Give it up comrade
Ganji should
go home, down
a huge chelo-kabab
with gigantic onions, relax, take a shower,
have great sex and apply for Canadian
July 16, 2005
I finished reading Akbar Ganji's latest letter
from Evin prison [English/Persian]
and immediately ran to the medicine cabinet to gobble down two
Tylenols. I was not
aware that a man on his death bed can chatter so much!
Ganji follows a certain letter-writing
etiquette that goes back to his revolutionary roots. To write
an effective and emotional
revolutionary essay one has to follow certain rules:
you have to mention the names of several fruity French philosophers
and Austrian psychoanalysts. That makes you sound
more intelligent
and sits well with your academic peers. It is also a known
fact that the residence of provinces like Kurdistan and Baluchestan
who make $100 a year are very fond of Lefort and Freud. Everybody
knows that there are Marcel and Jean-Paul Sartre parties
in Khuzestan
where under privilege folks get together once a week and
discuss existentialism in French.
Secondly one needs to throw in
a modern poetry to attract the younger generation, poetry of
Hafez to attract the old
and to avert
from alienating the religious zealous, you should throw
in a verse from Koran.
Then you start pointing out the obvious.
Democracy ... good. Dictatorship ... bad. People elect their
own officials
good, supreme leader ... bad. Blah, blah, blah!
You pitch
facts that a person with an IQ of a cucumber already knows. But
you use fancy words which majority
of plain people
has trouble pronouncing. You also use a lot of meaningless
French and
English words.
And then you end the letter with words
like, hey y'all, I'm gonna die but you are all screwed.
long stay in prison has left him out-of-touch with today's Iran.
Ganji still lives in Iran of the
90s. He actually
thinks that there are people out there who give
a shit. Being locked up in solitary confinement for six years
and away
from the society
at large, Ganji has become estranged from people
who he no longer knows.
While Ganji, in his letter, goes on
describing a 60s -style psychedelic, perfect, pass-the-joint-around-dude
utopian society where there is perfect
democracy and we all live in perfect harmony,
he has forgotten a few things:
A democracy is made for those who are
willing and ready to embrace it and not for people who are
to screw
each other
at any chance
they get, who hate law and order, who are dictators
by culture and custom, who lie and cheat with
ease, who
have no respect
for others' space or opinion, who settle a
traffic accident with a
good fistfight and who are corrupt and easily
bought. We have serious problems here folks
and lack of
democracy is not one
of them.
Ganji doesn't know that Iran's youth,
supposedly the vanguard of progress towards democracy,
are more interested
in sex, drugs and rock and roll and everything
Western than a meaningful
change of government.
The most internet savvy
twenty-something in the Middle East, according to the TIME
spend almost
all of their
online hours searching for Britney Spear's
pictures, illegal downloads of DVDs and music and indulging
the marvel of internet: porn sites. There
is nothing
wrong with
that. That's
what a healthy youth
of any society should do.
Ganji doesn't know that a call
for "ecstasy party" in the northern parts of Tehran brings in
more crowd than
a call
for a demonstration
to demand his release from Evin.
And I guess nobody
told Ganji that Ahmadinejad is the new sheriff in town, who happened
to run on the platform
promising the masses
to share
the leftover
money that trickles down from the elite to the rest
of us peasants. That alone inspired many of us, "Hey,
me the oil
money and I'll
be forever yours."
While the overwhelming majority
of supposedly productive members of Iranian society is high on
opium and tripping
all over each
other to
check into
brothels of United
Emirates for a weekend of drunken orgy, poor Ganji
and his washed-up comrades are still planning their
Iranian utopia.
I'm not a smart person but if I
was Ganji, I would have signed whatever documents they throw
in front
of me,
go home, down
a huge chelo-kabab
with gigantic onions, relax, take a shower,
have great sex and apply for Canadian
Siamack Baniameri is the author of The
Iranican Dream, (Virtualbookworm.com Publishing, December
2004). Also see Iranican-Dream.com.