Realistic assessment
What was being done to your country's natural resources
December 12, 2001
The Iranian
As Iranians we just can't help ourselves. It's just in our nature to
place ordinary mortals on a pedestal which perhaps goes some way in explaining
why democracy cannot take root in Iran.
Recently, The Iranian published recollections
of Mossadegh by his attorney. Although his message about himself consistently
was "don't revere me", yet that is exactly what we Iranians often
do without really considering the consequences of placing our trust in a
leader without really knowing that person. Often ending in disaster.
The only way to avoid future mistakes is to know ourselves better and
perhaps reading the documents of the Mossadegh era concerned with nationalization
of oil and its history in Iran should provide a guiding light.
While reading these documents, you cannot help but feel rage and anguish
at the same time. Read it so that as an Iranian you know what was
being done to your country's natural resources, in the hope that it will
give you a better understanding of what is being done in the present day
under the guise of production sharing agreements.
We should heed his advice and not revere the man. We should not beatify
him but look at his record realistically and without so much emotion.
Three documents (Persian) have been reproduced:
-- The
1901 D'Arcy Concession
-- The
1933 Agreement Anglo Persian (Iranian) Oil Company
-- History
Of The Oil Concession, a report prepared by the Iranian Parliament for the
representative of President Truman in 1951
The result of scanning the above documents is poor because of the
age of the copy in my possession and the very poor quality of its paper.
The book is called "The Oil Nationalization Papers And Documents"
or in Persian "Asnad e Naft - Volume 1" originally published in
1951 (1330) by the Iranian Ministry of Information.
