
By Mohandes
December 5, 2000
The Iranian

Native Americans on canvas
Paintings by Hooshang
December 5, 2000
The Iranian
"Born in Persia, Hooshang earned his BFA at Tehran University.
He lived in Spain for eight years, then came to the United States to visit
his brother. Today Hooshang is a U.S. citizen living in Louisiana, where
he creates his paintings in a studio full of light and color." >>>

His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets
By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian
Raising the fortress of freedom
Ganji Sues Larijani
BBC Persian Service
Akbar Ganji, a jailed pro-reform journalist, has lodged a complaint
against Javad Larijani, a well known conservative figure. He has accused
Larijani of spreading false accusations concerning Mr Ganji's past activities.
Daryoush Homai talks to Gholam Ali Riahi, Ganji's lawyer >>>
A Few Tanks for Iran
By Michael O'Hanlon
The Washington Post
December 5, 2000
Early in November, Moscow informed Washington that it intended to withdraw
from a 1995 U.S.-Russian agreement limiting sales of advanced conventional
weapons to Iran. Under the terms of that accord, Russia had promised to
stop exporting arms to Iran by the end of last year. In exchange, Washington
agreed not to impose sanctions on Russia for its existing arms contracts
with Iran. Now Moscow says that because the 1995 agreement was supposed
to be secret, but has recently become public in the United States,Russia
will no longer be bound by its terms >>>
Iranian ``Protest'' loses the plot
By Robert Koehler
HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Daring in its desire to inject political and social
commentary into a conventional melodrama, yet aesthetically far behind
the work of younger, more rigorous Iranian filmmakers, vet helmer Massoud
Kimiayi's ``Protest'' fails to connect its vast array of dramatic dots

Al's peace offer
My mom quoting some comedian: Al Gore says to George Bush: "I
give up. You won the election. I'll kiss your elephant. You kiss my ass."
More Letters
* Crazy chauvinist weirdo
Mojgan writes:
Thank you so much for giving this crazy chauvinist weirdo a lesson
up, for God's sake"]. All this guy needs is attention and unfortunately
he's getting it by posting such disgusting articles on this web site ["Real
Iranian girls?"]. (I have no idea where the heck this freak comes
from, but I'm sure he's from a very screwed up family) >>>
* How does she know?
Aannuu Chaudry writes:
I think it is sad that some people consider their views representative
of all women. The comments ["Grow
up, for God's sake"] made by Mojdeh about her impressions of all
girls in Iran are so prejudicial and disqusting!
She is doing exactly what she accused men of, and degrading herself
at the same time. She needs to go to psychological counselling or something,
I mean what girl really likes "anal sex"? And how does she know?
* Nothing before Googoosh
Ebrahim Majidi writes:
I just wanted to tell you the reason why Googoosh, our queen of hearts,
is not talking about Ghanbari ["We
forget"] and the like: I am old enough to remember that people
like Ghanbari gained all they have -- fame and experience -- just by working
with Googoosh >>>
* Knack for writing
Dna G. McIntyre writes:
I liked your piece on Persia,
Iowa. You have a definite knack for writing, and a sense of humanity,
and humor. I don't know what line of work you are in. But I think you should
try journalism.
I look forward to reading your column in some newspaper. I have no doubt
you'll make it.
* Adam & Eve, Not Adam & Adam
Cusex writes: Homosexuals
have a choice to be gay or not. Aids is a virus that originated from homosexuals,
we have the freedom as Americans to choose to be gay or not, but it is
takeing away others freedom... As you read in the Bible, God created Adam
and Eve to marry. If he intended us to marry the same sex, he would have
made two people of the same sex >>>
Business: Work for consulting firm in
Atieh Bahar Consulting, Iran's leading strategic consulting firm is
looking for a few young, dynamic persons to join its growing team. Three
positions are currently open in the firm: 2 consultants and 1 executive
secretary. The consultant positions require the following qualifications
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
Gentle hearts, who scatter seeds of loyalty
And rain pure goodness down on this black earth:
You've heard, no matter where, the state I'm in;
Don't separate me from my love again.
* Also see more Rumi
Rumi book

