August 28-September 1, 2000 / Shahrivar 7-11,
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
* Literature:
Women writers of diaspora: Deadline
* Aid: Helping drought victims in Iran
* Theater: Sex & suspense: play in Berkeley
* Media: Need reporter in Iran
* Comedy: Shappi and Peyvand Khorsandi in London
* Festival: Iran in Chicago humanities fest
* TV: Cultural & Financial Rewards of HOMA-TV
* Art: Group exhibition in Los Angeles
* Rights: Amnesty of non-documented immigrants in the US
* Film: Farmanara's film in Montreal festival
* Art: First painting biennial of Islamic world in Tehran
* Film: "The Girl in Sneakers" in Seattle
* Art: Email list for Iranian artists
* Art: Artists at Rumi conference, southern California
* Film: "Dance of Dust" at California film fest
* Event: Iranian-Am art exhibit, Washington DC
* Rights: Support freedom of the press
* Event: Cultural fest in northern California
* Vote: Online registration for U.S. elections
* Soccer: Azizi in Washington DC
* Art: Shirin Neshat in London
* Community: Iranian-American poll
* Discussion: Iran-Forum discussion list
* Support: Donations to journalists in Iran
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
email us
* Women writers of Iranian diaspora: Deadline extended
A new collection of writing aims to bring together the chorus of voices
by and about women of the Iranian Diaspora. We are seeking submissions
of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction essays for a new collection of writing
by and about Iranian women in the Diaspora. Works that particularly challenge
the notion of a homogeneous Iranian female and that reflect a feminist
perspective are encouraged. This new collection of writings authored by
women attempts to give voice to the unique visions, concerns, and struggles
that have been central for Iranian women in the Diaspora >>>
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* Need reporter in Iran
To journalists working in or on Iran. Middle East International is a
fortnightly English-language paper covering Middle East politics, based
in London. We need a correspondent who is in a position to file news stories
on Iran every two weeks, covering the principal political developments
there and the country's regional and international relations. If interested
please contact
Steve Sherman,
The editor
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* Shappi and Peyvand Khorsandi in London
Back by popular demand! The comedy team of will perform on 4 and 11
September at London's Camden People's Theatre >>>
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* Iran in Chicago humanities fest
NOVEMBER 2 12, 2000
Programs Focusing on Iran
(Excerpted from the Complete List of 150 Programs)
Tickets are available after September 5: · In person: Symphony
Center Box Office, 220 S. Michigan Avenue · By phone: PhoneCharge
312.663.0339 · Through the Chicago Humanities Festival website, . Please refer
to the program number when ordering tickets. Advance tickets are $5 each,
unless otherwise indicated >>>
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* Share in the Cultural & Financial Rewards of HOMA-TV
The Foundation for American Iranian Rapprochement, a Political action
committee, also known as FAIRPAC,
is pleased to announce its plan to launch the first non-profit, satellite-based,
public TV network with a 100% annual profit sharing rebate program for
its prime subscribers >>>
To top
* Group exhibition in Los Angeles
The Society of Iranian Women in Los Angeles Presents:
Group Art Exhibition
September 1 through September 30th. Reception: September 9th, 2000.
Time: 5-9pm Location: Eagle Rock Community Center 2225 Colorado Blvd. Eagle
Rock, CA 90041 323-226-1617. Featured artists are >>>
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* Helping drought victims in Iran
Iranian Health Foroum e-News (
-- To help the victims of Iran's worst drought in 30 years, donors can
make their contributions directly to the Iranian government or to relevant
UN agencies. (See news here)
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is
prepared to serve as a channel for unearmarked contributions to be used
for relief assistance. These will then be allocated in consultation with
theGovernment of Iran and relevant organizations in the United Nations
Funds should be transferred to:
OCHA account No. CO-590.160.0
Swift code: UBSWCHZ12A at the UBS bank of Switzerland
P.O. Box 2770, CH-1211 Geneva 2
with reference: OCHA - Iran - Drought
OCHA provides donors with written confirmation and pertinent details
concerning the utilization of the funds contributed. For coordination purposes,
donors are requested to inform OCHA Geneva of bilateral relief missions/pledges/contributions
and their corresponding values by item.
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* Amnesty of non-documented immigrants in the US
Online petition: "Campaign for General Amnesty" for non documented
immigrants in the US hosted on the web by, a free online
petition service >>>
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* Farmanara's film in Montreal festival
At the 24th Montreal Film Festival 'The Smell Of Camphor, The Fragrance
Of Jasmine' written & directed by Bahman Farmanara has been chosen
for the official compettion. The festival will be held from August 25 to
September 4 >>>
To top
* First painting biennial of Islamic world in Tehran
Iran's Academy of Art, in collaboration with Tehran Museum of Contemporary
Art, holds the first painting biennial of the world of Islam to give impetus
to relations among artists and introduce their latest works in a prolific
competition. It is hoped that the exhibition provide an international arena
in which to present Islamic ideals and spiritual values as reflected in
the artistic experiences >>>
To top
* "The Girl in Sneakers" in Seattle
The Girl in Sneakers - (Dokhtary Ba Kafsh-haye Katany) (with English
An Iranian film based on a true story by Rassul Sadr Ameli featuring
Pegah Ahangarani (Winner of the best Actress Prize 23rd Cairo International
Film Festival Egypt, 1999), Majid Majidzadah, & Akram Mohammadi will
be shown:
Date: Sunday, August 20
Show Times: 4:00 PM, 6:30 PM, & 8:30 PM
Place: Seattle Art Musuem (Downtown Seattle) 100 University Street
Tickets are $8 each >>>
To top
* Email list for Iranian artists
Iranian Artists in Dialogue is a public listserve (e-mail list) open
for subscription to all interested individuals and organizations. IAD's
goal is to creat a space for artists and cultural workers from/in/interested
in Iran to engage in dialogue about common concerns, ideas and thematics
that influence our creative works and the context (histories, societies,
cultures) in which we create. Also, the list aims to facilitate our ability
to network, to connect, to support, and to inspire one anther. Join IAD
Today >>> DETAILS
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* Sex & suspense: play in Berkeley
August 13, 2000
Contact: (510)595-4607
Sex and Suspense in Two Languages
Darvag, the Berkeley-based Iranian
theatre company, pushes the limits with a bilingual production of Mario
Fratti's VICTIM, with the same cast playing alternate nights in English
and Persian.
