
By Esmail Nooriala
August 16, 2000
The Iranian >>>

Majnoon has no pride
By Zara Houshmand
August 16, 2000
The Iranian
Majnoon has no pride;
me, I have no place to hide.
Fingertips on keys
punch holes in boundaries
between two worlds
and the wind whistles through shamelessly,
shamelessly >>>

In Australia
By Laleh Khalili
August 16, 2000
The Iranian
My mother grows lemons and marigolds her exile garden
........and hangs her laundry on sunny clotheslines
My mother drinks her bitterness down with tea
........and finds joy in pistachio green >>>

By Mehdi Moazzen
August 16, 2000
The Iranian >>>

Third coast brunch
By Ali Mohajer
August 16, 2000
The Iranian
Muriel sat watching in the corner,
playing with the paper,
hiding in the pages.
She's a sad one. Always
wearing black or brown >>>

Persian princess insania
By Leyla Momeny
August 16, 2000
The Iranian
I am america-girl:
britannica irania
persian princess insania
lavash skin, aquiline nose,
my heart emerged as a golden oud,
well-mannered and traveled,
have reached the skirts of Isfahan >>>
Wistful Iranians feed on a satellite beam of nostalgia
By Geneive Abdo
The Guardian
August 16, 2000
Every night Ahmad sinks into his armchair and drifts back to 1978. He
listens to the songs of Googoosh, Iran's banned and most venerable pop
star. He watches old films and remembers a time when romantic love was
a public affair. For the next few hours he weeps, out of longing for the
time before the Islamic Revolution.
He goes to bed already looking forward to his return from work the next
day, when he can escape to the past again >>>
Energy issues will play bigger role in US election
WASHINGTON, Aug 16 (Reuters) - When Americans enter the voting booths
in early November, their choice for president may be influenced by the
climbing cost of filling gasoline tanks and heating homes. Energy issues
are expected to play a bigger role in this year's presidential campaign
than during any election since 1980, when a doubling of oil prices and
higher fuel costs helped Ronald Reagan defeat Jimmy Carter >>>
Beh shomaa cheh?
Looking into the needs and issues facing young giels in Tehran? >>>
More Letters
* To educate, or entertain?
Morteza Loghmani
writes: I have been an avid reader of your news magazine for last two
years. Lately, I have noticed a disturbing trend in your feature stories.
Some features are informative, educational and some leave the reader with
void and wondering what is the point?
As you know The Iranian has become a medium for the diaspora
community across the globe. Has become an entertainment magazine?
Or are you dedicated to inform and educate the readers about Iran.
The younger Iranians are at risk of becoming shallow-minded and superficial.
* Women are not men, Persians not Arabs
FK writes: What
a beautiful
letter written by a young son of this old country. There is obviously
nothing wrong with being Arab and I personally have a lot of Arab friends
whom I am really happy to get the chance to meet with and I honestly respect
them for who and what they are.
However, there is an issue called identity. If you are not an Arab you
are not and if you are, you are. This is like being a woman or a man, there
is nothing wrong with being one of each but if you are a woman you don't
wanna be called Mr. --- and vise versa >>>
* Persian rugs with American designs?
Hakhamaneshi writes:
After reading the article
on rug merchants in Tehran, I was deeply saddened to learn how some
merchants who obviously are not thinking of anything else except their
own profit, are so naively and superficially ruining one of the most precious
aspect of Iranian heritage and culture which has been manifested in carpet
weaving , by trying to find out what the Americans want or like and changing
the carpet industry in Iran by implementing those "American"
designs >>>
Film: "The Girl in Sneakers"
in Seattle
The Girl in Sneakers - (Dokhtary Ba Kafsh-haye Katany) (with English
subtitle). An Iranian film based on a true story by Rassul Sadr Ameli featuring
Pegah Ahangarani (Winner of the best Actress Prize 23rd Cairo International
Film Festival Egypt, 1999), Majid Majidzadah, & Akram Mohammadi will
be shown on Sunday, August 20 in Seattle >>>
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
Curses fall from your lips, and the moon smiles.
Those curses come from rubies forged in fire.
Curse again, your words caress my heart
Like a breeze that stirs the petals of a flower.
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

President urges patience on reforms
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami vowed Wednesday
to press on with reforms but warned supporters to be patient and realistic.
``I stand firm ... on my promises. We ought to have a free climate for expression
of views ... and not betray people's dreams,'' state IRNA news agency quoted
Khatami as saying >>> FULL TEXT

U.S. ship rescues Iran helicopter
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - A U.S. ship rescued the two-man crew of an
Iranian helicopter that crashed near an oil rig in the Persian Gulf, state-run
radio reported Wednesday. The conditions of the pilot and co-pilot, who
were believed to be Iranian, were not immediately known >>> FULL
Khamenei rules out ties with the U.S.
Aug 16 (AFP) - Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei again ruled out re-opening
ties with the United States, the official IRNA news agency reported Wednesday.
Khamenei blasted Washington's efforts to secure a Middle East peace deal,
which has long been opposed by Tehran, and said the United States was trying
to impose its will on the region >>> FULL TEXT

