Miscellaneous Also see Nostalgia * Chateau Rezaye and Chateau Sardasht: Pre-1979 Iranian wines (3 pix) * Persepolis: 10 Rials* Pre-1979 lottery tickets (8 pix)* Model car: Based on Shah's Buggati* Label: Hotel Shah Abbas * Ash tray: Omar Khayyam * Attention ladies: How to make "Sormeh" * Persia, Iowa, 1906 * Isfahan, 50s * Persia trading card (1) * Persia trading card (2) * First Concorde flight: Kish * Game: Shah-Shah * Game: Raid on Iran * TBT: Bus art * Iran Peyma ticket * License plate: 1950s * Felt flag: Tobacco * Playing cards: Iranian design * Israel: First flight * Qajar playing cards * First banknote: 1898 * German agent * No music? 1979 * Grand Lodge Order * Omar Khayyam: Horse * Man declares himself Imam Zaman, 1956 * Persian "hairdo" postcard: 1900 * Trading card: Persia 1893 * World record in marriage/divorces * Poster: "El Rey de Persia" * American cigar: Persia * Diamond ring falls in grave, 1956 * "Persia": 1858 ship * Old cigarette box * Pomaade Vali * Beeleet-e otoboos * Indian poet in Majlis * Taxi meters, 1954 * Lottery: "First woman millionaire" * French knights visit Iran
* *
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