of Empire
Introduction to third volume of Shahnameh's translation
July 24, 2004
huge conservation project
July 24, 2004
against sons (Introduction)
In the Shahnameh, shahs are almost always in the wrong
September 15, 2000 Fathers
against sons
September 15, 2000
The Lion and The Throne
January 26, 1998
Down to earth
Collection of epigrams from more than 60 Persian
poets, 10-16th century
December 10, 1997
She wanted to cut it off...
Excerpt from Iraj Pezeshkzad's classic My Uncle Napoleon
December 1996
Dick Davis is Professor and Chair of the Near Eastern
Languages and Cultures Department at Ohio State University. His
interest is medieval Persian poetry, but he is also concerned with
the history and problems of verse translation. His published works
include translations of the Manteq Altair of Attar (1984,
with Afkham Darbandi); an edition of Fitzgerald's translations
of Khayyam (1990), The Legend of Seyavash of
Ferdowsi (1992), and Epic and Sedition: A Study of Ferdowsi's
'Shahnameh' (1992);translations of medieval Persian epigams, Borrowed
Ware (1996): and a comic novel by Iraj Pezeshkzad entitled My
Uncle Napoleon (1996). His most recent publications are "Panthea's
Children: Hellenistic Novels and Medieval Persian Romances" (2002),
and three volumes of translations from the Shahnameh (1998,
2000, 2003) >>> Homepage >>> Top