
Moon kissed
Searching for the total eclipse
By Mansi Saboori
October 20, 1999
The Iranian
I was one of the lucky few. I don't know if I will be able to see another
one in Iran during my lifetime, for the next total eclipse will happen
35 years from now, on March of 2034. I was also lucky to be in a country
where the probability of seeing the eclipse was over 90%. I filmed this
historical event with a group of Iranian filmmakers and friends. At that
time in Tehran, people and the press were mostly engaged in the student
demonstrations, unrest, and political ramifications of the events followed
by the crackdown. However, I soon found out that so many others who were
much too busy with their everyday life struggles, including dealing with
the high prices of food, goods, and other necessities, and could not pay
much attention to the political crisis ... GO
Challenging the revolutionary court

Ayatollah Jalaledin Taheri, the Friday Prayers leader of Isfahan has
severely attacked the revolutionary court for bringing charges against
Abdollah Nuri, publisher of the moderate Khordad newspaper. Taheri, who
is also Ayatollah Khamenei's representative in Isfahan, has offered to
act as Nuri's lawyer ... FULL
The f'ing moon

This is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. It's from a
tape called "Our
Dumb Century" by the guys at www.theonion.com
(there are a lot of funny bits in the entire cassette, but this is the
best piece). It makes fun of the first landing on the moon. If you're at
work, keep the volume down! (WARNING: riddled with profanity)... LISTEN HERE
Thanks to I.D.A.
More Letters
* Doesn't hold water
Reza Azarmi writes: In his
recent article "Disillusioned",
Moghadam sails through the uncharted waters of the Iranian social psychology.
He has decided, though arbitrarily, that the Iranian work ethic lacks substance,
and in need of serious evaluation. He, skillfully, has taken time to take
a look at the historic aspects of the Iranian behavior, declaring that
centuries of invasions, and living under different rulers has impacted
the content of our character, and thus social normalcy...
Moghadam, to an extent is right for his critical views regarding our
social behavior, but we need to stop bashing ourselves in the head. We
need to embark on a new identity. As Americans, we are here to work hard,
live,and enjoy life. Yes, as an Iranian American we will help our people
to get to their highest human potential. We have no choice. I am sorounded
by great numbers of diverse ethnicities. I see that they elevate their
people to important jobs in their organization. Why not us? ... FULL
* Tasteless defense of Islam
Saeed Derhami writes: Your
letter "Moslem
first" is based on so many fallacies which I don't know how and
why one wanted to bother to comment. All your thoughts regarding Arabic
language and its distinguished miraculous features are just as nonsense,
as is your bad reading of the Quran. The Quran has never mentioned any
superiority of Arabic or any other languages to reveal the message of God.
In fact the Quran says God could have revealed messages in any other language
as good and effective as Arabic. The only reason the Quran was revealed
and then written in Arabic was that Mohammad was an Arab...
Your tasteless defense of Islam is worse than Communists attacking religions
as a source of all human misery. Islam or any other religion have been
indispensable for the quality of life we have today. But they are not without
their tradeoffs; mankind paid dearly for it. Again all humans paid a great
price for religions -- no doubt about that; a point often keep being ignored
or covered under the carpet by over zealous religious agents like you.
How many people lost their rights, belongings and lives in the name of
religion? ... FULL
* Politics: Persian Gulf conference
- Tehran
The Center for Persian Gulf Studies of the Institute for Political &
International Studies affiliated with the Iranian Foreign Ministry is convening
its tenth international conference entitled "The Persian Gulf: Towards
the 2lst Century" on January 24-25, 2000 in Tehran. Any scholar interested
in participating in this conference, contact Mr. Mohsenin at the Secretariat
at Shahid Bahonar Avenue, Shahid Aghai Street, Tehran, Iran P.O. Box: 19395/1793,
Tehran, I.R. Iran Email: ipis@www.dci.co.ir
Fax: +98-21-2710964 Phone: +98-21-2571010 through 2571014
Books of the Week

* Parishaadokht-e
she'r (1998)
A tribute to Forough Farrokhzad
By M. Azad
* Jaa-ye
khaali-ye solouch (1998)
A novel
By Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
* Aashofteh-haalaan-e
bidaar bakht (1998)
A novel
By Gholamhossein Saedi
* Mossadegh:
Saal-haaye mobaarezeh va moqaavemat, Vol 1 & 2 (1997)
A detailed account of Mossadegh's political struggles
By Gholamreza Nejati
* Daastaan-haaye
masnavi (1995)
Stories from Rumi's Masnawi
By Yazdanbakhsh Qahraman
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
yaad-e Iran

