Package from America
We couldn't wait to see what's in it
By xAle
January 3, 2002
The Iranian
A few weeks after my daughter left for college, I finally forced myself
to go through her room to sort things out and pack up stuff she had left
behind. I missed not having her around, even though I was happy to see her
all grown up and in college.
As I went through drawers, shelves and closets it was very difficult
deciding what to keep. Almost everything I touched reminded me of something
we had done in the past. Books I read to her, sport trophies she brought
home with pride, toys she liked and games we played, ribbons and certificates
I had forgotten about!
I was going through a box of toys when I came across a toy and remembered
my own childhood and games that we played. As children, we did not have
so many toys, but almost everything we saw around us, a few sticks; bottle
caps; stones; rope; sturdy tree brunches; ponds and even our rooftops served
us well in our games.
A pleated navy blue skirt, white starched shirt, and best of all, a blue
folding hat, made up our uniforms. We were the first group of students from
elementary schools to join the newly established "Dokhtaraan
e Shiro Khorshid e Sorkh" -- the Iranian equivalent of the Red
Cross for girls.
Our uniforms with the folding hat (malvani) were a new phenomenon.
So was as our mission. We were to form a group and do community service,
visit hospitals and orphanages, provide school supply packages for needy
students and learn to give a helping hand to those in need. Also we were
part of an international organization and would be assigned a sister group
to contact and exchange ideas and information.
We met once a week after school to plan our activities and go on visits.
Every other week we visited local hospitals and took flowers and candy.
We came to school with our white shirts, pleated blue skirts and our great-looking
hats. We beamed with pride all day as we walked around in our uniforms,
waiting for the time to leave for our visits.
A few months after our group was formed, we were told that our sister
group is in America and we would be exchanging packages with them to introduce
our countries and learn about each other.
After a series of long deliberations, we settled on dates, dried apricot,
khoroos ghandi, a wooden comb and khoroos neshan chewing gum.
We also wrote our names in Persian and English on the back of map of Iran
and included a family picture in our packages. Each box was wrapped, decorated
and sent out with anticipation of boxes that we would receive later!
Just before the end of the school year, our packages from America arrived.
Everyone was so excited. We did not wait to take our boxes home and opened
them at school. But all the anticipation and excitement was gone as we looked
in our packages: Tooth brush and toothpaste, small note pad, two pencils,
and in a separate envelope, a small bouncy ball and a few five-pronged shapes.
No one knew what the light metal shapes were for and the ball was too
small to be of much use. We could not figure out if it was an educational
game or a toy? Our group leaders' effort in finding out the name or instructions
was not successful. After months of anticipation everyone was disappointed.
Nothing to play, eat, show off or brag about in our packages from America!
My daughter was 7-years old when I finally discovered the game in our
packages. She came home from a birthday party with a goodie bag and asked
me to play "Jack" with her. It had taken me over 40 years to find
out that the bouncy ball and the five-pronged pieces in our package was
the fancy version of the game we called "yeghol doghol".
xAle (pronounced khaa-leh, maternal aunt in Persian) is an old timer
who grew up in Iran when words such as miraab, maayeh khamir, aab-anbaar
and haavan were part of daily life. Through
stories and remembrances of old days, she will be sharing with us part
of our past.
