Direct negotiation
How should Iran preserve the name of Persian
February 11, 2005
The option of last resort for Middle Eastern Americans
July 7, 2004 Silence on patriotic grounds
Liberal intellectuals and the legacy of Noam Chomsky
April 27, 2004
Despised we should not be
On the survival and progress of unpopular minorities in the United
May 9, 2003
You can relax (for a few months)
U.S. will not initiate Iraqi-style regime change in any other country,
April 15, 2003
Turning White
Excerpt from a novel
April 10, 2003 Top About
Nader Habibi is an economist with concentration on Middle East economies. He
is currently the Managing Director of Middle East and North Africa region
in the economic consulting firm Global Insight. He is the author of Atul's
Quest (Aventine Press, 2003). Top
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