November 1-5, 1999 / Aban 10-14, 1378
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
* Literature:
Iranian authors in DC
* Academic: CIRA call for papers
* Art: Yari Ostovany's paintings, Emeryville
* Rights: Anniversary of the chain murders
* Politics: Iran prospects, N. California
* Literature: Parsipour's book
* Academic: Teach Persian at Arizona U.
* Politics: Persian Gulf conference - Tehran
* Music: Musical evenings with ZaZa
* Film: Hoveyda & Rossellini, New York
* Scholarship: Academic scholarship, northern California
* Music: Shahram Nazeri's U.S. tour
* Heritage: Be a friend of Encyclopaedia Iranica
* Protests: Human rights vigil, New York
* Documentary: Shamlou
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| Arts
| Business| Rights
* Iranian authors in DC
Iranian authors Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Shahriyar Mandanipour, Shahla Lahijie
and Mohammad Ali Sepanlou will be on a panel on Iranian literature. TIME:
Saturday November 6, 3:00 p.m. PLACE: Alice Deal, Jr. High School, 3815
Fort Drive N.W, Washington D.C 20016 (between Connecticut and Wisconsin
avenues off Nebraska).
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* CIRA call for papers
Center For Iranian Research and Analysis (CIRA) is pleased to announce
The 18th Annual CIRA Conference at Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Maryland, USA
April 28-29, 2000 The theme of the conference is IRAN 2000: "The Challenges
Ahead". Submission of papers and proposals for organizing sessions
on all topics related to Iran, the Middle East, and Central Asia are encouraged.
Please send abstracts or proposals before December 15, 1999 to: Dr. Kamran
Dadkhah, Northeastern University, Economics Department Boston, MA 02115
- or - Dr. Mehrdad Vallibeigi, American University Economics Department,
4400 Mass. Ave., Washington DC, 20016. For further information you can
contact Dr. Valibeigi at 703-690-9400, or
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* Yari Ostovany's paintings, Emeryville
Gallery Ovissi presents Yari Ostovany: paintings from the series "Conference
of the Birds" Jan Eldridge: paintings of malta Joan Wortis: calligraphic
meditations Saturday , November 6 from 5 - 8 p.m. (Drinks & appetizers)
On view until December 25, 1999 1425 Park Ave, Emeryville, California,
USA Hours: Saturday/Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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* Anniversary of the chain murders - Virigina
To commemorate the first anniversary of the murder of prominent Iranians
Parvaneh Forouhar-Eskandari, Dariush Forouhar, Mohammad Mokhtari, Majid
Sharif, Mohammad Jafaar Pouyandeh and Pirouz Davani (missing and presumed
dead), a gathering will be held on Friday, November 19, 1999 7:30 p.m.
at George Marshall High School located at 7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church,
Virginia. Speakers are:
- Mr. Arash Forouhar, the son of Parvaneh & Dariush Forouhar
- Dr. Karim Lahiji, President of League for Defense of Human Rights in
Iran and attorney for the Forouhar family.
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* Iran prospects, N. California
World Affair Council of northern Califonia presents: "Prospects
for Democratic change in Iran"
- Speaker:Dr.Abbas Milani, chairman of Department of History and Political
Sience,College of Notre Dame,Belmont, Calidornia.
- Time: Thursday, 18 November, 7:30 p.m.
- Place: Stanford Law School
- Cosponsored with the Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation
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* Documentary: Shamlou
Would you like to show a documentary about poet Ahmad Shamlou ("Ahmad
Shamlou: Master Poet of Liberty") in your community? Here's who you
should contact: Dr. Bahman Maghsoudlou (producer), The International Film
and Video Center, 989 First Avenue New York NY 10022, Tel: 212-826-8848,
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* Exile & gender - Berkeley
"Center for Dialogue" presents: "An Exiled's View of
Gender", A lecture by Maliheh Tirehgol, member of Association of Iranian
Writers in Exile and the author of "An Introduction to Persian Literature
in Exile". Date: Sunday November 7, 1999 -- Time: 6:00 PM -- Place:
2040 Valley Life Science Building, University of California, Berkeley.
Lecture in Persian.
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* Parsipour's book
Doostane azizam, Salam. Shahrnoosh Parsipour has recently published
a book that she had written 20 years ago but couldn't get permission to
publish it then in Iran. A few closer friends of hers are trying to use
the occasion of her new book to raise some funds for her. The idea is to
sell the 80 books that she has received from her publisher at $100 each
to those who want to support her ... DETAILS
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* Teach Persian at Arizona U.
The Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona
has an opening for a tenure track position at the level of Assistant Professor,to
start in the academic year 2000/2001. Applicants must have a primary specialization
in Persian language and literature ... DETAILS
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* Musical evenings with ZaZa
In November selected bookstores around San Francisco's Bay Area will
host a musical evening with ZaZa. At these events she will be performing
her repertoire of songs from around the world plus selections from her
recent release, 'Book of Kings' and her other albums, 'Nights One and A
Thousand' and 'Primal Whispers' ... DETAILS
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* Hoveyda & Rossellini, New York
Fereydoun Hoveyda was one of the writers for Roberto Rossellini's first
documentary, "India". A restored copy will be shown in New York
City on November 6 at the American Museum of Natural History ... GO TO
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* Academic scholarship, northern California
The Society of Iranian Professionals
in northern California is now accepting applications for the 1999-2000
Academic Year Scholarship. Please forward this application to any Iranian
student, parents, family members and friends in U.S. to be considered by
SIP Scholarship Committee. For information on donation please write to:
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* Fundraiser for Rob Sobhani's run for the Senate
The Iranian American Republican Council is pleased to announce its second
fund-raising event for Dr. Rob Sobhani, the first Iranian American to run
for U.S. Senate, representing the State of Maryland ... DETAILS
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* Shahram Nazeri's U.S. tour
Shahram Nazeri and Dastan Ensemble are currently on tour in the U.S.
Shahram Nazeri: vocals
Reza Ghasemi: setar
Hamid Motebasem: tar, setar
Hossein Behrouzinia: barbat
Pejman Hadadi: tombak, daf
Afshin Mehrasa: daf
Reza Ghassemi and Afshin Mehrassa appear as guest artists of Dastan Ensemble
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* Be a friend of Encyclopaedia Iranica
Pardis Minuchehr writes: Did you know that the most extensive research
on Persian culture and civilization is uderway in New York City? And did
you know that you could easily become a supporter of the biggest research
project on Iran? If you want to know more about the Encyclopaedia Iranica
project, just go to:
There are many ways you could become a friend of this project. In order
to find out just reply to this email. (All contributions are tax deductible
to the extent permitted by law) (For Organizations: Please forward this
message to your membership, friends and anyone interested.)
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* Human rights vigil, New York
Fourth week of vigil in New York: The Iranian Human Rights Working Group
(IHRWG) is calling on all concerned groups and individuals to participate
in a weekly vigil in support of the fundamental human rights of the Iranian
people. Human Rights violations in Iran have intensified following the
peaceful demonstration of students demanding freedom of press among other
things ... DETAILS
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