The Iranian Times

Wednesday December 20, 2000 / Azar 30, 1379, No. 1130


Sehaty Foreign Exchange


Big brown eyes
I wished I could be his mother

By Maryam Joseph
December 20, 2000
The Iranian

One Friday, early in the morning on a cold winter day, I was supposed to meet one of my friends at a bus station in Gisha. We were going to go to Darakeh.

I was late, and in a hurry. I paid the taxi driver and ran under the Gisha overpass towards the bus station. As I was running I saw a little boy (he might have been about five-years old) coming toward me >>> GO TO FEATURE


By Saeed Tavakkol
December 20, 2000
The Iranian


His red-robed highness
Exposing Iran's dirty secrets

By Akbar Ganji
The Iranian

Kayhan, Akbar Khoshkoosh & Mohsen Ejehie >>> GO TO FEATURE


Boycotting trial

BBC Persian Service

Relatives of the victims of the serial political killings say they have dismissed their lawyers and have no intention of attending the trial which is set for 23 December. Lara Petrossian talks to Siavosh Mokhtari, son of Mohammad Mokhtari, one of the victims who explains why they have made such a decisio >>> LISTEN

2015 Outlook: Enough Food, Scarce Water, Porous Borders

The New York Times
December 18, 2000

WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 ó In a sweeping projection of what the world will look like in 2015, the intelligence community has concluded that issues like the availability of water and food, changes in population and the spread of information and disease will increasingly affect the national security of the United States.

The assessment, contained in an unclassified report called "Global Trends 2015," also makes a number of predictions about the political landscape of the world.

One is that strategically important countries like Iran and Nigeria and even strategic allies of the United States like Israel could fall victim to internal religious or ethnic divisions, "and crisis ensues." Another is that China, India and Russia "form a de facto geo-strategic alliance in an attempt to counterbalance U.S. and Western influence." >>> FULL TEXT

    Boxing ring

Hayat-e No: Esmail Tatatri, the Majlis deputy from Kermanshah, wants to run for president >>> FULL TEXT

Cherik-haye Fadaie-ye Khalq: Analysis of recent political develoipments in Iran >>> FULL TEXT


The point

Maraym Joseph's "Big brown eyes" is just the kind of stuff I would love to see more of. It's simple. It could have happened to any one. It has no Hollywood ending. It's honest. It shows that we are not always noble, but human.

More Letters

* Soaal-e saadeh

Zartosht, az Italia writes: Yek soaal-e besyaar saadeh az Nariman Neyshapouri: Aayaa ishaan midoonand keh saakenaan-e sarzamin-e Iran az bish az 30 ghom va nejaad-e motefaavet tashkil shodeh?Dar in soorat manzoor ishoon az "Iranian racial characteristics" chist? Besyaar jaaleb ast keh ishoon khodeshoon raa "racist" nemishenaasand!

* Best disinfectant: Free debate

Tony F. Soltani writes: I applaud Mr. Javid's courage and respect for free and open debates ["Drawing the line"]. The right to be heard only matters when it is granted to those with whom we disagree. Perhaps the most unpopular ideas deserve the most lattitude in being aired.

Race relations is an explosively tough issue. To tackle it , it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude. But not to address it is arrogant and in many ways oppressive. My experience is that the best disinfectant against bad ideas is to allow them to be debated -- freely.

* A lot of hypocracy

Ali A. Parsa, Ph. D. writes: I know you will ot print this but I just have to get it out of my chest. With all due respect for you, I think you are exercising some hypocrisy. As a person who admires you for a lot of good work to provide a forum for Iranian-Amricans I am compelled by my conscience to offer you some constructive criticism. I do my part even though you have often choosen not to print what I sent you because you personally don't agree with me >>> FULL TEXT

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* Censorship, just like in Iran

Cyrus Raafat writes: Dear Nariman, Your point of view of there being absolute censorship by the is validated and true. I am usually one who accepts all different opinions and as a law student am most definitely used to two, three, or four sides of an issue. It really disturbs me that there are indeed people who call themselves "progressive liberals" yet who reject freedom of ideas and expressions WHEN THOSE IDEAS CONTRADICT THEIR VIEW POINTS >>> FULL TEXT

Art: Iranian art show in Toronto

A multidisciplinary exhibition in Tornoto (January 13 - February 17, 2001) , Trans/Planting brings together nine Iranian artists whose works engage the problematics of nationality, history, gender and sexuality through diverse practices ranging from photography and painting to installation and digital media >>> DETAILS




Gates of Fire
Persian victory over Spartans in 480 B.C.
By Steven Pressfield



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    Translation of today's poem by Zara Houshmand:

    The nightingale comes to the garden, no more the crow.

