purification systems will be destroyed. Our oil installations
will be destroyed. Our national telecommunication network will
be destroyed.
And all of this will happen before a single American soldier
steps foot on our land.
We will have no electricity, gasoline, heating oil, clean water,
and no telephones and television. Our economy will come to a standstill
and we will be back to where we were seventy years ago.
Is this the price we are willing to pay?
When Iranians vote for the next President they need to be aware
of these issues.
Thank you for reading these words.A good Farsi translation of
the above would be welcomed if somebody will take the trouble
to do one. However, I sincerely ask that you please not change
or distort my words.
It is extremely unlikely that anybody outside the inner circle
currently in power will be elected as the next President of Iran.
However, if a debate can be generated regarding some of the
issues presented here, and then maybe this Internet candidacy
can be of value to the Iranian people.
Given that conditions in Iran are not yet conducive for conducting
an independent presidential campaign in safety, the name that
has been used, Cyrus Mossaddegh, is an alias. To some this may
seem cowardly and a disappointment but my current responsibilities
to my family and individuals I work with, and which do not know
I have written the above, do not grant me the freedom to use my
real name.
Without the rule of law multiple power centers have emerged
in Iran and each interprets the law in their own favor, and most
certainly some of the words used here could be "judged" to
be "unlawful".
Change is a natural process of this world, and our faith in
positive change must not be diminished.
May all Iranians live in peace so they can create the nation
their potential demands.
May all Iranians live in freedom so they can reach enlightenment.
Our future is in our own hands.
God is Great.
Closing Note
This email was sent to over six hundred news organizations,
government institutions, and domestic and overseas Web sites,
plus individuals that could have influence on bringing about the
thirty-three proposals that were made above.
The emails were sent from multiple Internet cafes in Iran and
none of the owners of the Internet cafes knew this email was being
If you agree with these words please forward them to anybody
you think should read them.
I do not know what the next step should be in terms of organizing.
Maybe simply by writing the name "Cyrus Mossaddegh" on
your ballot will get the message across to those in power that
they only have the support of a small minority of the Iranian
people and change is on its way.
You can also write on walls: "I am Cyrus Mossaddegh",
because we are all Cyrus Mossaddegh.
You, the people down the street, every Iranian yearning for
freedom, and myself, is Cyrus Mossaddegh.
So write, "I am Cyrus Mossaddegh" where ever you
can, and when ever you can.
At first nobody will know what it means, but as the message
starts to spread, the name Cyrus Mossaddegh will begin to have
a special significance.
The name Cyrus Mossaddegh will become a codeword for peace,
true freedom, participatory democracy, the rule of law, and the
end to the oppressive conditions that have overtaken our country.
Write the name Cyrus Mossaddegh on rocks, on the hills, on road
signs, and highway overpasses.
And maybe by Election Day Cyrus Mossaddegh will get more votes
then anybody else.
And if that happens, we know we will have won, and will be on
our way to regaining ownership of our country.
Are you Cyrus Mossaddegh?