against the regime
The frustrated
masses think their vote for Ahmadinejad means acting against
the corrupt establishment
June 25, 2005
iranian.com unedited
Below is a piece written by a friend
of mine -- let's call him Jam
Hakim -- from Iran, just before Friday's presidential
election. To me it's nothing but a masterpiece, depicting the
saga of Iranian
the past twenty
some years
that culminated in the confusion over the election.
-- D.A.
Those who have witnessed the events of the past
26 years and have experienced the ups and downs of this period
would all agree
that we are again on a very
important threshold of our history. Another word, this is the time that history
is in the making. I, personally, attended a political rally this
afternoon and the fans of both candidates were present. Both sides were feverishly
discussing their points of
No doubt, our society once again
is charged and polarized. On the one hand, you have a man out of wood,
that thanks to the Sepah, Basij and other para
circles and contrary to all the polls reading s was able to hit the very
top. But, nevertheless, we should not forget the very fact that,
he IS actually
presenting the common people's outcry for justice, especially those of
the lower classes,
the poor and the mobs. He has become the symbol of the masses' frustrations
toward the establishment. As they say, he has been able to conquer the
heart s and minds of the masses and the mobs.
Isn't it pathetic?! and yet so ironic, that in essence what he
is trying to say is exactly what the left and the intellectual
have tried so
hard for the
last 25 years to assert. The only difference being that they were all demolished
and destroyed whereas he is getting to become our president!
Corruption, poverty,
the social gap, incapacity, etc... now are the main teams on this guy's political
platform. Unfortunately the masses and the mobs that are very much frustrated
by the existing situation do not have the political insight to
realize that what he
says is beyond his capacity to deliver and what they'll end up with is more
poverty, and more depression and dictatorship. On the contrary,
to their eyes, Rafsi
IS the system and is basically responsible for their misery and deception.
in a way, the charged and frustrated masses think they're acting
in opposition to the establishment, and see in Ahmadinejad a
person who wants to bring
positive changes and an end to corruption. They say he belong s to the poor
and the masses, and that he will stand against all the wrong doing! They also
depict the supporters of Rafsi as the rich, the hopeless intellectuals,
and those big
fat government
managers who have enjoyed the mullah's rule at the expense of the poor and
the deprived!!
Isn't it astonishing?! What an ironic situation! On the other
hand, what is more painful is that now the left and the intellectual
political parties
see in Rafsi a rescue shelter. They say, to avoid the downfall we must find
shelter in the arms of Rafsanjani. This is why I see this period so unique
and important. A period of catastrophe and humiliation.
simplify the issue, you may say a little Taleban man is chanting the wise
words and wants to save his fellow countrymen, and the ignorant masses,
out of despair and frustration, are going to bank on him. On the
other side, the
liberals and the so called Democratic parties, inside and outside of the
system, have been scared to hell and are advocating for Rafsi
as a survival kit,
as if they have completely forgotten that the present situation is only and
due to their own fault and their own past failures. As they say, we have
to choose between the bad and the worst!! The other day, Hadi,
Pedar drew a nice
Parallel for this situation. He was saying: There is a Vail in hell, that
to survive from Aghrab e "JARAR" you must find rescue
with "MAAR
I don't know much about snakes (Maar), I remember Mammad
agha had a book of snakes, may be he should enlighten us a bit on this
type of snake!!
To round up the long story, maybe if you are a party
member of any verity from liberal to left this would be the most
viable alternative in front
of you.
And in fact, this is exactly what they have done in Iran. Almost all
of the political
parties from the center to the left have strongly advocated a vote for
Rafsi, explaining the least you can gain is that you will avoid further
Therefore you are urged to vote for Rafsi. But, what if you're not a
party member or at
least don't adhere to their value system? What if you are an anarchist!!
what if you are just a person that cannot close his eyes and disregard the
man's past actions? What if you can't forget that this man and
his corrupted gang are
responsible for most of the dark periods of our past and present history
and he alone is responsible for most of the atrocities this nation
and this people
have endured all these years? What if you cannot close your eyes to the
fact that during his presidency, only 8 years ago, his security
minister, namely
Fallahian, was the most notorious butcher of his time and under
his leadership most of the
cruelty and tortures were inflected upon our people, let alone the fact that
corruption was also officially indoctrinated during his era.
I may even go
further back, as the man himself in his autobiography confesses
that he was part of the team that planned and acted on the assassination
of Prime Minister Mansoor during the shah's period. So, as you can see,
the man
is a
born terrorist!! And we were hoping for the day that he would be taken to
a court of justice and be tried for all his wrong doing, and now instead
they're asking us to vote for him as our next president!!
Now, the intellectual
and the political activists say he has changed and has rehabilitated
himself. They continue to say that he wants to have another
chance to undo his past and leave a good name for himself. This, in fact,
his campaign
motto, "Rafsanjani of 2005". They go even further and say, given
the present situation, if anyone is capable of bringing fundamental changes
to IRI's
constitution, it is him and no one else. And finally they say, he is a moderate
and is the only one that can hold the fanatics back, and so on and on ...
what they say just might be true and they might have a point there!! Especially
if you sense the seriousness of our time and of our national interests.
But again,
a dear friend was saying even if that be true for him, this is not going
to work out since he is part of a larger corrupt and ill fated crowd that
he is
to work with.
To make the story short, My proposition to this awkward situation
may be best said by a line from Ferdosy. He says: "BeYa
Ta JaHan Ra b Bad Masporim".
And in this respect I will not be scared off by those who try to make a
little Ben Ladden out of this jerk, Ahamdi Nejad. I believe we may see
worse in front
of us and maybe this will be the inevitable final destiny of Islamic Regime.
election either is going to be rigged like the last time and
with the help of Sepah, Basij, and the charged impoverished mobs,
and most likely
will put
Ahmadinejad as this nation's next president, (which in this case Khatami
deserves special congratulations!!) or the already hopeless and lost
of inside
the republic will be able to organize the middle classes, the more educated,
and line them up under the banner of a fight against repression for an
overwhelming vote to Rafsi. Either case is not promising for our people
and for our nation.
Therefore, as far as our standing is in this awkward situation, we will
not bear the shame of willingly going and voting for a man for whom we
once had
a dream
of taking to a court of justice for all the atrocities he inflected upon
our people and our country, and hence we will abstain.