
Splash to the past
Swimming and other photos from Abdan
April 28, 1999
The Iranian
Going to the swimming pool was one of the most exciting parts of life
in Abadan -- that's before the revolution and the Iran-Iraq war. Oil company
kids would play at Seh Goosh and Braim pools for much of the summer under
the scorching hot sun.
These latest photos of Abadan include three photos (two old ones and
one recent) which will bring back a lot of memories, mostly happy ones
... GO
U.S. moves to permit food sales to Iran, Libya
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States, in a major shift, will ease
its sanctions policy to permit food and medicine sales to Iran, Libya and
Sudan so these items are not used as a foreign policy ``weapon'', officials
said Wednesday.
The decision -- long sought by farm state members of Congress and businesses
-- would permit case-by-case consideration of food and medicine sales to
Iran, Libya and Sudan rather than banning them outright, officials said
... FULL
Persian cats are tough!
HONG KONG, April 28 (Reuters) - A Hong Kong burglar took to his heels
after being attacked by a cat, local newspapers reported on Wednesday.
Mimi, a Persian cat, leapt on the intruder from a shelf when she apparently
saw the man wrestling with her owner, Sham Man-ling, after she returned
home on Tuesday.
Sham, whose right hand was slightly injured in the incident, later told
police Mimi scratched the face and head of the burglar who fled with jewellery
worth about HK$50,000 (US$6,452).
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
More Letters
* Immature and insecure
Aref Erfani writes: Nothing makes
any Iranian girl in the West or in Iran or a Western girl better or worse
than the others, as a wife or otherwise ["Real
Iranian girls?"]. It is the individual that makes a difference.
And with each individual comes a background and a set of life experiences
which have served to form that person and makes them unique in their own
way ... FULL
* Beyond the curtain
Gita Elmi writes: Mr. Raafat
Iranian girls?"] should stop being so arrogant and understand
that he needs to grow up (hopefully a lot), to re-evaluate his prehistoric
thinking and ideas, to see beyond the pardeyeh bekaarat if he is going
to share the rest of his life with a woman. Virginity can be faked, but
love and understanding cannot ... FULL
* Conference: U.S.-Iranian Agricultural
The Iranian Trade Association has organized an outstanding cast of leaders
to address the issues of: "US-Iranian Agricultural Markets: The Law
of Supply & Demand". This conference will be held on April 30th,
1999, 8:00am to 12:00pm at the Hyatt in Washington DC ... DETAILS
Book of the Week
The Hand of Poetry
Five Mystic Poets of Persia : Translations from the Poems of
Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Saadi and Hafiz
In 13th century Persia, spiritual teaching was given in the guise of
poetry. From this vast treasury, Coleman Barks has selected a broad assortment
of poems form the works of Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Saadi, and Hafiz. These
are combined with the lectures originally given by Inayat Khan in San Fransisco
during 1923, which discuss the signifigance of the poets for our lives.
The book is quite possibly the best anthology of Persian Sufi Poets currently
available ... GO TO BOOK
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books
on Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Karbaschi summoned to serve prison term
april 29, irna - a reliable source said wednesday that the arrest warrant
has been issued for the former tehran mayor gholam hussein karbaschi. the
source added that according to the summon delivered in person, karbaschi
has to present himself to the special judiciary complex within seven days
Interior ministry vows to back Tehran reformers
April 28 (AFP) - The tug-of-war between Iran's rival factions reached a
new peak Wednesday as the reformist-led interior ministry vowed to ignore
a move by parliamentary conservatives to disqualify five leading moderates
in the capital ... FULL TEXT
U.S. grain shipments seen heading to Iran
by midsummer
TEHRAN, April 25 (Reuters) - Qatar's foreign minister arrived in
Tehran on Sunday for two days of talks with President Mohammad Khatami and
other Iranian officials. ... FULL TEXT
Mobil welcomes eased U.S. sanctions on
WASHINGTON, April 28 (Reuters) - Mobil Corp. (MOB.N), which is
seeking U.S. approval to enter into oil swaps with Iran, said on Wednesday
it welcomed the Clinton administration's move to ease sanctions and allow
U.S. food and medicine exports to Iran, Libya and Sudan ... FULL TEXT
MKO accuses Iran of killing opponents
BAGHDAD, April 28 (Reuters) - An Iranian armed exile group based
in Iraq on Wednesday accused the Tehran government of killing a father and
son who were linked to the Iranian opposition ... FULL TEXT

Iranians aim for historic Asian treble
28, REUTERS, Tehran - Iran champions Esteghlal, aiming to become the first
side to win the Asian Club Championship for a third time, will be at full
strength for their semi-final against China's Dalian Wanda today ... FULL
$ Rate
Updated April 28
dollar now offered at 802-815 tomans in the U.S. and 818 tomans in Iran
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Partisan Melli
Monarchist "army": Is it an actual army with actual
soldiers or does it only exist in cyberspace?
Beyond Iran
Cannes International
Film Festival
Cinema's most prestigious competition.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Starving Iranians?
Trade sanctions aim for the dictators and generals, but hurt American
farmers and ranchers, who work all season to sell food to starving people.
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Combest, a Texas Republican
farm lobby scores big with end of Iran ban"
April 28, 1999
Photo of the Day

new missile
Musician of the Week

Four melodies from his recent CD.
artists index |