In so many words
Comments on issues of the day
February 20, 2005
Emails sent by Hamid Boroumand from January 1,
2005 to February 20, 2005, beginning with the latest:
The Other Significance of Ashura
Dear editor salam,
I read someplace that before Ashura became significant for being
the day that Imam Hossein was martyred showing the world the
meaning of courageous honor and setting an example for resisting
and overwhelming odds, the Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) used to fast
that day every year in commemoration of Prophet Moses' flight
from Egypt. Can someone familiar with the history of Islam verify
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Some Thoughts
Dear editor salam,
I would like to see Hossein Shahrestani become Iraq's next Prime
Minister, I would like to have Benazir Bhutto return to power
in Pakistan, and if things don't change for the better in Iran
within the next few months, I would be favorable to an organized
bloodless coup with a timetable for free, fair and democratic
elections in that country shortly thereafter.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Mollas Newest Mafia Racket
Dear editor salam,
The molla regime's newest mafia racket scheme to rob and loot
the common citizen behind closed doors and drawn curtains is to
deny transparency and accountability on a variety of land and
property claims by using the lame, illogical, and untenable excuse
that certain cases are beyond transparency and accountability
because they are within the realm of the "Vezarat Etelaat
and Amniyat." What a crock of s--t!
Is the Vezarat Etelaat
and Amniyat now playing interference to cover-up past and ongoing
theft and fraud by criminal elements in a variety of Bonyads,
as well as high level government officials and their relatives
and cronies?
I tell you, the Godfather, the NY mob, the Sicilian
Mafia, and La Cosa Nostra could learn a thing or two from
our Ayatollahs and Hojatoleslams. And to think that so many Iranians
over the years paid their religious dues to educate and train
what amounts to nothing more than a handful of thieves and gangsters....khak-too-saremoon.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Dear editor salam,
Akbar-Klepto has recently made some noise about the U.S. holding
$8 billion in frozen Iranian assets plus accrued interest from
1979, making demands for the release of those assets. If those
assets do indeed exist and in the best interest of the Iranian
nation and to keep those assets out of Akbar's sticky hands until
a legitimate democratically and popularly elected regime comes
to power (and also as an assurance that the Iranian government
properly compensates me for my own losses and damages), I propose
that the U.S. administration turn all of those assets over to
me for safekeeping and for management (all of which I will perform
for a modest but fair annual fee.)
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Not "Sexy" Enough?!?!
Dear editor salam,
In response to comments from some of your "nuttier" readers
that the value/contrarian GM (General Motors) idea was not a sufficiently "sexy" addition
to the Iranian portfolio, I am adding Lifecell (LIFC) at $8.60
as a new addition to the Iranian portfolio..."sexy" that
for a change! Having said that please do not invest in anything
without first consulting with your attorney, accountant, financial
adviser, spouse, significant other, psychotherapist, etc.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Word of Pragmatic Advice to Women
Dear editor salam,
Just a pragmatic word of advice to single women who think that
marriage and pursuing their education are mutually exclusive:
get married and pursue your education, otherwise you might end
up getting educated at the cost of being older with no marriage
prospects whatsoever.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
As Goes GM So Goes...
Dear editor salam,
As a friend of mine once said, "the time to buy is when
there is blood in the streets", so in honor of that friend
I am adding "down in the dumps" General Motors (GM)
at $37 to the Iranian portfolio and holding my breath (as opposed
to holding my nose.) [If I were a little more sophisticated I
might even consider buying its "junk" rated bonds with
yields that I understand are approaching 8% and more.] Having
said all that, no one should invest in anything without first
consulting with their attorney, accountant, financial adviser,
significant other, etc
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Why I Would Have Liked Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Dear editor salam,
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a former Prime Minister of Pakistan who
was subsequently unjustly executed after a military coup, was
a man I didn't know but would have liked. Other than his impeccable
taste in choosing a wife from one of the finest families from
my hometown of Esfahan, this man was effectively Pakistan's Mossadegh.
Just as Mossadegh gave his life to secure the majority benefit
of Iran's oil resources for its people, so Bhutto gave his life
to guarantee the future safety of Pakistan by securing the Bomb
for its people.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Friendly Advice - Three In One
Dear editor salam,
Because I am feeling extremely generous today, I am going to
give three pieces of free and friendly advice:
1) I typically don't like giving free or friendly advice to
Iran's mollas, but because something significantly larger is at
I feel compelled to do so. My advice to them is not to play with
fire with this U.S. administration and give a pretext for Iran
ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES. It was the forefathers of these same Iranian
mollas who got "stupid" 150 years ago and called for
the jihad which resulted in Iran losing 17 of its largest cities
to the Russian Tsars...the consequences of that loss were staggering
not just to Iran, but to the citizens of those lost lands who
were and continue to be subjected to all sorts of misery and indignities.
