Poetry |

The needle of your pain
January 23, 2007
the needle of your pain pierces through my veins
streaming through my blood
caressing every cell in my body
and like an addict getting her fix
i close my eyes
my head falling back
i slowly exhale
and listen to my heartbeats
your absence takes over all other reality
making all else irrelevant
drowning all other thought into oblivion
making life a thing
i no longer strive to protect
i crave to reach out and grab you in the air around me
i can feel your breeze across my face
i can hear your heartbeats
like a tribal drum
setting rhythm to my dance
but like music scattered in a midnight forest
i cannot find its source
and when the needle of your pain pierces through my veins
i want to rip through my chest
reach inside my heart
and grab hold of this string
that will lead me back to you
in this life or the next
May 30, 2006-1:26 pm
Baharak Sedigh

From Iran
A Chicago Anthology 1921-1991
edited by Heshmat Moayyad