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Your music


July 22, 2006

your music makes me run wild
like mustangs in an ancient canyon
abandoned to the wind

i yearn to run free
to hug the winds
to let them take me to their hidden places
where mankind has yet stake claim

where limits sit in the dust of my imagination
possibilities captured in infinite blooms
shadowed by night

i want my feet beating to their drums
my entire being diluted in their dance
i want to ride their force
and make love to their songs

i want to hug the winds
and let them take me where they may

to be lost in their stories
to let their whims dictate my adventures
to take their lessons into my heart
to the seclusion of my reality

so that when dawn lays its truth on my face
i can smile and simply remember

june 5, 2006
6:32 pm

For letters section
To Baharak Sedigh

Baharak Sedigh


Book of the day

Stories From Iran
A Chicago Anthology 1921-1991
edited by Heshmat Moayyad

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