2) My free and friendly advice to the existing administration
in Washington (and to subsequent ones to come) is: don't let
the national security of the United States be held hostage to
political decisions of supposed allies with questionable moral
or legal authority. Specifically, keep a healthy distance from
regionally unpopular countries like Israel, and keep a healthy
distance from undemocratic/unpopular leaders of regional countries
like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, etc.
3) My free and friendly advice to the investing public is: the
demand for raw materials from China and India's growing economies
will structurally change the global pricing of those raw materials.
So add RTP (Rio Tinto PLC) to the collection of stocks in the
Iranian portfolio, as a proxy to capture the pricing pressure
on those commodities- having said that please don't invest in
anything until you first talk with your accountant, attorney,
financial adviser (and probably your spouse as well.)
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Getting It Backwards
Dear editor salam,
One would think that after 26 years, fringe elements,
fanatics and extremists would have allowed themselves enough time
to blow-off
all that pent-up steam and energy and anger and revert to more
of a "middle of the road" position and posture. But
only in Iran does it seem that the more time has passed, the more
extreme and isolated some regime leadership elements intend to
remain...come on now, isn't time to grow up and move on?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Serious Business
Dear editor salam,
Interestingly, in the past several weeks, I have had a slew
of offers from a variety of sources offering to help recover illegally
seized assets and confiscated properties in Iran. With much appreciation
for these offers of assistance, I must respectfully decline. Because
the size of our claims are of such a large amount (approaching
$7 billion just for the damages suffered by my immediate famil
y- excluding uncles, cousins, partners, etc.) and because they
primarily with state and para-state entities, only a formal authorized
Iranian government commission can properly handle this matter.
Since I am certain that Iran's government now fully understands
that I am not the sort of person they want to be agitating, I
expect a satisfactory resolution of this matter in a short and
timely manner.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
The Sayed or The Seeb
Dear editor salam,
In an informal sondage (or poll) it has been established that
if a general election for leadership were held today between the
sayed and a seeb (apple), 95% of Iran's eligible voters would
give "baayat" (or their vote) to the seeb!
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Delicate Situation
Dear editor salam,
It all comes back to the same issue: it is not the gun, but
who is holding the gun that matters. A gun in the hands of a criminal
is a weapon of danger, but a gun in the hands of a law enforcement
officer is a weapon of security. Would a government truly representative
of the wishes of the Iranian citizenry AND in possession of enrichment
capabilities pose either a threat to its neighbors or a proliferation
risk? Probably not, because most regular Iranians probably would
agree with me that the Arabs and the Israelis need to solve their
own problems, and most regular Iranians probably would agree with
me that we would rather not waste our preciously limited resources
on Lebanese Hezbollah, and finally most regular Iranians probably
would agree with me that they would rather do business with and
study in the United States rather than try to blow it up. Which
brings us back to the main issue: how does the world community
work towards creating a government truly representative of the
wishes of the Iranian people versus all the sabre-rattling that
is currently taking place?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
An Apple A Day
Dear editor salam,
I think I will add pharmaceutical giant Merck (MRK) at $29 per
share to the Iranian portfolio. Having said that, let me remind
everyone that before investing in anything they should first consult
with their financial advisor, accountant, attorney etc. to make
sure that such investments are suitable for them.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
16 Years Later and Still No Accountability!
Dear editor salam,
It has been over 16 years that Iran's war with Iraq has ended
and still NOT ONE member of Iran's leadership responsible for
dragging the war out an extra, futile and bloody 6 years has been
held accountable for that unforgivable mistake and for the hundreds
of thousands of Iranian lives lost and injured, and the billions
of dollars of costs incurred. If only you had been with me years
ago when I performed the pilgrimage and saw and talked with some
of those fine young men so terribly mutilated and so scarred for
life because of the selfishness and stupidity of a bunch of idiot they regretted what had happened to them and how
they wished they could have been living normal lives. Lanat bar
hemaqateh rahbaran beliyaqat.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Rahypeyma'i Rangin 22 Bahman
Dear editor salam,
Let the Iranian people show their true sentiments when they
converge on Maydoon Azadi this Thursday by wearing the GREEN colors
representing a demand for an end to dictatorial oppression and
reaffirming a call for a referendum in support of genuine democracy.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Cairo On My Mind
Dear editor salam,
It is unbecoming that Egypt, the gem of the Arab world and a
land rich in culture and civilization and history, should be ruled
as a virtual one party state with a virtual president for life
scheming to create a family dynasty by forcibly bringing his son
to power upon his demise. Why should a land which has long been
known for the prowess of its writers and poets and thinkers, suddenly
find renown for the sadism of its secret police and the cruelty
of its prison guards? As Egypt has always been at the forefront
of all progressive Arab movements, so too should it now take the
lead in shedding its quasi-dictatorship to embrace and implement
genuine democracy. The first place it can begin is the first place
that all the leaders of the Middle East/North Africa can begin:
by treating their citizens as dignified human beings with rights
and not as serfs and not as servants.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Investing In Iran?
