Parvin Etesami

Time to move on
Twenty years after the hostage crisis
By J. Javid
November 4, 1999
The Iranian
Interview with Bruce Laingen, former U.S. charge d'affaires in Iran
who was one of the American diplomats taken hostaage at the American embassy
in Tehran 20 years ago this day. (RealAudio) ... GO TO
Analysis: Hollow ring to familiar chants
By regional analyst Tarik Kafala
November 4, 1999 (BBC) -- The 20th anniversary of
the siege of the United States embassy in Tehran has been marked in familiar
fashion - American flags are being burnt to chants of "death to America".
The demonstrations are familiar, but expressions of hatred towards the
US - "the Great Satan" - will ring hollow to many Iranians looking
forward, not to the past.
This anniversary comes against a background of changing Iranian-American
relations and a struggle in Iran between the conservatives and the reformists.
... FULL
Harmless American

Dan Quayle is a poster boy for U.S. computer products in Iran ... SEE PHOTO
More Letters
* Thinking small
Duke Beeler
writes: I read some of the articles on your site. America is a great
country and I'll kick anyone's butt for trying to run over my country!
I try to have no hatred towards any man but when your people live in the
past and continue to burn our flags and shout out "Death to American"
it causes nothing but hatred towards your people from Americans.
We just look at Iran as a bunch of ignorant individuals who are jealous
of our country and our life styles and can't handle life as it is. They
are people that live in the past and have nothing to look forward too.
If they would open their eyes and look for a future of good living and
stop blaming the world for their past failures then maybe they would have
a life of opportunity and prosperity to look forward to.
As for the British, yes, we did have a revolution against them and yes,
we did win and break away from Britian but any and all of those hard feelings
have since vanished and are forgotten where as if it were Iran, they would
still be boo-hooing about it! I do feel sorry for the people in Iran because
they do have a real big problem of thinking small.
* Mocking the chador
Isa Tanha writes:
I am writing this letter in regard to your article ["Halloween
1999"]. Apparently, the pictures show some young people dressed
in different costumes at a Halloween party. From what I see in those distorted
pictures, some of the costumes also appear to depict the traditional Iranian
dress -- the chador (veil). If this is the case, I like to express my deepest
disappointment in the attitude of such young compatriots who humiliate
and demean a traditional dress worn by our mothers and great grandmothers
Those who wear chador BY CHOICE are not ignorant as some may think.
They know what they are doing. What kind of message are we implying by
mocking them? Such displays are as bad as those who force women to wear
the chador, and those who forcefully prevented them to follow their belief
... FULL
* Academic: CIRA call for papers
Center For Iranian Research and Analysis (CIRA) is pleased to announce
The 18th Annual CIRA Conference at Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Maryland, USA
April 28-29, 2000 The theme of the conference is IRAN 2000: "The Challenges
Ahead". Submission of papers and proposals for organizing sessions
on all topics related to Iran, the Middle East, and Central Asia are encouraged.
Please send abstracts or proposals before December 15, 1999 to: Dr. Kamran
Dadkhah, Northeastern University, Economics Department Boston, MA 02115
- or - Dr. Mehrdad Vallibeigi, American University Economics Department,
4400 Mass. Ave., Washington DC, 20016. For further information you can
contact Dr. Valibeigi at 703-690-9400, or mvalibeigi@Yahoo.com
Books of the Week
* Moraba-ye
shirin (1998)
By Houshang Moradi Kermani
92 pages.
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
yaad-e Iran

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Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Iran vows ongoing struggle against U.S.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Iranians rallied outside
the former U.S. embassy Thursday, the 20th anniversary of the hostage crisis,
burning American flags and vowing to renew the struggle against the ``Great
Satan.'' Demonstrators also burned Uncle Sam in effigy while chanting ``Death
to America'' and ``Death to Israel,'' familiar cries in the streets of Tehran
over the past two decades ... FULL TEXT
Nouri says Iran can't ignore US forever
TEHRAN, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Maverick Iranian cleric Abdollah Nouri
on Thursday told a court trying him for political and religious dissent
that Iran could no longer ignore the United States' position as biggest
player in the international arena ... FULL TEXT
Americans held hostage by Iran forgo bitterness
Nov 4 (AFP) - The memory of his 444-day imprisonment at the hands of Iranian
revolutionaries remains etched in his mind. But 20 years to the day after
his capture, former US diplomat Michael Metrinko says: "The time for
bitterness is past." ... FULL TEXT
Drug traffickers kill 35 Iranian police
on Pakistan border: UN
Nov 4 (AFP) - Thirty-five Iranian policemen were killed in a clash with
armed drug-traffickers near the border with Pakistan Wednesday, United Nations
official Antonio Mazzitelli told AFP Thursday ... FULL TEXT

MKO vows revenge for missile attack
Nov 4 (AFP) - Iranian opposition group the People's Mujahedeen on Thursday
vowed revenge against Tehran for a missile attack on one of its bases that
left six dead and scores wounded ... FULL TEXT
INTERVIEW-Shell plans moves into Saudi
Arabia, Iran
LONDON, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Oil giant Royal Dutch/Shell is poised
for a breakthrough in the Middle East where it hopes to nail down new projects
in Iran and Saudi Arabia, company chairman Mark Moody-Stuart said on Thursday

Moghaddam "better than others"
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Saman Moghaddam, the director of the
critically-acclaimed "Siavash" -- has boasted that his first film
is better than those by current well-known directors. Here's an indepth
interview (PDF file) ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Generational gap
Tehran (Hamshahri) - "Siavash" looks at the gap between
two generations: the 1979 revolutionaries and their children in 1999 ...

Parvin: father figure
Tehran (Iran daily) - Persepolis headcoach Ali Parvin explains
why he was tough on Behrouz Tahbari-Far. "I love all the guys like
my own son," Parvin said ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Basirat on Sepahan
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Majid Basirat who plays in the national
team and Sepahan talks aboutwhy Sepahan has been a successful non-Tehrani
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
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The Web
Museum of
Contemporary Iranian Artists
What a delight! Yari Ostovany has expanded this cyber museum
where hundreds of works by Iranian artists are just a click away.
Beyond Iran
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and z are positive integers and x, y and z are all greater than 2, then
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web sites
Quote Unquote
Moving on
It's time to put it behind us. High time to put it behind us
-- Bruce Laingen, former U.S. diplomat in Tehran
November 4, 1999
Photo of the Day

embassy takeover anniversary
(Five photos)
Musician of the Week

Clip 1: Audio from the trailer for
Clip 2: Video clip of rare Googoosh
Persian dance
Clip 3: Video clip from "Hamoomak
moorcheh daareh"
artists index |