A rapid-fire drama of sex and betrayal, VICTIM is Italian playwright
Fratti at his best--urbane, sardonic, edge-of-your-seat suspense.
Directed by Bella Warda, with newcomer Firouzeh Farah in the role of
Diana, and Ali Dadgar and Hossein Khoshrowjah as the other two corners
of this deadly triangle. Opening September 1, through September 17, with
performances in English on Fridays, and in Persian on Saturdays and Sundays
To top
* Artists at Rumi conference, southern California
Dear Friends,
Here is an invitation to see a great art exhibition and attend an
interesting conference on Rumi in southern California. There are least
five Iranians in the exhibition! Seyed Alavi, Kamrooz Aram, Termeh Dimi
Yeghiazarian, Taraneh Hemami and Nasser Ovissi. Hope to see you down there
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* "Dance of Dust" at California film fest
Iranian film at the 14th Wine Country Film Festival: "Dance of
Dust" is an evocative study of the unbelievable harsh life of Llia
- a boy living in a desolate rural backwater. Llia is haunted by mysterious
whisperings calling him to other realms. His attraction to Limua, the daughter
of a seasonal worker, becomes his reason to endure. A simple, poetic, deeply
moving masterwork. Director/Screenwriter: Abolfazl Jalili. Sunday 8/13.
3:00 PM, The Roxy Stadium 14, 85 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, CA >>> DETAILS HERE
To top
* Iranian-Am art exhibit, Washington DC
Evolving Perceptions will open their 4th annual exhibition of Iranian
American artists in Washington DC on Saturday, September 9, 2000 from 6
-9 p.m. The central focus of the exhibition is PEACE. We asked artists
to address, explore, question and define the concept of peace in their
works of art, both on a personal and more general level >>>
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* Support freedom of the press
An unprecedented attack has started against the press in Iran. Some
22 newspapers, weeklies, and other publications have been ordered shut
by the judiciary. We condemn the closing of the newspapers and the jailing
of their editors and writers. We support freedom of expression for all.
We condemn suppression of the people's rights and voices in all shapes
and forms. We ask that you join us by placing the "Free Iran Press"
ribbon on your site. You are welcome to link the ribbon to this page, or
copy it to your site. >>>
To top
* Cultural fest in northern California
The fourth annual Iranian cultural festival in northern California will
take place on October 8, 2000 at the Cupertino Quinlan Community Center
in Cupertino, CA. The festival will include a wide variety of community
activities, including dance, music, poetry, Arts & crafts, Book signing,
Art Gallery, face painting, and food >>>
To top
* Online registration for U.S. elections
Voting is the only sure and effective way of expressing your opinion
in a democracy. If you are an American citizen and have not yet registered
to vote, please do so conveniently online. Here is the address: //
Please distribute this to friends and family.
Hamid Zangeneh, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Widener University
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* Azizi in Washington DC
House of Iran & Pejvak are proudly sponsoring "Iranian Day"
at D.C. United soccer club. The 2nd Annual Iranian Day at D.C. United will
be a game between D.C. United and San Jose, featuring Khodadad Azizi. Date:
August 19. Time: 8:00 PM. Location: R.F.K. Stadium in Washington D.C. Admission:
$18/$15 >>>
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* Shirin Neshat in London
Shirin Neshat
28 July - 3 September 2000 at the Serpentine
Kensington Gardens London W2 3XA
"Born in Iran in 1957, Shirin Neshat studied art in the United
States and was in Los Angeles when the revolution of 1979 overtook her
country. returning for the first time in 1990, she was deeply affected
by her homeland's radical transformation. Working in photography and video
installation, her art refers to the social, cultural and religious codes
of Muslim societies in general and Iranian society in particular >>> DETAILS
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* Iranian-American poll has created a special page to poll Iranian-Americans about
themselves and other issues >>>
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* Iran-Forum discussion list
A new e-mail discussion list has been set-up specifically on Iran and
Iranians. Iran Forum is an independent discussion list for exchange of
ideas and debate on issues relating to Iran and its future in a non-violent,
intellectual, productive and courteous environment.
Iran Forum is not advocating or organized to promote the ideology and/or
political goals of any particular party, faction, political figure or movement.
Its creation was the result of discussions and recognition of the need
to create such an environment by various activists within the Iranian community
around the globe and its membership includes individuals and organizations
from every background, political and religious leaning, locations and countries
as far as Australia, Africa, Middle East, North and South America.
Iran Forum is administered by a group of volunteers and activists.
To join Iran Forum or to read more about it , Please visit:
Iran Forum Admin. Team
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* Donations to journalists in Iran
To those who want to support the independent press and their laid off
staff in Iran: You can send donations to a relative/friend in Iran and
ask them to deposit to: Bank Saderat-e-Iran Account # 1617
Branch Code: 2921 in Tehran (Palestine Enghelab Branch). People in Iran
have so far (May 11) donated over 13 million tomans.
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