Dear editor salam,
In response to questions from some of your readers inquiring
about investing in Iran (real estate, factories, stocks, trade,
etc.), or for that matter any other place: I personally have tried
to conduct my business dealings in such a manner that I have NEVER
knowingly tried to bring home money that is not honestly earned
or sourced (both for moral and religious reasons, and because
I am a firm believer that "nothing good comes from nothing
Because of the widespread and ongoing violations
of property and ownership rights in Iran subsequent to the 1979
Revolution and the prevalence of questionable bribe induced trades
and transactions, I would encourage people to currently avoid
investing in Iran until a government materializes which is serious
about (1) fair restitution of those whose property rights have
been violated (2) implementing a viable legal regime committed
to protecting private property rights (3) creating a business
climate of fair trade free of corruption and bribery.
If none of these arguments are sufficient enough to dissuade
crooked-minded/morally challenged investors, then the very real
possibility that a change
in regime will bring back legitimate property owners seeking
their belongings and filing heavy criminal and expensive civil
(including seeking extradition from foreign jurisdictions) against
usurpers, should give pause for thought.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Bardashti Az Enghelab Iran
Dear editor salam,
Bardashti az enghelab Iran: beeshtar fazelaab Madineh ta Madineyeh
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Miracle of the Internet
Dear editor salam,
Which little guy (or gal) can't love the internet? Through
this amazing vehicle, I- without any real resources (other than
Mr. Jahanshah Javid's patience, kindness and willingness to post
my interminable ramblings and rantings on his site)- have shared
with the world and possibly shaped some opinions (or else made
an absolute and total fool of myself) on at least a number of
issues: a moderate and beautiful face of faith, the attractiveness
of democracy, the need for universal justice and prosperity, the
hypocrisy and shortcomings of governments and leaders, personal
insight and growth, the value of humor, the fuel of anger, etc.
etc. etc.
The greatest satisfaction I have received, however,
has been having a platform on which I could share some of my life
story or experiences or insights or aspirations with others. One
of the tangible benefits of credible publicity is that it actually
brings about change to those willing to accept advice/criticism
and looking to improve or amend their activities and behavior;
readers should not be surprised to hear that through these "letters
to the editor" I and Mr. Javid have shaped human behavior,
directed world politics and shaken regimes and regime figures
(hopefully all for the better). Don't underestimate the power
of the pen and a brave (or foolish?) writer and equally courageous
epaper editor.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Interest Rate Creep
Dear editor salam,
The Fed's decision to raise interest rates once again leads
me to encourage those investing in land and homes to consider
investing in land constrained markets catering to wealthy retirees.
Why? Once again, (a) land constraints help keep prices high by
reducing available land supply (b) wealthy clientele are not affected
by interest rate increases (c) a large band of the population
is falling into the retiree category over the next 10 years and
will be seeking homes in retirement locales. The two most attractive
markets meeting these criteria, in my opinion, are: East Coast:
Western North Carolina (Tryon, NC being an excellent location),
West Coast: Coachella Valley, CA (Rancho Mirage, CA being an excellent
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Something Serious. Something Funny.
Dear editor salam,
I feel rather confident that U.S. troops will be exiting Iraq
sooner than everyone thinks, in fact I think most U.S. troops
will be out of Iraq within six months and that by that time Iraqis
themselves will have gotten a firm handle on security issues and
maintenance. Furthermore I am convinced that Iraq's new slate
of likely and upstanding leaders, notably Mr. Shahrestani and
his colleagues, will take heed of the sorry direction of neighboring
Iran's revolution and its misguided/criminal governance to prevent
a similar occurrence in Iraq.
On a lighter note (this one is for you Mr. Dabirian, Sr.): famed
American writer and humorist Mark Twain had the following interesting
observations or thoughts about marriage (note: Mr. Twain's thoughts
do not necessarily reflect the views and thoughts of this writer): "Polygamy
means having one wife too many...Monogamy means having one wife
too many."
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
The "Agency"
Dear editor salam,
I am of the opinion that changing times make for changing priorities.
As such I think that it would be opportune to restructure and
refocus the priorities of the "Agency" to make it a
prime weapon in the arsenal for justice and democracy. Instead
of using resources to prop up kings, dictators, tyrants, and thugs,
lets use those same resources to further the aspirations of oppressed
people around the world.
For example and as a start, without compromising
its assets, I think the "Agency" could begin by publicly
releasing eavesdropped communications establishing the culpability
of some of Iran's top mollas and their cronies/families in a range
of crimes spanning from murder to theft and corruption. As another
example, the "Agency" could remove the cloak of anonymity
and implicate those criminals outside and inside Iran actively
carrying out acts of espionage, imprisonment, torture and assassination
against those upholding the banner of justice and democracy.
After all, why be evil when you can be good?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Damn Straight
Dear editor salam,
Damn straight I come from a family of old line massive landowners
and large-scale farmers (or more recently developers and builders).
