“QUALITIES There is a sun-star rising outside form. I am lost in that other. It’s sweet not to look at two worlds, to melt in meaning as honey melts in milk. No one tires of following the soul. I don’t recall now what happens on the manifest plane. I stroll with those I have always wanted to know, fresh and graceful as a water lily, or a rose. The body is a boat; I am waves swaying against it. Whenever it anchors somewhere, I smash it loose, or smash it to pieces. If I get lazy and cold, flames come from my ocean and surround me. I laugh inside them like gold purifying itself. A certain melody makes the snake put his head down on a line in the dirt….Here is my head, brother: What next! Weary of form, I come into qualities. Each says, “I am a blue-green sea. Dive into me!” I am Alexander at the outermost extension of empire, turning all my armies in toward the meaning of armies, Shams.”