These 2 VHS tapes are the most recent tapes about Iran. They are 2 hours
in length and each tape contains rare video clips from inside Iranian cities.
Over the years we have offered several videos about Iran, but these two
tapes are by far the best we have ever had. We are certain you and your
family and friends will enjoy these two tapes in its entirety.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Iran court hears prominent blasphemy case
TEHRAN, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Iran's judiciary on Wednesday bore down
on four students and a professor charged with insults against one of Shi'ite
Islam's holiest figures, assembling a special panel of Supreme Court judges
and hinting it may hand down the death penalty. Lined up along one wall
of the crammed, top-floor courtroom were six senior clerics from the Supreme
Court acting as advisers to Judge Saeed Mortezavi, who under Iranian law
doubles as prosecutor ... FULL TEXT
Iran appeals court to rule next week on
former Tehran mayor
Oct 20 (AFP) - Former Tehran mayor Gholamhossein Karbaschi, a close ally
of President Mohammad Khatami jailed since last May on corruption charges,
will get a ruling on his appeal next week, judicial officials said Wednesday.
"Tehran's court of appeal will announce its ruling on the conviction
of former mayor Karbaschi on October 30," an advisor to judiciary chief
Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi told the official IRNA news agency ...
Cohen In UAE for Iraq-Iran talks with allies
DUBAI (Reuters) - Defense Secretary William Cohen arrived in the
United Arab Emirates Wednesday for talks about Iraq with leaders of the
Gulf state keen to see Baghdad's return to the Arab fold. Cohen stopped
first in Abu Dhabi to meet UAE President Sheikh Zaid bin Sultan al-Nahayan
and then met defense chiefs in Dubai ... FULL TEXT
Iran charges US with wanting to damage
relations among regional countries
Oct 19 (AFP) - Iran's foreign ministry on Tuesday accused US Defense Secretary
William Cohen of seeking to spoil relations among regional states by implicating
Tehran in the 1996 Saudi bombing of a US barrack. Cohen wants to "exploit
the differences between regional countries, and secure US interests and
its arms sales," said ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi cited by
the official IRNA news agency ... FULL TEXT
3 freed Portuguese still in Zahedan, and
in good health: embassy
Oct 20 (AFP) - Three freed Portuguese journalists held hostage for 22 days
by drug traffickers in southeastern Iran are in good health in the provincial
capital of Zahedan, Portugal's embassy in Tehran said Wednesday. "The
three men are safe and in a good condition," an embassy staff member
told AFP. "The ambasssador, Arsenio Jose Manuel Da Costa, is currently
in Zahedan visiting them," the embassy said. "He will bring them
back to Tehran, but it is not clear when." ... FULL TEXT
Iran proposes first international bonds
since revolution
Oct 20 (AFP) - Cash-strapped Iran will issue foreign currency bonds for
the first time since the Islamic revolution 20 years ago, the deputy director
of the central bank said Wednesday. "The bond offering will be a good
way to raise needed hard currency," Mohammad Jafar Mojarad said, cited
by the official IRNA news agency ... FULL TEXT
Japan's PM Obuchi welcomes growing investment
in Iran
Oct 19 (AFP) - Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said Tuesday he would
welcome an increase in Japanese investment in Iran as a way to strengthen
bilateral relations. Obuchi made the remarks when he met senior Iranian
parliamentary leader Hasan Rouhani, who arrived here Saturday on a six-day
visit, a foreign ministry official said ... FULL TEXT

Baizaie's latest
(Cinema) - Bahram Baizaie will start filming his new film "Sagkoshi"
in a month ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Cinema is alive
Tehran (Cinema) - "Cinema is alive" are the words on
a banner hanging on the burnt remains of Cinema Azadi (Shar-e Farang) in
Tehran. Box office sales are high despite the refusal of the conservative-dominated
state TV to air teasers for new films ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Spotlight: Rahbari-Fard
Tehran (Hamshahri) - If Hadi Tabatabaie hadn't been so damn good
in saving several goals in the game against Denmark, the brightest star
of the match would have been Behruz Rahbari-Fard who did great on the defensive
Azadegan league table
Oct 20, (Iran Sports Press) - Persepolis, Sepahan and Pas are the
top three teams of the Azadegan league. See the full standings ... FULL
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
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The Web
Saeed's Everest
"The thought of climbing Mt. Everest for me began in
my teenage years. Teams from different countries climbing that mountain
always raised the question for me: why not Iranians? After the 1979 revolution
in Iran, this thought turned into a personal dream..."
Beyond Iran
Media Trip
featuring the short film, George Lucas in Love.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Don't matter
cheh baraay-e kar bezani, cheh baraaye kur beraqsi.
(Useless as singing to the deaf or dancing for the blind)
-- Persian proverb
Photo of the Day

Musician of the Week

* Minevisam az to
* Darvish
* Pir-e farzaaneh
* Baaz aamadam
* Parsukhtegaan
artists index |