We are the same "feudals" (or 'foo-o-dolls', as the
neo-communist mollas like to call us) who gifted 2 million square
meters of land to the Daneshgah Sanati Sharif (Aryamehr sabegh)
in Esfahan, and gifted another 2 million square meters of land
to the Iranian government in Shahinshahr for what is now the site
of that nation's main aircraft manufacturing/assembly facility.
Why did my family do it? I don't know, but for some reason we
must have given a s--t about a country that obviously didn't give
a s--t about us.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Dear editor salam,
Shokran (or thank you) to the long-suffering and patient people
of Iraq for participating in the democratic election process.
You have weathered many difficulties and challenges to arrive
to this point. As the candidates you have selected begin the serious
work of establishing the framework or "the rules of the game" under
which Iraq will be governed including provisions for a transparent
democracy free of self-interest and corruption, the return of
the rule of law and security, and the exit of all foreign troops
and all fighters from Iraq, the people of the entire region will
be looking to you as the example for how they themselves might
be able to cooperate across sectarian and religious and ethnic
lines to transform their own countries and governments into vibrant
examples of thriving democracies. So don't let your own people
down and don't let the people of the region down, because what
we are all witnessing is history in the making. Long live a free,
united and democratic Iraq.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Statoil is back!
Dear editor salam,
The Norwegian oil company, Statoil, that kicked $11 million
back to Rafsanjani's son through a friend of his finally got its
foot in Iran...I wonder if Rahbar and the Majlis are going to
find the courage to force the little thief to disgorge that money?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Anchoring the "Iranian" Portfolio
Dear editor salam,
I think I will add two socially conscious mutual funds to the
Iranian portfolio to both anchor the portfolio and to provide
some diversity, the first will be a growth mutual fund named Amana
Growth Fund (AMAGX) last priced at $14.46, and the other will
be an income mutual fund named Amana Income Fund (AMANX) last
priced at $20.98.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Will She Or Won't She?
Dear editor salam,
About 2 weeks ago I attended a memorial commemorating the passing
of the mother of a family friend at their residence. It was a
touching and respectable ceremony with a scholarly gentleman and
one of the lady's granddaughters sharing insights about life in
general and personal experiences with the crowd of guests. Oddly
enough, in this emotional gathering filled with sadness, happiness,
memories, solidarity, etc., a strikingly beautiful lady caught
my eye (single-as I was also later to find out, much to my immense
Somewhat awkwardly, given the occasion, I had my mother
approach the hostess and ask if they might possibly facilitate
an introduction (the flip side being that maybe some happiness
might sprout from a sad occasion.) The hostess agreed, and now
I hopefully await a response... will this mysteriously stunning
woman give me an opportunity to meet her and get to know her
better or won't she?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Tackling High Level Corruption and Promoting Democracy
Dear editor salam,
While the push for global democratization is slowly taking shape,
a more immediate and pressing issue is the need for a concerted
global effort to rein in high level corruption in developing countries,
a capital crime-in my opinion-that is being witnessed on a scale
that can only be described as embarrassing and shameful AND dangerous.
Regrettably, this phenomenon is taking place in countries which
can least afford such inequities, countries where the divide
between the have and the have nots is so great, countries where
the majority
of the population is living at or below subsistence levels,
that the inevitable consequence of this thievery which leads
to greater
disparity can only be described as violent, hateful, destabilizing,
and possibly apocalyptic. Not to mention that contracts awarded
on the basis of corruption, undermine regular healthy economic
activity which is premised on competitive pricing, better service,
technologically superior products, etc.
A safer collective world demands a reduction in the disparity
of power and wealth among all social classes across all parts
of the globe, so it would seem to be logical that a drive to eliminate
high level corruption should accompany the drive for global democratization.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
The Great Debate: Lion Slayer or Toothpick?
Dear editor salam,
I and some friends spend our Saturdays hiking in the beautiful
hills and mountains of Orange County. A recent spate of mountain
lion sightings and attacks in the area has led to some consternation
and concern amongst local hikers. For my part, and mainly for
fun, I like to carry my hand carved folk-artsy North Carolina
walking staff/stick on our hikes, this beautiful accessory has
become the subject of an ongoing debate (or more likely the butt
of endless jokes) as to whether it might serve to slay any mountain
lion that might cross our paths or rather act as a toothpick once
the mountain lion has finished us off (frankly I don't intend
to stick around to test either theory!)
