“Gardening Work There was a man breaking up the ground, getting ready to plant, when another man came by, “Why are you ruining this land?” “Don’t interfere. Nothing can grow here until the earth is turned over and crumbled. There can be no roses and no orchard without first this devastation. You must lance an ulcer to heal. You must tear down parts of an old building to restore it.” So it is with the sensual life that has no spirit. A person must face the dragon of his or her appetites with another dragon, the life energy of the soul. When that’s not strong, everyone seems to be full of fear and wanting, as one thinks the room is spinning when one’s whirling around. If your love has contracted into anger, the atmosphere itself feels threatening, but when you’re expansive and clear, no matter what the weather, you’re in an open windy field with friends. Many people travel as far as Syria and Iraq and meet only hypocrites. Others go all the way to India and see only people buying and selling. Others travel to Turkestan and China to discover those countries are full of cheats and sneak thieves. You always see the qualities that live in you. A cow may walk through the amazing city of Baghdad and notice only a watermelon rind and a tuft of hay that fell off a wagon. Don’t repeatedly keep doing what your lowest self wants. That’s like deciding to be a strip of meat nailed to dry on a board in the sun.”