“What excuses have you to offer, my heart, for so many shortcomings? Such constancy on the part of the Beloved, such unfaithfulness on your own! So much generosity on his side, on yours such niggling contrariness! So many graces from him, so many faults committed by you! Such envy, such evil imaginings and dark thoughts in your heart, such drawing, such tasting, such munificence by him! Why all this tasting? That your bitter soul may become sweet. Why all this drawing? That you may join the company of the saints. You are repentant of your sins, you have the name of God on your lips; in that moment he draws you on, so that he may deliver you alive. You are fearful at last of your wrongdoings, you seek desperately a way to salvation; in that instant why do you not see by your side him who is putting such fear into your heart?”