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What should I do?
Hedieh Sajadi
December 10, 2006
If the rain of your love
Doesn't pour on me
With the desert of my heart
What should I do?
If the warmth of your breathe
Doesn't revive me
With the coldness of my body
What should I do?
If the sun of your universe
Doesn't reach me
With the darkness of my days
What should I do?
If the mountain of your being
Doesn't hold me
With the dust of my existence
What should I do?
If the tenderness of your spirit
Doesn't stay in me
If it abandons
And if... ... it leaves me
With this desperate lost soul of mine
What should I do?
Oh... ... ...
What should I do?
Hedieh Sajadi

The Poems of Hafez
202 ghazals in English
Translated by Reza Ordoubadian
>>> Excerpt