Reformists oust hard-liner
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Reformist lawmakers ousted a hard-line legislator
Wednesday and made public a threat by a vigilante group to put a bullet
into the ``traitorous heads'' of those seeking change. The two moves showed
a new resolve by the reformers in their struggle with conservatives led
by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the last say in all state matters >>>

Radical daily resumes publication in reformist
Aug 16 (AFP) - A radical daily which ceased publication last year reappeared
Wednesday expressing support for the reforms of President Mohammad Khatami.
Jahan-e-Eslam (World of Islam) said it was now the organ of the Association
of Partisan Forces of the Imam (APFI), a group formed in 1997 at the time
of Khatami's election >>> FULL TEXT
Judicial official casts doubt on the re-opening
of newspapers: paper
Aug 16 (AFP) - A conservative newspaper, citing an unidentified "high-ranking"
official in the judiciary, cast doubt Wednesday on reports that banned papers
would be returning to newsstands soon. The official, quoted in the Qods
daily, contradicted statements Monday by Iran's number-two judge, Hadi Marvi,
that some of the more than 20 newspapers and magazines could be allowed
to re-open >>> FULL TEXT

Parliament okays defence lawyers for all
court hearings
Aug 16 (AFP) - Defendants on trial in the courts will be allowed to have
a lawyer on hand for all hearings under draft legislation passed by the
parliament on Wednesday. The bill, which will be forwarded to a parliamentary
committee for further readings, would mark the first time since the 1979
Islamic revolution that defendants were granted full rights to a lawyer
in court >>> FULL TEXT

OPEC to raise output capacity by 1.1 mln
bpd in 2001
YORK, Aug 16 (Reuters) - Oil cartel OPEC's limited spare production capacity,
will rise by about 1.1 million barrels per day (bpd) by the end of next
year, giving the cartel a little leverage to ease tight supply, according
to a Reuters survey on Wednesday. Nine of the eleven strong cartel are pumping
at full capacity after a 2.4 million bpd rise in the group's supply quotas
this year, and the lack of spare supply has helped to push current prices
well above the group's $25 to $28 a barrel target level. Benchmark Brent
this week hit 10-year highs of $32.80 >>> FULL TEXT

Bolder artists, art managers
Tehran (Hamshahri) -- The 2nd of Khordad reform movement has encouraged
many artists to express themselves more freely. And the art establishment,
notably Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Arts, has also undergone changes
toward bolder projects >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Films enter European fests
(Jam-e Jam) -- Iranian films have been accepted at Italian and Spanish film
fests >>> FULL TEXT

Young actor: Not just a clown
(Jam-e Jam) -- Saeed Alikhani is a young actor who has played many roles
as a comedic actor. But he says he doesn't want to just clown around, he
wants to play serious roles too >>> FULL TEXT

Iran defeat Georgia in friendly
TEHRAN, August 1 (Iran Sports Press) -- With video: The Iranian
National Team defeated Georgia 2-1 in a friendly match at Azadi Stadium
on Wednesday. The head coach of the Iranian team, Jalal Talebi, fielded
mostly young and inexperienced players against Georgia to determine their
readiness and capablities for possible recruitment to his Asian Cup squad

A slap in the face for Haghdoost
(Iran Sports Press) -- With video: "Control your temper and
always respect the referee's decision", coaches continually stress
to their players. However, for one assistant coach on the Zobahan football
team the saying goes, "Respect the referee or else I will slap you".
Davoud Haghdoost, a young player on Zobahan team who has been recently invited
by Jalal Talebi to join the Iranian National Team camp, the match against
Zobahan taught him a few lessons, albeit severe, about uttering profanities
at the referee >>> FULL TEXT

Draw announced for under-17 Asian championships
August 15 (Iran Sports Press) -- The draw for the Asian Under 17 Championships
was held in host country Vietnam on Tuesday. The groupings for the Championship,
which will be held from September 3 to 17, are >>> FULL TEXT
Iran: the biggest jail for journalists
in the world says RSF
Reactions to the arrests of reformist journalists
inside and outside Iran is continuing. Latest being a statement by Reporter
Sans Frontiers titled: ' Iran: the biggest jail for journalist in the world'
. Daryoush Homai spoke to Virginie Locussol of RSF: >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Googoosh Superstore has a new look with an
exclusive picture of her on stage decorating our merchandise. How about
a Googoosh mousepad?
Beyond Iran
RatherBiased consists of "over 500 statements
from America's most politicized journalist" -- Dan Rather. We found
it rather curious that the site's creators don't identify themselves, although
they do state the mission of their carefully organized diatribe -- to help
loosen "the stranglehold of government by the media."
web sites
Quote Unquote
Gradual reform
I stand firm ... on my promises. We ought to have a free
climate for expression of views ... and not betray people's dreams... But
I believe there is no other way to reach our goals than through a calm and
gradual process.
-- President Khatami
August 16, 2000
Photo of the Day

reaffirm reform

artists index

Mahan Moalemi
Untitled |