Iran, 12th June 2011: Death To Khamenei!

On the 2nd anniversary of uprising of Iranian people against the corrupt, murderous Islamist regime, I thought I share this clip of a very brave young Iranian man with you. I like this clip, because using Islamists’ favourite phrase, it is a decisive “slap to the face” of khamenei, ahmadinezhad and entire islamist mafia. The defiant action of this young man tells us that two years of Rape, Torture and murder has utterly failed to suppress the Iranian youth’s desire for democracy, secularism and freedom. The seeds of the tree of  Revolution were sown two years ago and have been steadily waterd with the blood of martyrs ever since. Nothing, absolutely nothing can now prevent this movement of people, gaining momentum towards a Revolution against the facist islamist regime. Just a matter of time. 

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