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July 17, 2001

* Poor Marx

I tried not to cringe as i read Mohandes' "Bonapartism". Poor Karl Marx must be rolling in his grave.Just for sake of clarification, the Marxian Bonapartism has almost nothing to do with the concept of a "grand savior" as Mohandes put it. It is actually somewhat opposite.

The quick-and-dirty version of Marxian Bonapartism is that if there is a society in which classes (workers and rulers) are evenly matched, then Marx argues, often a dictatorship emerges to ease the tension between the two.

On the surface, this dictatorship is based in masses but in actuality it serves the ruling class. In modern times, this dictatorship is often (but not always) in the hand of the military, i.e. a military dictatorship steps in the middle between working class and the bourgeoisie.

How on earth Mohandes got that definition of bonapartism is beyond me.

Ramin Tabib

* Easy to make grand speedches

It is very easy to bravely pound your chest ["Can't blame Ashraf anymore"] and make grand speeches about "AzAdi gereftanist" from far away -- though it's not clear how attacking Khatami will help anyone get any AzAdi -- but it is entirely a different matter to actually go to Iran and accomplish something constructive and positive.

Face facts: Khatami, and (more importantly) what he represents (peaceful gradualism in reforms) are the future of Iran, and millions of Iranians -- who are just as smart and just as good as you -- have voted for that route. Deal with it.

J. Mohammadi

* Where's the smiling president?

According to a report by Reporters San Frontiers, Iran is currently the largest prison for journalists in the world. It reports that 27 journalists are known to be in jail with 21 of them in unknown locations. It also states that the plight of journalists is worsening rather than improving.

Where is our reforming, smiling president and his army of apologists when we need them?

N. Tavaleli

* Poor people

The only "poor" individuals I see are the Iranian people not Mr Khatami ["Stop nit-picking"]. Our people have suffered a revolution, a war, executions, terror, betrayal, poverty, elimination of their human, social and political rights, corruption, repression, censorship and so on.

So next time you want to feel sorry for anyone, spare a thought for the people, not Khatami.


* Bad judgment

Dear Mr Khorsandi,

I have always been an admirer of your particular style of satire. However, I do believe that there are certain boundries of decency and taste that even a satirist such as yourself should not cross. I am of course refering to your write up about the fueneral of Leila Pahlavi. ["Gozaaresh"]

Whilst it is no secret that you have never been a fan of that family, it would have said a lot about you had you refrained from turning a funeral into a laughing stock to get a few cheap laughs. Afterall, the Pahlavis have and still remain an easy target for everyone.

Also is it not the case that whether we are religious or secular, left or right, republican or monarchist, satirist or journalist, rich or poor, that above all we are human beings and to mock anyones funeral, in my book, shows a lack of humanity and bad judgment.


* Jewish fanatic = Muslim fanatic

First, I was responding to "Islam uniquely terrible?", second tell me this; packing your bags from Brooklyn, going to claim "The Promised Land" aided with F-16s and Apache Helicopters (I guess that was part of the promise too), dispossessing people, institutionally discriminating them, imposing curfews, destroying homes and farms, what pretext is used for all this?

I got no argument with you about the barbarism of Islam and you can bad mouth it as much as you want because most of it will be true. Have the courage to criticize what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians in the name of their religion. Men and women are robbed of their land, dignity and humanity, children are being shot, for what?

To pursue a myth, a religious duty, how does it make the Muslim fanatics any worse than the Jews who have voted for Sharon, the serial war criminal? The point is, that the religions you and I were born with have both out lived their purpose, today they are tools in the hands of evil men who have condemned humanity to eternal conflicts.

The logic is, no one can be born evil or chosen, what we become is what we learn. The power politics of today will call one the leader of a "rouge country" and the other just a "hawk", the hawk will get to shake Georgie's hand and will get the opportunity to put forward the explanation about the use of F-16s.


* Poor quality

On April 11th, you published that a video cassette of Googooshs Toronbto concert was available through iranianmovies.com. Sínce I saw and heard Googoosh here in Germany, I ordered the cassette, only to find out that it was not worth anything. Is there anything you can do?

Yours sincerely

Peter Philipp
Chief Correspondent Deutsche Welle Radio

Copy of my mail to "iranianmovies.com":

I recently bought an video cassette from you of Googoosh's Toronto concert. When it arrived, I was badly surprised because the cassette is a cheap copy with not very good picture quality and even worse sound.

At the price you charge, one should expect a decent and professional product and not such worthless rubbish. Especially when we deal with a concert. In your ad you promise fantastic digital sound. Instead, at long sections the quality of the cassette's sound is not better than a short wave programme.

I hereby ask you to either supply me with a decent cassette or a refund for the money I paid you. Otherwise I reserve the right to take appropriate action. Please inform me of your intentions.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Philipp
Chief Correspondent Deutsche Welle Radio

* No longer alone

Dear dAyi Hamid,

I truly enjoyed your well-written article. I no longer feel alone. Your article gives comfort because , in my thinking , I find some body beside me feels violated as I do. Credit is due to your parents for raising such a son with a good knowledge of Persian literature.

Dr. Mo Damavandi

* Babolsar zoo

Please help the animals in the zoo of Babolsar. ["Babolsar Zoo"]

Jabbar Noorbakhsh

* Where is the sibil?

In regards to "Berkeley, 1952?" I would like to just say where is the Iranian sibils? The is a distinct lack of moustache in these photos! :-)

Javan Barzakhi

* Hossain Naghiyan



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