    Light of my eyes, to the garden with you I will go.

    Like lilies, like roses, we'll open out in blossom,

    And we, like water running through gardens, will flow.

    * Also see more Rumi translations

    Rumi book

Rumi: The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis

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More news

Families of murder victims decide not to attend trial

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - Relatives of several slain dissidents and intellectuals have dismissed their legal team in the latest twist to the controversial case, the official IRNA news agency said Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

MPs laud former culture minister

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - A majority of MPs voiced their support Wednesday for popular former culture minister Ataollah Mohajerani, who stepped down from office last week amid sharp conservative criticism >>> FULL TEXT

Germany condemns Iranian charges of Berlin conference participants

December 20, Berlin (dpa) - Germany on Wednesday condemned charges made against 17 Iranian nationals who attended an Iran conference in Berlin earlier this year sponsored by the Greens Party >>> FULL TEXT

Reformist in court over impeachment allegations

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - A reformist who claimed conservatives are trying to impeach President Mohammad Khatami was in court Tuesday to answer questions about the allegation, the state IRNA news agency said >>> FULL TEXT

MKO demands arrest of 15 top leaders, including President Khatami

WASHINGTON, Dec 20 (AFP) - A controversial exiled opposition group on Wednesday demanded the arrest and prosecution by an international tribunal of 15 leading members of Tehran's Islamic government alleging their complicity in a 1988 purge of dissidents >>> FULL TEXT

Thief has fingers chopped off in punishment

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - A serial thief has had the fingers of his right hand chopped off as punishment, in line with the nation's strict version of sharia, or Islamic, law, press reports said Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Iran sending more humanitarian aid to Palestinians

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - Iran will send some 30 tonnes of medical supplies and other humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, the official IRNA news agency reported on Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Iran suspends imports of EU beef over mad cow disease scare

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (AFP) - Iran has suspended imports of beef from all European Union countries over concerns about the dangers of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease, the press reported Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Iran says would buy Boeing if U.S. sanctions lifted

TEHRAN, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Iran's civil aviation organisation said carriers were willing to procure Boeing (NYSE:BA - news) aircraft to upgrade their fleets if U.S.-imposed sanctions were lifted, the semi-official Iran newspaper said on Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Bush Wants OPEC to Raise Oil Production

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect George W. Bush (news - web sites) said on Wednesday he hoped to convince OPEC (news - web sites), which has hinted it may be time to cut oil production, to pump more oil to help lower energy prices >>> FULL TEXT

Recent poetry described as "she're harekat"

Tehran (Hamshahri) -- Abolfazl Pasha is a young poet who has written a book claiming that most of the poems of the past ten years can be categorized as "she-re harekat" (poetry of movement/action) >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

House of Cinema: Biased?

Tehran (Dowran-e No) -- House of Cinema board members respond to complaints that their decisions are biased >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Folk music fest in Kerman

Tehran (Hamshahri) -- A special feature on a very special folk music festival held in Kerman >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Iranian players not paid what they deserve

Tehran (Iran daily) -- Many Iranian soccer players are now playing in Europe. But they make far less money than you think >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Ali Daei in World team

Tehran (Iran daily) -- Ali Daei will play for the World team against Japan and South Korea >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

Language Barrier Big Problem for Shy Bagheri

London - December 20: The English premiership these days is full of foreign players. Some are undoubtedly stars, and some lets face it are very ordinary. You can think of any nation, and the chances are, they are represented. One of the less known foreign player in the premiership is a World Cup record goal scorer >>> FULL TEXT


Reactions to new UN sanctions against Taleban

The Taleban have angrily rejected new sanctions imposed by the United Nations, accusing the organisation of being an enemy of Islam. There have been reactions to the new sanctions from other quarters. Here is a report >>> LISTEN HERE

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Quote Unquote


I know now that there is nothing redeeming in, and I am saddened by this fact, because [it is] just like the censorship laws during the pre and post-revolutionary Iran...

-- Cyrus Rafaat
Letter to The Iranian
December 20, 2000

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