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Removing the Cloak of Anonymity
Dear editor salam,
Third-world informers/prison guards/torturers/assassins live
and feel protected under cloaks of anonymity. Let us identify
and rat them out, making it unbearably uncomfortable for them
to feel safe in public and among the general citizenry.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Publicity for the Silent Opinion Poll
Dear editor salam,
Media outlets both within and outside of Iran are not doing
enough to beam publicity to Iranians within the country encouraging
them to a "Green" deployment. The message is: those
within Iran wearing green shirts, headscarves, coats, armbands,etc.
are silently and collectively expressing their desire for a nationwide
referendum of "ya hokoomat mardomi ya hokoomat akhoondi",
and their intent to boycott Iran's upcoming presidential elections
to force the issue of the referendum.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Bardashti Az Enghelab Iran
Dear editor salam,
The drop in eBay's stock price has many frightened, but I will
stick with Franco-American-Iranian Pierre (that is French for
'stone', if I am not mistaken) Omidyar and will add to the Iranian
portfolio position at these prices. This phenomenal internet franchise
has penetrated less than 2% of the world's population as users,
and should be able to capture significantly more with the right
marketing strategy. Having said all this, let me remind everyone
not to invest in anything without first consulting their financial
advisors, accountants, attorneys, etc.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Confusing the Issue
Dear editor salam,
I would encourage Mr. Reza Pahlavi to formally renounce any
claims to a throne or a restoration of the monarchy in Iran. This
unresolved issue is creating confusion and hesitation among a
large number of people interested in change within Iran and its
political structure but hesitant or unwilling to commit to that
change if it risks the return of a monarchy.
Mr. Pahlavi, should
he have a continued interest in participating in the political
process, may choose to consider the route that the last emperor
of Brazil took, when in the early 1900's he abolished Brazil's
monarchy, but was so liked by the citizenry that they elected
the same man as the Brazilian republic's first president.
To Mr.
Pahlavi's supporters and others opposed to him I extend this
piece of advice: Iran needs to be established as a country where
rule of law is paramount meaning that regardless of what political
party or faction temporarily assumes democratic leadership,
the lives, the property, the security, and the honor of all need
be respected under a code of law that transcends administrations
and politics.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
In So Many Words
Dear editor salam,
I spent a portion of my morning today attending the congregational "Eid" prayer
celebrating the culmination of this year's season of pilgrimage,
or "Haj." In the midst of his speech, the man delivering
the sermon used seven simple but meaningful words to convey a
weighty message, this gentle spoken soul stressed the importance
of establishing a world (and personal) order where we all live
by the code that, " right is might, not might is right."
Aameen (or Amen) to that.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Dear editor salam,
I have repeatedly called for greater transparency pertaining
to the dealings of the Bonyad Mostazafan in view of credible reports
of widespread theft and corruption within that organization. I
would now like to extend that request for transparency to ALL
Iranian oil/gas and mineral transactions including the NIOC, of
course, but more specifically the Sarcheshmeh copper facility
and contracts pertaining to it. After all, what are the members
of Iran's Shurayeh Majlis getting a salary for?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Formal Change of Position and a Request for Support
Dear editor salam,
I am taking this opportunity to formally change my position
and distance myself from supporting or seeking ANY armed aggression
from the United States of America (or any other power) against
Iran as a vehicle of political change. The necessary changes in
Iran (including guarantees on weapons monitoring or control) can
be secured if the world community chooses to support an indigenous
Iranian movement, the "Green Revolution" , that I and
a group of like-minded individuals like myself are trying to catalyze
in Iran.
Not unlike Mrs. Aquino's "Yellow Revolution" of
the mid-1980's in the Philippines and Mr. Yuschenko's more recent "Orange
Revolution" in the Ukraine, we are seeking to mobilize/hearten
a population that has been intimidated by violence and imprisonment
and executions over the past 26 years, into peacefully bringing
about change by boycotting Iran's upcoming presidential elections
and demanding a referendum to shift power from a group of corrupt
and unelected "criminal-clergymen" to popularly and
democratically elected citizens.
The best manner in which the
world community can currently assist us is by not engaging in
activities which will solidify support behind or unify a despised,
disunited, and fractured ruling clique, but by extending the
power/reach of their media assets (satellites, TV, radio, newspapers,
to the Green movement to give it the necessary publicity in
Iran proper to create the momentum for the movement to take on
a life
of its own.
A concurrent request that the Green movement is making
of the world community is for a temporary boycott of the purchase
of Iran's oil exports with the intention not of harming the
general populace or the world economy, but of restricting the
ability to buy support- effectively forcing the regime to more
quickly come to the negotiating table.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Fox News versus Facts News
Dear editor salam,
It is disappointing to learn in these tense times that Fox News,
with no substantiation, is trying to incite public hatred for
and violence towards the American Muslim community by alleging
that the murder of a family of Egyptian Coptics in New Jersey
was religiously motivated, and by portraying Muslims as intolerant
and prone to violence. Irresponsible reporting can have dangerous
and unintended consequences. Furthermore, if we in Amercia choose
to hold Fox News to the same standards the Al-Manar network was
held to (and I think we should apply the same standards), then
Fox News could very well also see its broadcasting license yanked.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Why Khamenei is No Khomeini
Dear editor salam,
The difference between Khamenei and Khomeini can be summed up
in one simple example: if Khomeini had lasted just a little longer
he would not have put up with Rafsanjani and his crony's antics
and corruption (to put it bluntly, Khomeini would have had Akbar
and his gang lined up against a wall and executed by firing squad);
regrettably Khamenei lacks this same foresight, courage, fortitude
of character, and decisiveness...he is simply a weak and ineffective
puppet in the hands of powers shrewder a more cunning than he
might imagine (and the proof is in the pudding, as we here in
America say.)
