Black Ops target Iran
With things not going good for American forces in Afghanistan
and Iraq and aggressive intentions towards Iran, clear Black Ops
are the means of choice for achieving American aims
Peter Khan Zendran
June 2, 2005
They are the resort of a desperate power and can hit where it
hurts the most. They have also gone on in Iran and Central and
Western Asia for a long time. Black Ops, the method of covertly
going after a target, and the method of using your forces designed
to do one thing for another purpose, a method that embodies all
the very worst qualities of the Asian soul. No matter how it happens
like pain and smut, you know it when you see and experience it.
Right now Iran has been and is on the receiving
end of Black Ops, be it from America, Israel, resistance groups,
etc. with many conflicting
agendas. All these Black Ops have one thing in common, they hurt
Iranians everywhere, and not just in Iran, but Afghanistan, Iraq,
Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Israel, France,
America, in short around the whole world.
If I were to go into the history of Black Ops conducted throughout
history in Iran, be it the followers of Hasan Sabah, the mission
of Caterina Zeno, the Sherely Brother's mission to Shah Abbas,
or how Sven Hedin and Naser-ed-Din Shah's dentist Dr. Hybennet
robbed Zoroastrian tombs to analyze decomposition to kill Naser-ed-Din
Shah or other shady parts in Iranian history, would take up an
entire book. So here I am focusing on the more recent and harmful
Black Ops against Iran.
With the phony war on terror going on one thing has been understood
by the American government. That is any invasion of Iran is not
likely to be successful. Therefore other means would be required.
Those means, Black Ops. The American Government in power already
has a long history of conducting Black Ops in Central and Western
Asia. Consider how Prescott Bush used his business connections
with Harriman's during World War II to funnel cash to Nazi
Or how George H. W. Bush used his Zapata Oil company as
a front for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Or how American
and British forces staged an attack from Carrier Aircraft on June
1967 on Egyptian Airfields to allow Israeli forces an easy victory
in what would become the Six day war then allowed the USS Liberty
to be attacked to cover up what was going on
Or how NATO deputy
Commander General Huyser went into Iran in January 1979 to
persuade Iranian troops to switch their loyalties over to Khomeini
the orders of his commanding officer General Haig. Or how Dick
Cheney would use his connections with Halliburton to act as
an information pipeline to manipulate Saddam Hussein in two wars.
In other words, methods of taking action that could be denied
by the plausibility of the circumstances in which they were carried
With things not going good for American forces in Afghanistan
and Iraq and aggressive intentions towards Iran, clear Black Ops
are the means of choice for achieving American aims in Central
and Western Asia. This has been carried out methodically and with
clear objectives.
Take Georgia for example. With Shevardnadze as
President the American government knew that Georgia would not
allow American forces to use it's territory as a staging ground
for an invasion. They also knew of domestic unrest in Georgia
the government there. So in 2003 the CIA sends in Serbian revolutionaries
who helped oust Milosevic to help Georgian insurgents oust Shevardnadze.
With Shevardnadze out. Georgian elections are manipulated so
that someone who is more pliant is put in place who can be
to allow American troops in Georgia. In other words, by giving
aid to opposition groups through groups not part of the American
government to achieve the aims of the American government.
We have been seeing the same thing in Iran over the past few
years. People saw how the American Red Cross was so eager to lend
aid after the Bam earthquake. What most people didn't realize
was that Israeli forces had flooded underground caverns in the
Bam region then set of a moab explosive to create the Bam earthquake.
That way the American Red Cross, an American Non-Governmental Organization,
could go into Iran to gather intelligence under the pretext of
bringing humanitarian aid.
The Tudeh party, which has been receiving
covert assistance from the American government, was also vocal
about bringing the ARC in. Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed and
the ARC did not send aid and Iranian groups in America managed
to send aid to Iran without the assistance of the American government.
Then there was the continual pressure on Iran to stop it's
nuclear programs through pressure in the United Nations and the
European Union. Not to mention American interference with Iranian
mediation in the Kashmir conflict. Luckily, these powers are beginning
to realize that America's government is not very trustworthy.
That still didn't prevent the American government putting
pressure on the ThyssenKrupp corporation in 2004 to cut business
with Iran, considering that ThyssenKrupp's weapons are more
popular worldwide than American weapons and that ThyssenKrupp could
have given Iran the capability to produce it's modern Navy
domestically and would have created many jobs for Iranians.
in April 2005 President Bush announced he would offer three million
dollars appropriated from congress to fund groups in Iran that
were resisting the Islamic regime and the State Department announced
that it would openly assist groups that opposed the Islamic regime.
How these groups responded remains in the dark.
What has also remained
in the dark is that in April many groups backed by the American
government began shutting down Iranian web sites of groups that
opposed American government actions and provided materials to
groups that opposed the American government and this has continued
to occur.
Many sites targeted involved were those that exposed how to counter
American special forces working inside Iran to pave the way for
an American invasion.
Iranian press groups have been intimidated
as well by American backed groups. American backed groups also
manipulated protesters in Lebanon to encourage Syria to pull
out of Lebanon against the wishes of Syrian people after Iranian
equipment was found in use, including drones which flew over
Israeli targets without being intercepted, by paying people to
and manipulating the media.
Also beginning on April 19 and lasting to May 14 2005 the American
Navy conducted missile tests on the decommissioned USS America
after it had been revealed that Iran's military was testing
it's missiles to see the effect they would have on targets.
The Navy's official story is that the tests were to aid the
building of the carriers starting with the USS George H. W. Bush.
But it is obvious at this time that the real purpose is to
see how Iranian missiles, specifically a Shahab-3, can sink even
carrier and affect American Naval forces, remembering how Iraqi
forces managed
to damage American warships during the Iran-Iraq war and first
Gulf war. This test also occurred at a time when American forces
are rethinking their tactics and beginning to deploy new weapons.
To be considered is also the June 2005 elections in Iran. Who
will win is not relevant. How the American government will react
to the new Iranian president and Majlis is. With American forces
occupying Afghanistan and Iraq and embroiling Georgia, Kyrgyzstan,
and Uzbekistan in internal conflicts, it is clear some action against
Iran is forthcoming.
If you doubt this consider how Ahmed Chalabi
is now the Oil Minister of Iraq and the American government has
put pressure on Jordan not to extradite him. Or how American special
forces used intimidation on the new Afghan government when Afghan
President Karzai demanded less American troops in Afghanistan.
It is easily forgotten that American special forces
were in Central Asia in 2001 under various "assignments" and
were sent into Afghanistan immediately after the 9/11 attacks.
These same special forces had used their time in Central Asia to
recon the land to find suitable places for American military bases. The
countries selected, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, would soon experience
growing unrest against their governments and the Uzbek government
would experience greater unrest, as the American backed uprising
in Kyrgyzstan would show in 2005.
Notice all in nations which
can be used as a staging ground for invasion of Iran. Consider
why American trained moles like are in
the service of the Iranian government and their presence is making
it harder for Iran to defend itself. Or how American backed
groups, NGO and companies like Halliburton continue to do business
in Iran.
How does one spot Black Ops as they happen? By the actions and
results of the people who carry them out. One must understand the
objective of the person carrying out the Black Op to recognize
the actions. Secrecy and deception are trademarks of those who
carry out Black Ops so forcing their actions out into the open
is paramount to stopping them since these people do not want their
actions known. By knowing their actions and taking the right action
can we stop Black Ops used against us.