Translated by Laleh Khalili
August 12, 1999
The Iranian
I love you beyond the frontiers of your flesh
grant me mirrors and eager fireflies
luminescence and wine
exalted skies and the spacious arch of the bridge
grant me birds and rainbows
and repeat the abundance of the absolute passage
in the curtains ... GO
Here and there
Two poems
By Leyla Momeny
August 12, 1999
The Iranian
slick lights
and butterflies
carrying bus fulls
of neon peasants
smart people
married to dumb people
sharing toothpaste
laced with lemons ... GO
Ailing, still
The Economist
August 13, 1999
EXACTLY a year ago, President Muhammad Khatami set out to salvage Iran's
sick economy by way of an ill-defined recovery programme. He promised to
improve conditions for foreign investment, increase non-oil exports, accelerate
privatisation and reduce red tape. The hope was to give people a better
life and, also, to disarm his conservative critics, who use Iran's weak
economy as a weapon to beat off political and cultural liberalisation.
So far, he has failed in both aims, frustrated by bad luck, official mismanagement
and the limits to his authority ... FULL
Sad rahmat beh jomhuri eslami
By Carey Gillam
TOPEKA, Kan. (Reuters) - The Kansas Board of Education rejected evolution
as a scientific principle Wednesday, dealing a victory to religious conservatives
who are increasingly challenging science education in U.S. schools.
The 10-member board, ignoring pleas by educators and most scientists,
voted six to four to embrace new standards for science curricula that eliminate
evolution as an underlying principle of biology and other sciences ...
More Letters
* Good approach
Shahram Chubin writes: I myself
have not so suffered ["Airline
abuse"], but I encourage you in this approach as I am sure many
who could not speak good enough English to defend themselves, have.
* No visa needed IF...
Reza Jamshidi from flytoiran.com
writes: Iranians don't need a transit visa if they have a Green Card or
an American passport ["Airline
abuse"]. Otherwise they need a transit visa.
* Magical realism
Reza Ordoubadian writes: I have
received several very kind letters from your readers about my short story
Boy Who Invaded my Life," some requiring an answer. However, another
crash of my computer has wiped out the letters, but I remember enough of
the texts to give general answers to their questions.
My story is a "story," made up of the fragments of truth about
life, so no one should seek "historical" truth from that. Fiction
is a work of art that reflects life as it could be, whereas history reflects
it as it was (or, is). So, a writer can do a great deal to manipulate human
life, the life blood of fiction, and speculate about what would happen,
given a set of circumstances, and often it can be an indicator of the future,
a sort of a blue print. Then, no one should assume that this story is the
story of my life. But, if it has stimulated the deeper feelings of your
readers (at least, seven of them!), then there must be some inherent truth
behind the story, and that is the way it should be. I am well pleased!
One of your readers is correct: this fiction echoes Garcia Marquez and
his "magical realism." ... FULL
* Petition: Permit testing of Iranian
(Iranians for International Cooperatio) -- Petition to the office of
the President of the United States of America to permit testing of Iranian
students for the purpose of admission to U.S. schools and universities"
Please send this to President Clinton, the US State Department and the
US Treasury Department as soon as possible. Your Action Counts!!! Please
help us by performing the following two steps... GO
Books of the Week

* Koli
kenaar-e aatash
By Moniroo Ravani-Pour
* Jaameh
beh khunaab
Award-winning novel
By Reza Julaie
* Ta'm-e
gass-e khormalu
Award-winning novel
By Zoya Pirzad
* Tehraanjeles
By satirist Ebrahim Nabavi
See more Iranian
books for sale
Video of the Week
Emtedaad-e Shab

Googoosh and Saied Kangarani get it on... Classic love story.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Tons of U.S. corn sold to Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Private exporters reported the sale of 50,000
metric tons of U.S. corn to Iran during the week that ended Aug. 5 -- the
first such sale in at least four years, the U.S. Agriculture Department
said Thursday ... FULL TEXT

Khatami to name names in attack on student
Aug 12 (Reuters) - President Mohammad Khatami said on Thursday his government
had identified those behind last month's brutal attack on pro-democracy
students and would shortly reveal the results of its investigation. ``In
investigating this issue we have held hundreds of hours of meetings, scores
of people have been interviewed, hundreds of documents have been reviewed
and the culprits have been identified,'' Khatami said in remarks reported
by the official IRNA news agency ... FULL TEXT
MPs reject screen-candidates bill
United Arab Emirates (AP) -- The Iranian parliament rejected a bill that
would have relaxed the screening of candidates for next year's legislative
elections, the Tehran Times reported Thursday. Moderates in parliament wanted
the Guardians Council, which acts as an upper house of parliament and oversees
elections, to ease its screening process ... FULL TEXT

Court releases reformist editor on bail
Aug 12 (Reuters) - Iran's Press Court, which normally hears cases to do
with the media in front of a press jury, has released a reformist newspaper
editor on bail after 22 days in prison, newspapers said on Thursday. Kazem
Shokri, an editor at the popular reformist Sobh-e Emrouz newspaper, was
released on 150 million rials ($5 million) bail, they said ... FULL TEXT
Turkey, Iran agree anti-rebel deal -Turk
Aug 12 (Reuters) - Turkey and Iran have agreed to cooperate against Turkish
Kurdish rebels operating along their border, a Turkish official close to
a recent round of talks said on Thursday. He said a border cooperation agreement
to be signed on Friday would contain pledges of coordinated action by the
two neighbours against rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) ... FULL
French Grain Traders Act Fast to Sell Iran
Aug. 11 (Reuters) - French grain exporters have taken advantage of ideal
circumstances, including crude oil prices at 22-month highs, to fill Iran's
near-term wheat needs while at the same time ensuring U.S. traders do not
muscle in on their huge market, grain sources said on Wednesday ... FULL
Foreign tourists harassed in Iran -newspaper
TEHRAN, Aug 12 (Reuters) - A group of Islamic vigilantes harassed
foreign tourists who were in the central city of Isfahan to view the last
total solar eclipse of the 20th century, the official newspaper Iran reported
on Thursday. The paper, published by the state news agency IRNA, described
the vigilantes as ``thugs.'' ... FULL TEXT

Ancient garves unearthed
(Hamshahri) - New graves have been discovered at the 3,500-year-old Aq-Olar
site in Gilan, along with many interesting objects ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Book: Theater in Iran
Tehran, (Hamshahri) - Mostafa Oskuie has written compiled the history
of Iranian theater: "Seyree dar taarikh-e te'aatr dar Iran" ...

Azadegan kick-off
Tehran, (Neshat) - The new Azadegan League season kicks off Friday.
Here's the line-up for the opening games ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Mohammad-Khani in hot water
Tehran, (Neshat) - The row between Nader Mohammad-Khani and his
"former" team -- Persepolis -- heats up. He may even face disciplinary
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
$ Rate
Updated August 11
Buying: 880-908 tomans per dollar
Selling: 913 tomans per dollar
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
Mention this code for a better rate:
FA 37 B
The Web
Dialogue 2001
Another improved site with new material on Iran - proposed
- and - UN - approved Year of Dialogue of Civilizations. Make sure you click
on the "slide show" button on top right corner.
Beyond Iran
If you can't find the words, maybe someone else's will do.
web sites
Quote Unquote
grant me the promise of an encounter
beyond the borders of our bodies
-- Ahmad Shamlu, "Mi'aad"
The Iranian
August 12, 1999
Photo of the Day

in Isfahan
Musician of the Week

Listen to the entire original musical.
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