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Bazham Roozegar!
Dear editor salam,
Yikes! I thought I must have been hallucinating or witnessing
a bad dream! The other night I saw a broadcast from Iran's state
television where the guest was Sartip (you guessed it) Karegar!
Used to be a time when the top military officers came from "sarshenas" families
like Boroumand and Khosrowshahi. Nothing is sacred anymore! I
fully expect to see a Sepahbod Chopoon and an Arteshbod Bagheboon
on upcoming episodes of the state television broadcast... I will
keep you posted!
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
You Want More Real Estate Advice?
Dear editor salam,
In response to reader requests for more real estate investment
advice, I will offer the following guidance: for those continuing
to look to buy a house in the land constrained Orange County area
(the wealthiest county in the ENTIRE U.S. in real estate value
metrics) of Southern California, I find the most desirable community
to be San Juan Capistrano, and the best relative values to be
found in a community called Hidden Mountain Estates followed closely
by an adjoining lower-end community called Hidden Mountain (both
are located where San Juan Creek Road and Avenida La Mancha meet.)
Last I checked, there were very few homes available for sale
in those neighborhoods with the exception of one attractively
highly upgraded custom house listed in Hidden Mountain Estates
by Olson Re/Max (a real estate agency out of the '818' area
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Getting Ahead of the "8" Ball
Dear editor salam,
I think that 2 significant foreign policy changes would go a
great distance towards securing long-term U.S. (and ultimately
international) interests in the Middle East, North Africa and
Southwest Asia. The first would be an active and persistent push
for the dismantling of absolute (or even quasi-constitutional)
monarchies and dictatorships in the region combined with a concurrent
push to cultivate democratic alternatives (the logic behind this
being that a planned and gradual and friendly change would have
significantly more favorable outcomes for the U.S./world as a
whole, as opposed to a violent overthrow and takeover by fanatics
and extremists- this being relevant everywhere but particularly
relevant in the case of Arabia, a major oil producer, and Pakistan,
a nuclear power.)
The second would be an active U.S. policy of
distancing itself from the idea of supporting/maintaining the
colonial legacy of separate "nation-states" in the region
in favor of supporting a significantly more viable and diverse
and (historically accurate) democratic federation (I am thinking
of, at least for now, Lebanon /Syria /Iraq /Kuwait /Jordan /Palestine
/Israel) that might subsequently become the seed for an even greater
and economic bloc spanning much of Southeast Asia, Central Asia
and North Africa, and matching the European Union in heft and
On a totally separate issue, I congratulate the U.S. government
for coming down severely on those in the military convicted
of human rights abuses and the torture of prisoners, and encourage
a continued expansion of the investigation and prosecution.
but justified, sentences will do much to recapture the lost
prestige of the armed forces and restore faith in the institution.
Of an
even greater priority, however, should be (a) the reclassification
of the prisoners in Guantanamo as regular prisoners of war with
some prospects either for their convictions or release, and
(b) the immediate dismantling of the incarceration program in
of which just the allegations of torture and abuse there have
created a significant political costs (and other risks) to the
US not worth bearing.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Signs of Regime Weakness
Dear editor salam,
Two highly apparent signs of regime weakness in any system poised
to fall:
(1) The inability to accept a genuine, legitimate and free opposition
(2) The inability to tolerate an unmolested free press.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Mojdeh va "Dasteh Penhan"
Dear editor salam,
Mojdeh b hameyeh peyrovan Engelab Sabz, shoma harkodametan Mohammad
Mossadeghhayeh zamaneyeh khodetan va shiftegaran Iran zamin hastid.
Yes my fellow compatriots word has reached me that the popular "Green" revolt,
seeking a referendum to replace the "hokoomat akhoondi" with
a "hokoomat mardomi", observing a 100% boycott of the
upcoming presidential election as vote of dissatisfaction with
this regime, and congregating peacefully in large numbers in public
venues wearing the green colors of freedom, democracy, and progress,
has deeply shaken the current nezam starting with ol' Rahbar himself. Let me assure the people of Iran that behind our movement is
the "Dasteh
Penhan" of a higher power, seeking to return justice and
decency to our land and its people and to free us from the "zolm" and "beghanoony" and "adamkoshy" and "maalkhory" of
a bunch of unelected and illegitimate unsavory characters, people
who hijacked the Revolution of 1358 to empower and enrich themselves
with no concern for Iran and Iranians.
Keep up the struggle.
Zendebad Iran,
Marg bar Estebdad.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
What Law?