The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Khatami seeks grass-roots solidarity against
conservative onslaught
Dec 5 (AFP) - Embattled reformist Iranian President Mohammad Khatami returns
to his grass-roots support among the young Wednesday as he mulls standing
for re-election in the face of fierce conservative opposition. Khatami will
address students and hold a question-and-answer session at the reformist
stronghold of Tehran University on the annual Students Day, his office said
Conoco sees quick change in Iran sanctions
Dec 5 (Reuters) - Conoco Inc.(NYSE:COCa - news)(NYSE:COCb - news) Chief
Executive Archie Dunham said on Tuesday he expects the United States to
drop unilateral economic sanctions against Iran within the next 12 months,
regardless of who becomes president. ``I really believe that the policy
will change in the next 12 months,'' Dunham told investment analysts in
Houston >>> FULL TEXT
Lifting of US oil sanctions against Iran
"inevitable": Iran
Dec 5 (AFP) - Iran's Deputy Oil Minister Hossein Kazempour-Ardebili said
here on Tuesday a lifting of US oil sanctions against Iran was "inevitable."
"The lifting of sanctions is from now on inevitable, because the democrats,
like the republicans, know that they (the sanctions) are of no use,"
he said during a news conference >>> FULL TEXT
US to urge Moscow to reverse resumption
of military cooperation with Iran
Dec 5 (AFP) - The United States will urge Moscow to reverse its decision
to resume military cooperation with Iran at a meeting of US-Russian experts
in Moscow Wednesday, a US embassy official said Tuesday. Asked by AFP if
the US delegation would press Russia to stand by a bilateral accord banning
arms sales to Iran, the official replied: "Yes >>> FULL TEXT
Senior Iraqi foreign ministry official
arrives in Tehran
Dec 5 (AFP) - Iraq's under-secretary for foreign affairs, Riad al-Qaissi,
arrived in Iran late Tuesday for an official six-day visit, the IRNA news
agency reported. Qaissi, who arrived overland, said in the western town
of Korrmanshar that this visit was aimed at "improving relations between
the two countries on the human level and resolving the issues of prisoners
of war," which has still not been settled 12 years after a war between
the two countries ended >>> FULL TEXT
Tehran rejects UN human rights resolution
Dec 5 (AFP) - Iran energetically rejected Tuesday a resolution adopted by
the UN General Assembly a day earlier expressing "deep concerns"
about press freedom in Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported. "This
resolution, voted by a small majority of the UN General Assembly, is too
categorical and does not correspond to the reality of Iranian society",
IRNA quoted foreign ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Assefi >>> FULL
Iran drops plan to manufacture Islamic
rival for Barbie
Dec 5 (AFP) - A plan to protect Iranian youth from the "negative influence"
of the popular US Barbie and Ken dolls, by replacing them with home-made
"Islamic" substitutes, was abandoned, the official IRNA news agency
reported Tuesday. "Four years after the promise to commercialise the
dolls -- Sara and Dara -- they still have not been produced," said
Majid Qaderi, the director-general of the state-run educational center for
youth >>> FULL TEXT

Farmanara's film a favorite in Chicago
Tehran (Hayat-e No) -- Audiences at the Gene Siskel Center in Chicago
have picked Bahman Farmanara's "The Smell Of Camphor, The Fragrance
Of Jasmine" as their favorite film >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Karimi's first film
Tehran (Hayat-e No) -- Ali Karimi's first film "Az kenaar-e
ham meegozareem" (We pass each other) is at the editing stage >>>

Literature of war
(Hayat-e No) -- A very interesting analysis of Iranian war novels >>>

Civilization Cup
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- Italy, China, and Egypt have agreed to
take part of the Civilization Cup matches in Terhan >>> FULL PERSIAN

Majidi wows UAE
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- Farhad Majidi has been named the player
of the week in the UAE >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Public funds for Red & Blue
(Iran Varzeshi) -- Tehran municipality is giving 400 million tomans to Persepolis
and Esteqlal. Why? >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Islamic dissent in the Islamic Republic
of Iran
Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic,
a large sections of the clergy have questioned some of the basic tenets
of the theocratic government and also opposed to its policies. In the first
of his four reports Sadeq Saba looks at the opposition of the senior clerics
to the creation of the new Islamic order in Iran >>>
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The Web
An Iranian, Islamic, anti-imperialist, anit-zionist,
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Quote Unquote
I really believe that the policy will change in the next
12 months ... I'm optimistic, regardless of whether it's a Bush administration
or a Gore administration, that we're going to have a change in our unilateral
sanctions policy.
-- Archie Dunham, Conoco CEO
December 5, 2000
Photo of the Day

Imperial Leather
Iranian of the Day


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Maryam Tajik
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