
Fridays with father
Lunching at Carl's Jr. or a Chinese fast-food joint
By Ashkan Yekrangi
February 16, 1999
The Iranian
Late into my freshman year of high school, my father decided that he
and I should spend more quality time with one another. My father, being
clever and all, decided him and I would go out to lunch Fridays after school.
At first this idea didn't seem too appealing to me, but as time passed,
Fridays with my father became one of the very few things I looked forward
Every Friday, instead of eating lunch at school like I normally do,
I "fast" until the hour of liberation, three o'clock. As all
the students rush out of school, I walk to the crowded bus stop and chat
with my friends until my father shows up ... GO
Iran: Giving voice to freedom
Tehran's intellectuals won't keep quiet
By Christopher Dickey
Newsweek International
February 22, 1999
His father said he was just going out to buy some groceries for dinner.
Mom was away for the evening visiting friends. Sohrab, 13, went back to
reading his book as the light faded on the north Tehran high-rise apartment
blocks. But now it was dark, and Papa wasn't back. Sohrab called his older
brother. He called his mother at her friends' place. And still his papa
hadn't come back, and couldn't be found.
Nearly a week passed before the body of Sohrab's father, Iranian essayist
and poet Mohammed Mokhtari, was found and identified. He had been strangled
with a leather strap ... FULL
Do you feel you belong to a lost generation?
Salam Irani,
Do you ever feel that you belong to a lost generation of Iranians? A
generation that left the country young enough to adapt well to a new home
and yet too old to be able to completely sell-out? ... That is the reason
behind a new e-mail discussion group simply called Generation Extreme.
You can subscribe to it at:
and then send your messages to: GenExtreme@listbot.com
... FULL
More Letters
* Went too far
Mehrdad Modjtahedi writes: I never thought that I would ever be writing
a letter of complaint to my absolute favorite website. However, I feel
that you simply went too far when you used the word "bimbo" to
describe the Iranian model Angylina.
I am not sure to what extent you were joking, or if you were serious.
Nevertheless, you should realize that such snide commenting is not only
unneccesary, but at the same time childish. I hate to break it to you
that not all Iranians can grow up to be BMW driving doctors and lawyers
from west ... FULL
* Hypocrytical
Reza Khalili writes:
I have to admit it is indeed quite hypocritical to name
people when in fact one has probably searched their way into
a site [Angylina], have viewed a fair amount of it and probably even
enjoyed it. I neither condone nor endorse her sight, but I believe that
such name-callings do not go in line with the good natured, and often thought-provoking
Iranian website and magazine.
* Film: Iranian film
festival in Houston
The series offers three powerful feature films from the quality cinema
made by veteran directors Mehrjui and Panahi and by newcomer Parviz Shahbazi.
It also features a remarkable full-length documentary co-directed by an
Iranian anthropologist and a well-known British filmmaker. Together, these
films offer affectionate and devastating glimpses of contemporary life
in Iran... MORE
Book of the Week

Women Without Men
A novella
By Shahrnush Parsipur
(Kamran Talattof Jocelyn Sharlet, translators)
The significance of Parsipur's work transcends the realm of literary
activities. Her works were among the first feminist-conscious enunciations
that appeal in the postrevolutionary period in response to limitations
imposed on women by the state ideology... The following stories [reflect]
the role that the rise of feminist-consciousness may play in the course
of cultural change in Iran." -- Introductuon
featured books
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Amir-Entezam trial opens in his absence
TEHRAN, Feb 16 (Reuters) - An Iranian court on Tuesday began hearing
defamation charges against a former deputy prime minister in his absence
despite protests from his lawyers, journalists said. The lawyers said they
would seek a new trial for Abbas Amir-Entezam. The defence attorneys protested
that Amir-Entezam had been forced to remain in jail and not allowed to attend
the court session, they added ... FULL TEXT
Japan to restructure $500Mn of Iranian
Feb 14 (AFP) - Iran now expects to earn just nine billion dollars from oil
exports for 1998-1999, a massive fivebillion dollar shortfall on the 14
billion dollars originallyprojected, officials announced on Sunday. The
collapse in the world oil price over the past six months meant that Iran
was now earning 25 percent less from oil exportsthan it was at the time
of the Islamic Revolution 20 years ago, thedirector of the state Planning
and Budget Organization, Mohammad-AliNajafi, told the official news agency
Iran official says Israel behind dissident
TEHRAN, Feb 16 (Reuters) - A senior Iranian official accused arch-foe
Israel on Tuesday of masterminding a spate of dissident killings and other
violence to destabilise Iran. Mohsen Rezaei, secretary of the powerful
Expediency Council, said Israel had also provoked an attack on a bus carrying
U.S. businessmen in Tehran in November to disrupt any normalisation in relations
between Tehran and Washington ... FULL TEXT
Iran missile for military, not civilian
LONDON, Feb 16 (Reuters) - Iran's new ballistic missile is more
likely to be a long-range surface-to-surface weapon than a satellite launcher
as Tehran claims, a leading defence analyst said on Tuesday. Clifford Beale,
editor of the prestigious Jane's Defence Weekly journal, said U.S. intelligence
officials had told him that Iran's new Shehab-4 was largely derived from
the obsolete Soviet SS-4 ballistic missile ... FULL TEXT

Iran's young squad showed promise
(Iran daily) - Iran sent some of its youngest national players to Kuwait
and they showed they can handle a tough rival ... IMAGE TEXT IN PERSIAN
U.S. senator
From: Bijan R. Kian

Senator Boxer & Iran: The "terrorist
In an interview on Larry
King Live on February 10, Senator Barbara Boxer referred to Iran as
a "terrorist nation." Is the use of the adjective "terrorist"
together with "nation" appropriate? Did she really intend to convey
that all persons of Iranian origin are terrorists? I think we should ask
her. Her email address: Senator@Boxer.senate.gov
$ Rate
Updated Feb 15
dollar now offered at up to 800-820 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
Join The Iranian online club where you can chat,
communicate privately with friends, exchange images, and much more. It's
a fun and civilized way to interact on the internet.
The Web
Khaaneh-ye Mellat
"Nation's House" is Iran's first electronic newspaper.
Run by the Majlis, it gives extensive coverage to legislative affairs. Need
a special Persian font to read it. Slow server.
Beyond Iran
World's Smallest
Web Server
From Stanford University's Wearables
Lab comes the latest offering in the "size matters" contest for
web servers (computers that publish pages online).
web sites
Quote Unquote
Not any more
I was an Islamic leftist, a Revolutionary Guard, and I worked at the
Ministry of Islamic Guidance. We wanted to change everything. We wanted
to create new kinds of human beings. I can tell you I don't have any desires
like that any more.
Akbar Ganji, editor of a political weekly, New Way, that was recently
banned by the government
"Iran: Giving
Voice to Freedom"
February 22, 1999
Photo of the Day

Musician of the Week

* Do raahi * Hamkhooneh * Baavar konam, yaa nakonam * Laalaaee
artists index |