Dear editor salam,
Could someone please enlighten me... either I don't understand
the definition of "law" in a country like Iran, or the
authorities don't understand the definition of "law" in
a country like Iran: for example, in Esfahan, the judicial arm
of this regime (the Dadgah-e-Engelab, to be more exact) which
is supposed to represent the "law" has for 25 years
seized, occupied, and established itself in my family's eight
story building next to the Zayanderood and the Pol-e-Khajoo without
permission and without compensation (is this "lawful"?)
Let's try another example: the law enforcement authority (I
think it is called the Entezamat) which is supposed to enforce/uphold
the "law" has for 25 years seized, occupied, and established
itself in my family's house in Shahinshahr without permission
and without compensation (is this "lawful"?)
Oh, by
the way, did I mention that the Revolutionary
Court "judge" of
the kangaroo court which issued Hokm 237 against my family in
absentia, and who was subsequently executed on charges of "corruption
on earth" and for being a pedophile and a homosexual (you
got it, the infamous Omid Najafabadi), never had the fraudulent/dishonest
rulings he issued tossed out and his victims made whole (is this "lawful"?)
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Exceptions To The Rule
Dear editor salam,
My very legitimate antipathy for mollas is probably well known
by now, but having said that, however, I will agree and acknowledge
that on occasion one or a few good individuals might be found
in a bad crowd. One of those exceptions, back in the good old
days in Esfahan, was a highly respected Mujtahed (who, by the
way, dressed like the man on the street) named Haj Agha Rahim
Arbab, he had a regular job as a landowner and farmer, and used
to teach the talabehs "on the side", and wasn't in it "for
the money."
Locally, here in Southern California, I have
to put in a good word for a family of Iraqi mollas named the
Qazvinis (who still choose to wear the traditional outfit), without
help my brother probably could not have married into the very
respectable Shahrestani family...a marriage that has resulted
in two fantastic little boys who have brought a lot of joy to
my family and myself.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Molla Whores
Dear editor salam,
These mollas are nothing short of a bunch of whores...look how
eagerly they are willing to allow foreigners access to Iran's
military installations in Parchin just to retain their hold on
power, and this is no different than their firesale auction of
Iran's resources to foreigners in deals that are never even seen/sanctioned
by Iran's Majlis.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Vicarious Treasure Hunting
Dear editor salam,
There are companies that one may want to follow "just for
fun" and which generally have no real or probable investment
value (I call these companies the 'Sin City Alternatives'...if
one has budgeted $250 to lose at the tables in Las Vegas, they
might as well spare themselves the hassle of driving/flying there
and instead consider these companies.) Today I am adding one of
these companies to the 'Iranian' portfolio "just for fun".
Anyways, for those people who are closet treasure hunters and
who dream about stumbling upon a trove of long lost and cleverly
hidden gems and doubloons, they can do so vicariously and financially
through a company called Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMR) a
scientifically driven publicly-traded treasure hunting outfit
with some interesting discoveries to its credit. Having said
all this, please remember that investing in the markets entails
and that one should consult their attorney, financial advisor,
accountant, etc. before making any investments.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Natural Gas Duopoly/ONGEC
Dear editor salam,
ONGEC or Organization of Natural Gas Exporting Countries. Did
you know that between them, Russian and Iran control over 50%
of the world's natural gas reserves? In view of the fact that
Russia and Iran will both be competing to provide natural gas
to Europe, China/Far East, and India, it would seem to be wise
for both nations to create a commission to jointly 'fix' the export
price of that resource in order not to ruinously compete against
one another and in order to allow both countries to maximize their
returns from these natural resource exports. This lack of cooperation/ruinous
competition is already damaging the monetary returns from both
Iran's and Russia's natural gas exports to Turkey.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Modern Slavery: The Brain Drain
Dear editor salam,
Until about a century ago when physical labor was the ultimate
fuel that drove the world's economic engine, underdeveloped and
undeveloped countries (everywhere, but mainly in Africa) had that
valuable resource (their people) literally stolen from their lands
and enslaved to be a cog in the economic machine of wealthier/stronger
countries of the time.*
The dislocation and depletion of that
valuable resource may explain some of the problems now facing
those countries that were the primary victims of these human heists.
In todays "knowledge" economy we are witnessing something
akin to the slavery of old: developing countries are losing invaluable "knowledgeable" citizens
whom they have spent scarce resources educationg and training
to higher bidders in differing, when will this
cycle of misery end?
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
* If I am not mistaken, slavery was still legal in Brazil until
the late 1800's.
So Where's The Spirit
Dear editor salam,
So where's the spirit? I would have at least expected hosts
of satellite programs being broadcast into Iran who favor a presidential
election boycott and a referendum favoring people power, and who
would like to see substantive changes in the governance of that
country to start sporting GREEN armbands in solidarity with people
in Iran doing the same.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
No Money, Know Honey
Dear editor salam,
In response to those cynical gold-diggers and materialists who
live by the credo "No Money, No Honey"; I once again
choose to turn conventional norm on its head by embracing/advocating
that idealistic slogan of true love: "No Money, Know Honey." After
all, real love that is formed in circumstances of material neutrality
or even material difficulty is the kind of love that will show
resiliency in many adversities. What I am trying to say to fathers
and mothers and sons and daughters, is to make marriage and happiness
easy for your children and yourselves by considering a potential
mate's good character and qualities; choose them for their deeds
not their degrees or their dollars (or in farsi, "rashid
boodan ra tarjih bedid b riyal 'o reshteh.")
