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The Holocaust was neither the beginning nor the end of humans killing other humans because they didn't like them



Amy Jooni
December 21, 2006

People, people, people,

Take it easy, please! Everyone is so upset at this stupid gathering of non-intellects that we are forgetting ethnic cleansing, genocides, and war crimes that are fresh out of the oven. 

I have, perhaps, one single and simple phrase that may force you to reflect and calm down, CONSIDER THE SOURCE!! I mean, Jesus, it is Ahmaghinejad, David Duke, and a collection of single digit IQ s. What do you expect them to gather in Tehran and do, solve world hunger? Have a planned out resolution for global warming?, even though "W" says it doesn't exist. Maybe the brain waves at work were to to eradicate Aids!? 

C'mon, give them a break. At the time when there are medical conferences , scientific sessions, and real honest to goodness issue-solving meetings around the world, these guys had to do something. They weren't going to be left behind. True, their issue was and is a non-issue and they weren't really solving any problems, but they were included.

I will take away nothing from the atrocities that took place in those concentration camps. I make no light of the matter that people died in matters that no human being should have. But do we really need to shed this much light on this crazy gathering and give it the weight it doesn't deserve? 

We have books, museums, annual memorials, and Lord knows many Hollywood movies dedicated to the Holocaust, but do we really need to have jail term for anyone who denies it? At the time, when we are allowed to have a Nazi party and be a member of it, even run for office under it's flag, can we not have a few nut jobs have a meeting over the denial of the fact?

Millions died before the Holocaust, after the Holocaust, and now as we talk about this. None ever got the attention to have theirs named. The Armenians died in millions and the Turkish government doesn't even acknowledge the fact. 

Americans killed probably more than a million in the Vietnam War, it's not even called a war, they refer to it as a "police action". Ethnic cleansing took place just a decade ago in Bosnia and most of you don't even know what I'm talking about. Women are getting raped, men are being killed, and children are having their arms cut off by machetes in Darfur, as I write this. And last but not the least, do we even need to bring up Palestinians' demise in the hands of the same people who want to tar and feather those who mention the Holocaust in anything less than a sorrowful voice.

So, please, be fair, be just, and be aware that the Holocaust was neither the beginning nor the end of humans killing other humans because they didn't like them. We will have Holocausts bigger and more despicable than the ones before. Those with money and power will keep their Holocaust alive and those like the Armenians, just have a parade in the streets in memoriam. They just recently became people with a country.

There is no limit to the animal in us that brings about such hatred. Comment

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