The Iranian Times

Monday December 6, 1999 / Azar 15, 1378, No. 861

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Iranian books

    Abu Saeed

Cover story

Fast forward
Paintings by Aazam Harati

December 6, 1999
The Iranian

Persian miniatures have been appreciated for centuries. But the work of contemporary artists like Aazam Harati have a modern spin. These stylized artistic interpretations of Persian and Islamic stories are extremely pleasing to the eye. No wonder Harati's work was a crowd favorite during the recent Evolving Perceptions art show in Washington DC ... GO TO FEATURE


Draw it
Seeking cartoonists

The Iranian has been seeking cartoonists since the Satire section was created some three years ago. Various artists have been featured there. Beginners or professionals are encouraged to submit their work. The latest person to answer the call is Hossein Hajagha. So far we have featured three of his cartoons:

- Fickle nation
- Evolution of women
- An immigrant in Canada

Looking forward to your work! Email


Iran finds its future in words of poets

Washington Post News Service
Friday, December 3, 1999

SHIRAZ, Iran -- The faithful are gathered at the tomb, beneath an intricately tiled cupola amid several acres of flowered grounds. Cloaked women kneel and press their heads against the stone coffin. Men reverently stroke it with their fingers. A single rose lies at the head.

On a chill fall night, the people of this southern city have come to pay homage not to an imam, an ayatollah, or a military martyr, but to a long-dead poet: Hafez, a 14th-century writer whose sensual verse, understood to be about God but nonetheless a staple for courting couples, is a durable source of delight for Iranians ... FULL TEXT


    What next?

TEHRAN, Dec 6 (AFP) - A 30-year-old man who had four fingers of his right hand cut off for theft under Iran's harsh Islamic laws is to lose his left foot after burgling the home of a judge, the daily Javan reported Monday ... FULL TEXT

More Letters

* Unsympathetic

Poopak Taati writes: I read Hossein Samiei's "A moon of our own". I asked myself A) What function does this essay have for Hossein? B) What is the point of this essay? And C) How could it affect others and their lives?

Let me first explain that the story left me very confused. Because although on the surface it appealed to me as beautiful, moving, and very engaging, on a deeper level it left me empty and sad and unsympathetic. I think, unconsciously, I was noticing a rather self-serving attitude that the story had portrayed of the boy in question ... FULL TEXT

* Murder mystery writes in response to, "Where are Miss Iran 1978 finalists now?" Roya Aqaie resides in Los Angeles. She was married, has children ( I think 3 ). Her husband was murdered last year. She was arrested as a suspect in the case. I don't believe she is guilty, but the legal system in this country works in peculiar ways. Her parents and only brother also live in Los Angeles.

* Film: Iranian films on Long Island

A filmmaking dynasty-in-the-making where life and art intersect and imitate one another: the work of Mohsen Makhmalbaf and daughter Samira Makhmalbaf reflects the struggle to balance modernity and tradition in Iran. Their films will be shown at the Cinema Arts Centre in Long Island, New York, starting on Dec. 10th until the 16th ... DETAILS HERE


Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh

* Barandeh-haa ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi

* Jazireh sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar

* Mumia va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour

* Mehr-e giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan

See more Iranian books for sale


Video of the Week

Divorce Iranian Style

A new documentary that goes where Western camera s have never before gone: into an Iranian divorce court. The film is directed by award- winning independent filmmaker Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, an Iranian anthropologist and writer, based in London, whose specialty is women's rights and family law in the Mid-East.

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More news

1200 people commemorate the anniversary of authors' murders

TEHRAN, Dec 6 (AFP) - Some 1200 Iranians gathered in a mosque here Monday in memory of two authors slain last year during a string of murders of leading intellectual dissidents that authorities blamed on rogue members of the secret police. They assembled in the Fakhr-Abad mosque to mark the anniversary of the deaths of Mohammad Mokhtari and Jafar Puyandeh, whose murders followed those of secular opposition leader Daryush Foruhar and his wife Parveneh ... FULL TEXT

Former Tehran police chief and 19 others face trial over July unrest: radio

TEHRAN, Dec 5 (AFP) - Tehran' former police chief Farhad Nazari and 19 other officers and men will be court-martialled soon for their role in the repression of last July's student demonstrations, state radio said Monday. Heavy-handed police intervention against the demonstrations at Tehran university which followed the banning of a pro-reform newspaper sparked off the worst rioting in Iran for 20 year ... FULL TEXT

Dissident's Imprisonment Widens Political Gap in Iran

December 6, 1999, (The New York Times) -- Student protests against the sentence continued Sunday, and Abdullah Nouri, the high-ranking cleric who was jailed on heresy charges, sent a message from prison that he was holding firm to his refusal to appeal, as a matter of principle. At the same time, word came from the clerical court that condemned him that it was considering new prosecutions of Nouri's associates on a reformist Tehran newspaper ... FULL TEXT

Iran protests to United States about treatment of its clerics

December 6, 1999, (The Guardian) -- A party of senior Iranian theologians has withdrawn from a conference in Washington in protest at their treatment by US immigration officials. The decision by the authorities at JFK airport in New York to take fingerprints and photographs of the mullahs at the weekend has caused outrage in Iran and has highlighted the difficulties in improving the Islamic republic's relations with the United States ... FULL TEXT

U.S. Reportedly Allows Boeing to Sell Parts to Iran

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton administration will allow Boeing Co. to supply Iran's national airline parts it needs despite an economic embargo against the country, The Washington Post reported in its Saturday edition ... FULL TEXT

Iran to cut red tape & boost foreign investment in its free zones

KISH ISLAND, Iran, Dec 6 (AFP) - Iran is planning to do away with excessive bureaucracy and ease foreign trade and investment in its free zones, Iranian ministers and officials said at an international seminar here Monday ... FULL TEXT

Kiarostami: Decade's best

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Sixty directors of film festivals around the world have named Abbas Kiarostami as the best director of the decade ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Photographers unionize

Tehran (Iran daily) - Iranian photographers have started a union ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Bitter experiences

Tehran (Iran daily) - How to avoid bitter defeats like Friday's match between Esteqlal and Saudi Arabia's al-Ittihad ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

World Cup 2002

Tehran (Iran daily) - Drawings for World Cup 2002 preliminary matches will be done in Tokyo today ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Persian Service

For the latest news, interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

Exchange rate

Updated December 6

Buying: 860-870 tomans per dollar

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Business news

The Web



The Pop singer's official web site . VERY nicely designed and fun to browse.

Beyond Iran

Grimm's Fairy Tales

The National Geographic Society's latest expedition takes us into the land of myth and mystery, with an exploration of everyone's favorite dreamland: "Grimm's Fairy Tales."

More web sites

Quote Unquote

Nothing done

Basic measures have not yet been taken to identify and produce the murderers [of dissident writers].

-- Fariborz Rais-Dana, secretary general of the Society of Authors
December 6, 1999

Photo of the Day

Students protest Nouri imprisonment (Three photos)


Musician of the Week

Revolutionary Pop songs (1979)

Music artists index