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Reducing the Violence
Dear editor salam,
Two quick thoughts on damping the violence in Iraq. (1) I don't
think it is unreasonable to request a fatva from open-minded respected
Sunni scholars outside of harms way (i.e. perhaps those affiliated
with Cairo's Al-Azhar University) condemning the violence in Iraq
which is preventing a quick return to law and order, and effectively
hampering the venue for a subsequent speedy extraction of U.S.
forces from that country (2) I think it is the right of the Iraqi
government to demand and the obligation of the international community
through the UN to commit international peacekeepers on a large
scale to provide law and order allowing regular Iraqi citizens
to exercise their right to vote and participate in the democratic
process free of threats and intimidation.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Real Estate Advice 2005
Dear editor salam,
For a long time now I have been encouraging people to look into
the demographic angle of real estate investments, specifically
encouraging them to invest in very desirable areas catering to
the wave of baby-boomers who will begin retiring in the next 6
to 10 years. On the east coast my favorite market is the Western
North Carolina market (I have mention Tryon, NC a number of times
on the west coast I like the Coachella Valley/Palm Springs, CA
area (the towns
of Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells being the most desirable- if
lots and land can still be found there. In Indian Wells check-out
Toscana Country Club being built by Sunrise Company, you will need advance reservations
760-772-7000.) A major attraction of this specific demographic
group is that wealthier retirees typically aren't affected by
interest rate increases that may be looming over the horizon.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Some People Just Don't Get It
Dear editor salam,
The wanton murder and assassination of Iraqi government officials
and police and guardsmen, regular men and women trying to serve
their country and provide for their families, by other Iraqis
using wild labels such as "collaborators" and "apostates" only
increases the sympathy and support and respect that the world
has for the victims. I don't think that I just speak for myself
when I say my sympathy goes out to the families of murdered Iraqi
police officers and guardsmen, and that my dislike increases for
the perpetrators of these killings with every act of violence.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Political Aspirations and Personal Ambitions? Qui Moi?
Dear editor salam,
Individuals from certain quarters have suggested that I may have
political aspirations or personal ambitions, frankly nothing could
be further from the truth. I am just a simple lowly man persistently
seeking to right some wrongs, and all I am asking for are four
very reasonable demands (1 public and 3 private): The public demand
consists of: a genuine democratic system of governance in Iran
fully transparant and accountable, and free of shadow governments.
The three private demands consist of (a) the identification and
prosecution of those responsible for the cowardly murder of Dr.
Abdolrahman Boroumand (b) the full return and restitution of unjustly
confiscated and expropriated family properties and assets (c) a
public apology.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Islam's Biggest Enemies
Dear editor salam,
Democracy and the satellite dish are not Islam's enemies, to
the contrary the biggest threat to Islam and Muslims today are
the same two threats that undermined the most fascinating social,
political and belief movement that the world has ever witnessed
over 1400 years ago: I label those twin threats as the Muaviite
and the Kharijiite threats. The Muaviite threats are currently
represented by dictatorial and tyrannical rulers across the Muslim
world who suppress the legitimate demands for political participation
and accountability from their people, with the sole objective
of securing greater illegitimate power and wealth strictly for
themselves and their families and their cronies. The Kharijiite
threats are currently represented by the "holier than thou" religious
fanatics and extremists who are blind to anything but their interpretation
and vision of Islam, and violently/destructively subscribe to
the "its my way, or the highway" school of thought.
These were the two diseases that the honorable Ali Ibn Abi Talib
struggled so valiantly against in his era, and these are the two
diseases that the true Muslims of today are confronted with.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
Aquino's Yellows. Yuschenko's Oranges. Boroumand's Greens.
Dear editor salam,
In the spirit of Mrs. Corozan Acquino's Yellow Revolution which
kicked-out Marcos, and Mr. Victor Yushchenko's Orange Revolution
which booted Yanukovich, I am proposing Hamid Boroumand's Green
Revolution to see-off Khamenei & Associates. Our agenda will
be: a total boycott of the upcoming presidential elections in
Iran unless an internationally monitored referendum is held immediately
allowing Iranians to decide what form of governance they genuinely
desire (i.e. hokoomat mardomi ya hokoomat akhoondi.) To turn up
the pressure, I invite supporters of this demand to congregate
peacefully as soon as possible and in as large as numbers as possible
in Tehran's Maydoon Azadi wearing either green shirts or jackets
or caps or armbands or roosaris or chadors, or carrying green
banners or flags or balloons, until further instructions. Mardom
Beyayid Enghelab Sabz Ra Shoroo Konim.
Va salam
Hamid Boroumand
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